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If you are intending to use it, then do so as safely as possible:
Getting the right dosage of DNP is rather easy to do although the importance of proper dosage cannot be overstated. It is far better for one to err on the side of too little rather than too much, certainly in the case of the novice who does not know if they are allergic to the substance. As stated before, the commonly used dosage by bodybuilders and other reasonably lean persons is 3-5mg/kg of bodyweight. This would mean that a 100-kilogram bodybuilder would use anywhere from 300-500mg per day. Experienced users commonly are found using up to 800mg/day relatively safely, and beginners sometimes find that they enjoy 3-5 pounds of fat loss per week with as little as 200mg/day. Dosing is highly individualized and most generalizations tend to collapse quite quickly; as a result, none will be attempted. Start on the low end of the scale and see how you react. It is not recommended to take more than 300mg at any one time; a larger man taking 600mg per day should divide the dose into a 5:00PM portion and another portion taken approximately 30 minutes before bedtime. Someone taking 300mg/day could easily take one dose in the evening. The typical cycling program is to do 7 or 8 days on, followed by 7 or 8 off; this should not decrease thyroid output dramatically and makes use of T3 (triiodothyronine, brand name Cytomel) unnecessary in most cases. T4-T3 conversion does decrease dramatically in the liver due to excessive heat; this begins within 24 hours of the first dose. However, there is usually adequate active thyroid hormone to make it through 8 days of using it while maintaining elevated body temperature. After approximately 3-5 days, the user may find themselves with a waking temperature that is no longer elevated, even though they are still using DNP. This is due to the decrease in T3 and may signal the necessity of either the use of exogenous T3 in subsequent cycles or shorter cycles of the drug. In addition, the schedule given works nicely because the user is able to enjoy the anabolic rebound effect on a relatively regular basis. Also, longer cycles might leave the muscle fibers in a state of relative dehydration and "starved" of ATP for too long; both of these readily contribute to catabolism. Supplementation While using DNP, supplements can greatly aid both in the effectiveness of the therapy and the comfort of the user. Of particular importance are antioxidants and the following quantities are recommended: Magnesium (1500mg)* Vitamin C (3000mg in divided doses)* Vitamin E (1200 IU in divided doses)* Glutathione (200mg in divided doses)***) NAC (various amounts)** T3 (dose according to personal preference)** Calcium (2000mg not taken with the Magnesium) 5-HTP (if not on antidepressant medication) (various amounts)**** Meridia, Redux, or Fenfluramine (various amounts)**** Hydroxycitric Acid (particularly in the evenings to curb cravings)**** Pyruvate (2-6g/day in divided doses) Glycerol (3 tbsp/day in divided doses) Alpha-Lipoic Acid (500-1000mg daily in divided doses) Key: * = Integral component of DNP program ** = Of questionable (although possible) importance) *** = Of particular importance to women for prevention of cataracts **** = For the purpose of appetite suppression (may not be needed)
www.steroidscycles.net www.hypermuscles.com Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
Last edited by Cornish_Celt; 03-31-2010 at 09:04 AM. |
Practical Considerations
Given all of this information, there are nonetheless more things to know before you undertake your first DNP cycle. The following tips and tricks gathered from personal experience and consultations with users are presented for your aid: Aim a fan at your head at night. Your head is the most precious thing on your body and is a prime site for heat loss. Any air flowing over it will aid in cooling via convection. Wash your bedding daily. It is a good idea to have some spare pillowcases on hand, if nothing else. Most likely, you will be sweating profusely while you sleep, and this will make your bed smell as enticing as a locker room. Cleanliness is also essential in the prevention of disease, not to mention the fact that you are breathing out DNP "fumes" all night and they collect on your bedding. Prevention of disease goes beyond washing your clothes, and includes all of the normal precautions that you would