Bros + sisters get involved!
I can't belive what little participation there is? There is even a contest AT HARDBODY1 for free gear for guys, and a choice between anavar or $50. for females for posting the "hotest" pic and hardly anyone even tries?
I mean the guys just have to post a pic of their girl and the ladies can do the same or post one of a friend or hopefully themselves in their workout gear, show a pretty face and maybe a bicep pose, or even better a shot on their contest clothing either strike a pose or just standing there.
Free gear, or $50 bucks for that and no one even tries?
What is it going to take to get men and women active on here?
I Bostonpaul posted my cycle and its almost like I am talking to myself...I mean no comments from guys or girls...noone feels they know enough to help me along?
I dont get it. I have over 900 posts in my other forum and have started many threads where people get involved right away. This board can be great if only Bros and Sisters would start chipping in, get involved!