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olddog 09-09-2012 02:39 AM

workouts suffering
Currently im off cycle. Been finished about a month That cycle was test e only at 650 mg a week.

I am doing 160mg clen and 100mg t3 I have another week on this one then ill be off a month.

Here is what im finding

When i started the test cycle I was 170 lbs. At the high end of the test cycle I got to 216. After the cycle ended ( and I do novaldex and clomid as PCT That has ended also a few days ago. I have settled at 195

Also i get few side from the clen A little shakes a little warmth.

Having trouble staying motivated at the gym. Workouts are not as intense as they were when on the gear. Also yesterday was legs and back. I found I was severely out of breath long before I was out of strength.

Knowing these are big muscle groups I was working hard but the out of breath was really troubling. It was at times a workout stopper for a few minutes.
Is the breath shortage a side of the clen. Basically my body is working hard on the clen and the added weight training, specially on these big muscle groups was the reason I was so out of breath.
The motivation issue is affecte3d by the lack on gear. It is possible that without the gear on board I am having trouble with motivation?
Will tht\at hardcore motivation come back with the next cycle?

Im thinking about a test p tren a cycle next.
Now Im already bald ( i shave it) so hair loss is not an issue
I will need to get some AI to make sure I dont have a gyno issue

What do you think?

Barman 09-09-2012 10:21 AM

Hey old dol well yes it can be how long you off the reason why your out of breath is more than likely then clen i never went over 120mcg (no point in chasing the sides you want the good effects) try drop the clen a bit see how it goes. test prop is gret mate on it right now 100mg EoD :)

Eurovisionas 10-21-2012 08:05 AM

I believe being on gear is like being drunk. When you stop drinking you are not feeling very well for a while,same goes with gear. What you have to do is keep pushing no matter what and hold on until you are cleared up for you next cycle.
Good luck bro

dfwtp 10-22-2012 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by olddog (Post 23603)
Currently im off cycle.

The motivation issue is affecte3d by the lack on gear. It is possible that without the gear on board I am having trouble with motivation?
Will tht\at hardcore motivation come back with the next cycle?

What do you think?

sounds like yes

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