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24th June
Chest Day Flat Bench Press 12 reps warm up 3 reps warm up 3 reps warm up 12, 10, 8 and 6 rep working sets Was supposed to increase the weight with each set, but got the weights completely wrong and couldn't even do the first 12 reps with rest/pausing for the last 2. Rather than lower the weight I kept it the same and did some more rest/pausing to completely the 10 and 8 reps sets and then upped the weight by 2.5kg to do the last 6 reps without resting (work that one out!) Incline Dumbbell Flyes 5 sets x 6 reps first set was a lighter warm up set Incline Dumbbell Presses No warm ups required Straight into 10, 8 and 5 rep working sets Couldn't make the last rep of the last set! Not unless I rest/paused until tomorrow! I have a problem with my left side when pressing dumbbells. Without any sign of weakening or any pain my left side just gives up. This means I have to go in hard and heavy from the off and see how many I can pump out before that happens. It's kin annoying coz my right side has always got plenty left in it. Overall, very pleased with this workout. It's my first chest workout of my new training cycle and I'll get the exact weights right next time. Having said that, I pushed harder and heavier than I have for quite a few years. That little bit of test must be doing something! |
27th June Leg and Biceps Day
Smith machine squats 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps Don't laugh, but I have never used a smith machine for squats! Or deadlifts! But did this at work and without any form of cage, safety rack or even a half decent barbell that's what I did today. This meant that although I got the weight almost right they weren't spot on! A good workout though. Smith machine deadlifts 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps Same as with the squats! Easibar bicep curls 15, 12 and 10 reps in quick succession Seated cable curls 4 sets of 15 reps A few days ago I wrote that the pip was getting better now my quads are no longer virgin muscle. That didn't prove to be the case. So I've been reading various blogs over the last week and there seems to be a 50/50 split over whether its best to pin test e once or twice a week. TBH three or four days of pip is getting to be a bit of a drag so I'm going to try squirting in 400ml of test once a week for a while and see what happens. With luck the result will be three of four days without pain (however manageable)! I'm also going to make an effort to warm the oil first, warm the pin site afterwards and massage it post pin. I'm back cycling 2 lots of 12 miles daily every three or so days per week. Wouldn't be much help if I was bulking but as this is more of a cutting cycle than a bulk I'm hoping it will speed things along a bit! I'm halfway through my fourth week and in a week or so the test is supposed to be properly kicking in. I'm looking forward to that! I'm not sure how to describe what I feel about my test cycle so far except to say that my strength and endurance are up slightly, but more to the point I just feel 'better'! Last edited by stillgoingstron; 07-01-2013 at 07:44 PM. |
Let me know how the pip with weekly goes...my other half is currently doing e3d so he stays pretty sore it's not has bad with the massage and heat on site. I've also noticed that when I massage the area that I can feel knots which go away after a good massage and some heat patches. So I can only imagine that it is pretty painful...his response is that you pay to play lol :-)
I love your posts stillgoingstron there good to read and follow along...I'm rooting for you buddy!
Every PRO was once an AMATEUR. Every EXPERT was once a BEGINNER. So DREAM BIG and START NOW! |
Cheers DD. That was a scary quick reply. I was just about to add that I threw some crunches in at the end of the workout!
Re the weekly jabs, yep I'll let you know. I agree with hubby that you have to grin and bear it, but after almost four weeks of the same pain/feeling it would be nice to have a day off! It might be even worse but I'll only know when I've tried! Thanks for all your comments tho. I've just made you my number one fan. ![]() |
29th June
Shoulders and triceps Seated leverage gym shoulder presses 3 warm up sets of 10, 2 and 2 reps, the last at the same weight as the first working set. 4 working sets of 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps. Each using a weight to just about complete the reps. Seated Arnold presses Just one warm up set of 10 reps to get into the twisting groove Then 4 working sets of 12, 10, 8 and 4 reps. Was supposed to end on 6 reps but couldn't even lift my pen to record the weight for a few minutes afterwards! Easibar upright rows No warm up and straight into 3 sets of 15, 12 and 10 reps. Single arm side lat raises 3 sets 15, 12 and 15 reps Narrow grip bench press 4 sets of 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps Triceps pressdowns 3 sets of 15, 12 and 10 and then a few sets of 2 or 3 reps to exhaustion The pip from my last pin is no better and no worse than most of my previous pins. Hoping it wil completely clear tomorrow though, which gives me around 4 or 5 days pip free. No cardio today coz basically I feel knackered! We've all had a bit of a shock today. There's been a shiny, bright round light in the sky all day. Rumour has it that it's the sun! I've asked around but no one can really remember what the sun looks like! Last edited by stillgoingstron; 07-04-2013 at 03:06 PM. |
1st July
Back workout Pendlay Rows 12 warm up reps 2 minutes rest between sets 3 working sets 15 reps and 1 of 14 (couldn't quite make that last one) V Bar Seated Rows (row fast but with form) 30 seconds rest between sets 12 warm up reps 4 working sets of 15 reps Kroc Rows 15 warm up reps 3 working sets of 20 reps 30 seconds rest between each set Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 4 sets of 15 reps 30 seconds rest between each set This is lower weight, higher rep week to give my poor aching body a chance to recover! Still bloody hard work though. Hate to keep going on about it but having heated the oil in a cup of water, covered the pin site with a warm beanbag and then massaged the area afterwards the pip lasted just two days. I've now got around 4 days without any pip! Something else happened today that I've never experienced and that is a ridiculous pump in my biceps, triceps and shoulders and I was doing a back workout! I've read about this sort of pump, just never felt it this way. If it happens like that on bicep day l'll probably end up curling just my fingers! Last edited by stillgoingstron; 07-01-2013 at 07:42 PM. |
I do my hubbies injections as well and he says that it's a lot better with me doing them.
He still gets pip buts he's running 100mg test prop eod so he doesn't get much of a break in-between injection times. We use the warming pads to keep the knots down and that has helped a lot! Keep up the posts stillgoingstron ;-)
Every PRO was once an AMATEUR. Every EXPERT was once a BEGINNER. So DREAM BIG and START NOW! |
2nd July
Chest Incline Bench Press 12 reps warm up 12 reps warm up 12 reps warm up 3 reps warm up 3 reps warm up 4 sets of 15 reps Did loads of warm ups to get rid of a bad pain in my right bicep and didn't/couldn’t start the working sets until it had cleared. Incline Dumbbell Flyes 4 sets of 15 reps (last set to failure) That lot was enough for my chest today! Dumbbell Curls Did a straightforward pyramid of alternate arms non stop of 15, 15, 10, 15 and 15 reps, increasing the weight for first three sets and then decreasing again. Got a good pump. I think I might be turning the pip thing into a bit of a drama and that's not really my intention. Appreciate the advice from DD and also a post by CC, both suggesting the heat pads and the massage and that seems to have worked. Also, jealous of you andyebs, but I think my missus would pin me in the eyeball if I gave her control of the needle! I'm not going to mention pips and pins again. I'm starting to bore myself, so who knows what effect it's having on my reader! Last edited by stillgoingstron; 07-06-2013 at 09:55 AM. |
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