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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2013, 02:24 PM
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Default ectomorph/endomorph/mesomorph

just watched video on wherte it says depending on your body type should train different whats peoples thoughts on this

basically says
ectomorph are skinny should do no more that 3days heavy with low reps
endomorph the fat guy should do 5 days training and higher reps
mesomorph the perfect guy can mix both training types depending on goals

i mean surely the heavy wieghts is the best to buld muscle no matter what shape you are
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2013, 03:21 PM
Barman's Avatar
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Nope silly everyone should train with high intensity and should try different types of training such as very heavy low reps, light weight high reps or mid weight for as many as you can and find what you like most (sport depended) as well as what makes u grow better. Since theres different muscles types in your body and every one is different you have to find what works bests for you

Its more to do with different diets with body types by that I mean ratio of fat and carbs mostly I find endos like myself can get away with lower kcals and grow since around 20% or more of endos have a lower than average thyroid function and mid fats and carbs with high protein seems to work the best.
with. with Ecto just get your protein in and eat anything you can (for the most part) and Mesos just do what you like as long as you get enough protein in they will be fine this is from my own body experience as well as from people I know and talked to as well as forums
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