make to avoid infection, although in a more exaggerated way. DNP depletes your body of energy needed to battle pathogens and weakens your immune system, leaving you ripe for infection and incapable of fighting off most diseases once they have taken hold. This is rather intuitive, but be certain to wear loose, light clothing, preferably of a light color. Similarly intuitive is the desire to remain in a cool area … be CERTAIN not to overheat. Proper hydration is necessary – People have consumed up to 8 liters of water per day. Glycerol specifically aids in muscle hydration, so its use may be very important, particularly when considering that muscle cells in even a semi-dehydrated state are prime sites for catabolism. Cardiovascular work while on DNP – This is a strange issue that is asked about regularly, but i am undecided in the direction to take and generally recommend that the user decide for themselves. My personal preference is to do cardio with a fan focused on me for 30-35 minutes at a relatively high intensity. This is an area for personal preference; barring other considerations, just see if you can handle it or not and go from there. Always be ready to stop if you feel yourself getting extremely overheated or weak. Diet - One may wonder why this issue receives such limited attention; after all, most methods of fat loss require a restrictive diet of some nature. However, there is no set diet that one must use to achieve good results with dinitrophenol, only certain factors that allow the user to decide intelligently how to eat: Insulin - DNP blunts the effects of insulin; this is a huge boon for dieters because insulin blocks lipolysis and causes the storage of adipose tissue. This means that carbohydrate intake does not need to be strictly limited, although it should stay reasonable for optimal results. Body Temperature and Comfort - A general guideline is that the more carbohydrates eaten, the hotter the user will get while on DNP. Similarly, overfeeding also produces extreme heat; any excess calories are thrown off as heat quite readily. For this reason, along with certain hormonal factors, Duchaine espouses an Isometric diet while on DNP, and I have followed this personally with good results. CKD's - These are extremely impractical while on a cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD), and are especially dangerous. This brings up blood glucose considerations; it is important to try to maintain relatively stable, or at least not severely depressed, blood glucose levels. If this guideline is not followed, the user may experience blurred vision and/or extreme fatigue possibly augmented by fainting or lightheadedness. Anabolic rebound effect – Dan Duchaine said regarding DNP, which at the time, seemed impossible. But people have experienced this phenomenon, and it indeed happens. Possible causes include, but are not limited to, either an anabolic effect from glycogen supercompensation-induced cellular expansion, or due to increased mitochondrial density. Increased mitochondrial density is an adaptive mechanism of the body and takes place surprisingly quickly in the presence of an uncoupler such as DNP (or anything else that inhibits oxidative phosphorylation). Whatever the mechanism of the anabolic rebound effect may be, the user can expect to gain about 5-7 pounds of intramuscular water or muscle and lose about the same amount of subcutaneous and intraperitoneal water within a week after their last DNP dose. This is probably the most pleasant aspect of using DNP; the user not only experiences unrivaled fat loss, but also enjoys a fair amount of hypertrophy without any other supplements or drugs. Muscle retention, and possibly gain, is improved with careful attention to several previously discussed considerations such as proper hydration and intelligent cycling. Conclusion Currently, DNP is the most powerful weapon against fat loss in the bodybuilder's arsenal; however, this does not necessarily mean that it is right for everyone or is by any means safe. The possibility also exists that PGF2 may be better for some people, particularly when taking the fact that it may kill fat cells into consideration. However, the guidelines given here will allow the user unrivaled fat loss, and will do so quite safely provided that precautionary measures are taken. While certainly quite dangerous, it is nonetheless the most effective tool available today for the loss of bodyfat.
