09-21-2010, 05:26 PM
Active Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by eatbigliftbig
I'm still waiting on a reply email and a response from the PM I sent Huge Tom. GBNstore.net seems legit, and has good feedback. However, after ordering Nolvadex for my cycle of gear I already have, and to verfiy this is a realiable source, I'm fairly disappointed. Not only did the Nolva come in a package that had no ISN or Gen-Pharm label, the pills look like nothing I have ever seen. Then when I submitted a ticket to inquire about this, all the response I got was, "Check Gen Pharm's website, we are approved". That's great, I did that before I ordered, but that does nothing to solve my problem. So I sent an email back in response to that response. Nothing. Then I submitted another ticket. After I did this, I was told very sternly not to submit multiple tickets, then told "We are approved by Gen Pharm". Gear was either fake or wrong. I'm trying to verify, and customer service has been less than impressive. So tread lightly and cautiously. If this problem gets corrected, I will be the first to say it's been taken care of.
i got dbol from them in a package with no isn no name on it, the gear was 100% gtg and if ur that worryed about it, take it to a pharmacy and say u found this pill in ur brothers room and u wonder what he's taking... they can test it.
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"Everybody want to be a bodybuilder, but don't nobody want to lift no heavy ass weight." - Ronnie