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Old 01-10-2014, 02:46 PM
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Default Fruits and Vegetables Make Up a "Healthy" Weight Loss Plan

however, on "fruits and veggies" often puts dieters into a caloric deficit. Because fruits are so water dense and most veggies aren't very high in calories (relative to animal foods, nuts, dairy products, etc.), weight loss is usually imminent, but short lived. Like any calorie restrictive diet, the "healthy fruits and veggies" idea can lead to loss of lean body mass and water loss. The minimization of complete proteins in random vegetarian diets often leads to further muscle catabolism (the body begins to feed off of muscle tissue for fuel) and over time energy and metabolism decline. Don't get me wrong. Fruits and vegetables are very healthy! It's just that it's far simpler to get all of the valuable nutrients for optimal metabolic function, cell growth, muscle maintenance, and energy when meals contain a supportive balance of proteins and natural complex carbohydrates.

It should also be noted that while fruits are indeed healthy, the sugar content can alter blood sugar and decrease the likelihood of fat release. When fruits are ingested with proteins and essential fats, the release of sugars into the bloodstream is slowed. Can you be a vegetarian and be healthy and fit? Of course! You just have to be a bit more educated in how to get the nutrients you remove from your diet when you give up animal foods. There are many vegetable based foods and food combinations including soy products, beans, whole grains, and nuts that can work together to fill in the amino acids and minerals that are most often delivered through meats and animal foods. Supplements can also play a valuable role for vegetarians, but a supplement program should be carefully designed by someone highly qualified in nutrition. Bottom line . . . fruits and veggies are not likely to be the backbone or foundation of a successful weight loss program, although they can certainly be a valuable part of it.
Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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