Being that I come from a bodybuilding back round it's been difficult to transition into powerlifting.
The first two weeks of training as a Powerlifter were interesting. Week two consisted of an immune system crash. Weakness, aching joints and bones, as well as lethargic behaviour. This was explained as being the transition within your muscle tissue from a more volume based routine, into a low volume and heavy weight based routine. It was awful. Anyone with similar experiences?
Current body weight is at 275-280, at what I would guess is 12% bf. 750mg test e with 2.5 units of arimidex.
Transitioned from 6k calories clean diet, to around 7k calories with simple carbs, sugars, and higher fat content.
Starting squat was 455lbs raw. Current squat in an assisted squat suit is 715lbs, an just this past week 735lbs with assisted briefs and the buffalo bar during training.
Starting deadlift was 635lbs belt less. Current
pr sits at 700lbs with a belt, and 725lbs reverse bands for doubles just recently.
Bench was not doable when starting transition. Left partially torn pectoralis major, and soon after right as well. With single ply assisted bench shirt a
pr of 490lbs, and 545lbs to a 1/2 board soon after.
The numbers listed are over a 5 month period from starting
pr to current
2012 NPC national qualifier (first show)
Weighed in at 242lbs, at 3.9% bf. profile picture is this exact show.
2014 RPS powerlifting meet (first meet)
Weighed in at 278lbs.
Squat-660lbs (brief assisted)
Bench-490lbs (single ply shirt assisted)
Deadlift-700lbs (belt only)
First place finisher in 308 weight class
Soon after the meet I began feeling weak. Training was at only 4 days a week focused on heavy movements only.
With incorporation of more volume days 3 days a week with bodybuilding movements, strength is beginning to climb back to original state.
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