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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2014, 11:51 PM
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Default roughly

Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
Day 2 - Back and Traps
Day 3 - Quads and Calves
Day 4 - OFF
Day 5 - Shoulders and Biceps
Day 6 - Deadlift and Hamstrings
Day 7 - OFF

Chest and Triceps
Bench Press - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Incline Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Flys - Burn 1 x 40
Closegrip Bench Press - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Seated French Press - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Cable Tricep Extension - Burn 1 x40

Back and Traps
Barbell Rows - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Dumbbell Rows - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Lat Pull Down - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Seated Cable Row - Burn 1 x 40
Power Barbell Shrugs - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Dumbbell Shrugs - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Power Barbell Shrugs - Burn 1 x 40

Quads and Calves
Squat - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Leg Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Front Squat - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Leg Press - Burn 1 x 40

Seated Calf Raise - Muscle 2 x 10 to 15
45 Degree Calf Raise - Burn 2 x 40

Shoulders and Biceps
Seated Barbell Press - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Seated Arnold Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Barbell Front Raise - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Lateral Raise - Burn 1 x 40
Pinwheel Curls - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Standing Barbell Curl - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Cable Preacher Curl - Burn 1-2 x 40

Deadlift and Hamstrings
Deadlift - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Romanian Deadlift - Muscle 3-4 x 6 to 12
Leg Curl - Muscle 3-4 x 6 to 12
Leg Curl - Burn 1 x 40
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2014, 11:53 PM
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Originally Posted by toon22 View Post
Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
Day 2 - Back and Traps
Day 3 - Quads and Calves
Day 4 - OFF
Day 5 - Shoulders and Biceps
Day 6 - Deadlift and Hamstrings
Day 7 - OFF

Chest and Triceps
Bench Press - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Incline Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Bench Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Flys - Burn 1 x 40
Closegrip Bench Press - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Seated French Press - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Cable Tricep Extension - Burn 1 x40

Back and Traps
Barbell Rows - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Dumbbell Rows - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Lat Pull Down - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Seated Cable Row - Burn 1 x 40
Power Barbell Shrugs - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Dumbbell Shrugs - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Power Barbell Shrugs - Burn 1 x 40

Quads and Calves
Squat - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Leg Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Front Squat - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Leg Press - Burn 1 x 40

Seated Calf Raise - Muscle 2 x 10 to 15
45 Degree Calf Raise - Burn 2 x 40

Shoulders and Biceps
Seated Barbell Press - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Seated Arnold Press - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Barbell Front Raise - Muscle 2 x 6 to 12
Dumbbell Lateral Raise - Burn 1 x 40
Pinwheel Curls - Power 2 x 3 to 5
Standing Barbell Curl - Muscle 2-3 x 6 to 12
Cable Preacher Curl - Burn 1-2 x 40

Deadlift and Hamstrings
Deadlift - Power 2-4 x 3 to 5
Romanian Deadlift - Muscle 3-4 x 6 to 12
Leg Curl - Muscle 3-4 x 6 to 12
Leg Curl - Burn 1 x 40
sounds like ur good to go bro..
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2014, 12:05 AM
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Default still sick..

i went out with the intention of working chest and tris. workout partner also works with me so needless to say him and the rest of the crew are sick.. it was a pretty sore sight. had to cut it short, joints/bones/everything wasn't taking the weight at all. vit c has been around 2 to 3 grams a day, no alcohol, tons of fruit and a cough expectorant. any other suggestions? i kind of feel like i'm wasting my "on" time. also, not really noticing any change from the dbol. was only taking it for 3 or 4 days befor i got sick but have continued it since. first 7 days at 40mg ED. bumped it to 60 for the last 4 days. im sure its g2g since its kalpa but any chance i have a high tolerance? not sure if thats a possibility. as always tell me things, make me smarter
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2014, 12:38 AM
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Question aslo

