Oh dont worry mate i am ha i have being hungry 24/7 lol getting around 250gs of protein a day less than 50gs of carbs a day 60-75 fats a day. so pretty dam tight along with my training its working amazing best cut ive ever had so far was going slow and it stopped then i just fliped a switch things just came im tired yeah but i feel amazing
Oh i am mate i allow for aroud 300gs of carbs. i take my bodyweight in pounds round it up then add 100gs works like a charm im upping my carbs to 100gs today as im feeling very tired and will be doing chest later did legs yesterday dam it was hard i dont train heavy by any means im a rep and set guy works best for me ive trained heavy before no real big change in size but strenght went up alot so i stick to what works for me.
Haven't been on here in a while but here's some pictures of me from the start of September
I was floating around 201-202lb at 5 foot 6 and a half 2013-09-06 18.02.58.jpg 2013-09-06 18.04.50.jpg 2013-09-06 18.05.39.jpg |
Boom after my 4 weeks or relaxing getting back to normal back to 110% this is from yesterday a while after blasting my arms still got a little pump on boom!!
2013-10-16 19.37.03.jpg 2013-10-16 19.39.30.jpg |