currently studying for 600 min per week. dividing it up 300 on Mon, and 300 on thurs. only time I have to spare
first time I ever went to the new gym and did arms. Always feels stupid going there to do bi's and tri's but necessary evil
pre load bar curls 50/80/ 100/110 (heavy as they go)
vbar pushdown last set stack + 45# plate
hammer curl (thias machine is always so awkward) 3 # 2# 1# drop set
hammer seated dip (first time ever w/ this machine) cannot get into tit w/out the help of someone else. seat belt knee pads and then to reach back, impossible last set 4 plates per side
seated incline curls 2 sets
tricep ext machine 2 sets - do not like
secured my feeling @ arms. no real point going there to do them. free weights basics, heavy dumbells , barbells. the machines are just too unnatural for me