do you guys try to wait to continue training when sick or workout while sick is beter than no workout?
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2014, 12:40 AM
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Originally Posted by toon22 View Post
i went out with the intention of working chest and tris. workout partner also works with me so needless to say him and the rest of the crew are sick.. it was a pretty sore sight. had to cut it short, joints/bones/everything wasn't taking the weight at all. vit c has been around 2 to 3 grams a day, no alcohol, tons of fruit and a cough expectorant. any other suggestions? i kind of feel like i'm wasting my "on" time. also, not really noticing any change from the dbol. was only taking it for 3 or 4 days befor i got sick but have continued it since. first 7 days at 40mg ED. bumped it to 60 for the last 4 days. im sure its g2g since its kalpa but any chance i have a high tolerance? not sure if thats a possibility. as always tell me things, make me smarter
hey bro u really need to understand tht when ur body is sick.. it weakens you immune system and ur body,s natural reserve is trying to heal itself and ur gains take a backseat when it comes to you being sick.. this s why ur not gaining because ur calorie intake has probably become half if not less then ur normal diet due to u being sick... and ur trying to keep the same output (training) and your not putting in (calories) more than ur taking out !!!! and this leads to cortisol being released into ur bloodstream leading to loss of gains.. and when ur sick as u are u need to dis-continue ur orals and basically come off of everything accept test to keep ur levels up and u continue when ur sickness is over.. its not really wise to train while ur sick bro.. because ur body cannot recover because its being utilized for tyring to eradicate the sickness. hope this helps u out..
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2014, 12:58 AM
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Default loud n clear

i havent trained since last tuesday, just thought id go out today and give it a go. ill take the advice and rest up. ill also lay off the dbol. i only have 4 weeks left right now till end of my 10 week. probably isnt worth re-starting it afterwards? could this be why i havent really noticed a difference from it?

Originally Posted by 13uie67 View Post
hey bro u really need to understand tht when ur body is sick.. it weakens you immune system and ur body,s natural reserve is trying to heal itself and ur gains take a backseat when it comes to you being sick.. this s why ur not gaining because ur calorie intake has probably become half if not less then ur normal diet due to u being sick... and ur trying to keep the same output (training) and your not putting in (calories) more than ur taking out !!!! and this leads to cortisol being released into ur bloodstream leading to loss of gains.. and when ur sick as u are u need to dis-continue ur orals and basically come off of everything accept test to keep ur levels up and u continue when ur sickness is over.. its not really wise to train while ur sick bro.. because ur body cannot recover because its being utilized for tyring to eradicate the sickness. hope this helps u out..
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2014, 01:01 AM
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Thumbs up o ya

food intake has gone down a little but not too much. ive been force feeding myself! i dont want to lose anything ive gained, im giving this everything i have. except the terrible timing on getting sick im very happy with gains made so far considering im only doing 100mg/eod of test p.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2014, 01:03 AM
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[QUOTE=toon22;36593]i havent trained since last tuesday, just thought id go out today and give it a go. ill take the advice and rest up. ill also lay off the dbol. i only have 4 weeks left right now till end of my 10 week. probably isnt worth re-starting it afterwards? could this be why i havent really noticed a difference from it?[/Qyes jusr drink lots of fluids and rest and ull be back in the gym before no time.. and i dont know hw much experince tht u have doibg d-bol or know what ur normal dose is.. but when u have un-expected breaks like tht ive been know to increase my dose for the remained of the oral cycle.. but thts me.. i would ask cc on here what u should do on this situation.. he know best for things like this bro.. as far as increase of d-bol dose.. get well bro.. !!!!
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2014, 01:23 AM
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Originally Posted by toon22 View Post
food intake has gone down a little but not too much. ive been force feeding myself! i dont want to lose anything ive gained, im giving this everything i have. except the terrible timing on getting sick im very happy with gains made so far considering im only doing 100mg/eod of test p.
just remember tht u have to put in more than what u put out bro.. and working out when sick will counter tht progress.
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