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Old 02-05-2013, 02:05 PM
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Default axio biogen, syntrop:: no more??

After a decade of selling anabolics, and spending most of that time on the run from American Law enforcement, Brian Wainstein (aka Baruch Ben Benjamin, aka Ben Banjamin, aka Trevor Thorton, aka John Moylan) has been arrested on steroid charges in South Africa. He is the mastermind behind GenXXL and Axio Labs, as well as a number of other (smaller) steroid firms. At the time of his arrest, he was also wanted by Interpol.

At this stage, he faces not only charges from South Africa, but his indictment has been unsealed here in The United States, and authorities are seeking his extradition. He holds Israeli citizenship and spent much of his time there - where the United States has no extradition treaty. However, South Africa is a different story, and the United States has extradition treaties in effect with the country.

Axio Labs was founded during the demise of the original British Dragon (which has nothing to do with the current one), and is the major in-house brand of GenXXL. Since the outset, however, quality control has remained an issue...

Other, smaller labs, such as Syntrop and Biogen also lay claim to being manufactured and sold by Wainstein under the GenXXL banner. Over the past few years, their products have been seized, and their sellers arrested throughout Europe (France, Germany, Ireland, etc...) as well as in Cyprus and Canada.

Mr. Wainstein presided over what was (and still is) arguably the world's largest underground lab, and this arrest could have dire consequences for tens of thousands of his clients (not to mention remailers) in the United States - as his lawyer (while denying the allegations) has stated that he will be co-operating with authorities.
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