www.steroidscycles.net www.hypermuscles.com Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
Last edited by Cornish_Celt; 03-31-2010 at 09:40 AM. |
Maqin side effects of DNP
Risks/Side Effects Hearing all of these wonderful things probably has you wondering what the side effects and risks are. They are quite formidable and contribute to making DNP one of the most intolerable (though effective) drugs used in bodybuilding. Starting with the most significant, and descending in importance, are the following risks and side effects of DNP use. Risks: Overheating - There is no upper limit to DNP's body temperature increase, meaning that one may literally "cook from the inside" if they take too much. Dosage considerations will be given later, but even an overdose of 4-6 times the recommended dosage may be lethal. Much smaller overdoses may result in damage to the brain and/or other body systems. Carcinogenesis - Phenols in general are reputed to be carcinogenic. Although 2,4-dinitrophenol has never been implicated in a cancer diagnosis, some are nonetheless concerned, and understandably so. In addition to the inherent carcinogenic potential caused by its status as a phenol, production of free radicals and the release of various compounds stored in adipose tissue stores during DNP's rapid oxidation of fat may also potentially be harmful. Death - This is self-explanatory and has occurred with several bodybuilders who chose to use this compound. Side Effects: Discomfort and sweating - This is the single most noticeable effect of DNP use, both by the user and those around him/her. Even in the winter, while indoors at ambient temperatures, one may expect his or her shirt to be completely soaked through with sweat. Those with jobs requiring formal or semi-formal apparel are advised to consider other means of fat loss (or a new job, if preferred). Other obvious considerations lie in the areas of social life, personal appearance, etc. and the user must prioritize. Insomnia - Second in frequency of reports to sweating and discomfort is insomnia; this may be at least partially attributed to discomfort. Possible means of countering this include such supplements as Valerian root or melatonin. Alternatively, one may deal with this via prescription or OTC sleep medications or GHB-A precursors. However, these may be addictive if used on a regular basis and if their use may be avoided, by all means abstain from using them. Yellow bodily fluids - Some don't notice this, but others find that all of their bodily fluids take on a yellowish appearance. Urine is a darker yellow, and even semen and vaginal secretions may be affected. According to current knowledge, this is not known to be harmful in and of itself. Muscle Soreness - This is yet another thing that may be minimized via cerebral function. Dan Duchaine has recommended using a weight such as to allow no fewer than 15 reps per set of any weight training workout; judging from anecdotal reports and personal experience, this seems to be good advice. Low levels of ATP are a cause of muscle soreness in and of itself; the additional factor of encumbered recovery mechanisms make extreme soreness (and if not careful, catabolism) quite possible. Allergic Reactions– These are highly individualized but may be summarily discussed. Various reactions are common with DNP use, and approximately 10% of users will be extremely allergic to it. Allergic reactions can include hives, blisters, and/or inexplicable rashes. If you suffer any of these side effects, and they are extremely bothersome, it is the recommendation of the author to cease usage immediately. If so desired, another trial may be made at a later date with a lower dosage, but do not attempt to continue the drug cycle at that point. Carbohydrate Cravings - To counter this, some methods will be touched on later. As with most diets, willpower is sometimes the single most important factor.
www.steroidscycles.net www.hypermuscles.com Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
This is another writers thoughts on DNP
Steroid Profile of DNP Dinitrophenol or DNP is a bad word between body builders. Bodybuilders are using this chemical to increase their metabolism by 50% and raise physical body temperature by several degrees . When someone looks at the hot flashes that come with ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack) use, and the boost of the metabolic process is only 3%, the real power of DNP starts to be realized. In the beginning, DNP was being used as an exploding substance, and after was introduced by Dan Duchaine. DNP is very popular in underground circles and extremely prohibited in over-the-counter supplement. In high-level muscle building, DNP is utilized to facilitate advanced athletes lose a lot of weight in a really short amount of time. A lot of fitness trainers and body-builders are against it. Even so, when thousands of dollars in profits are on the line, it is unknown how many professional athletes decide to use the DNP route to lose fat quick. Beside of growing hunger and burning off a heck of a lot of body fat, DNP gives a couple of negative side effects, which are likely better known than the favourable side effects. Human brain damage and death could happen from the overheating. At a fever of 104 , we run to the hospital because we want to keep of brain injuries. DNP will raise your body temperature by a few degrees, too much DNP, and you will die. It is so simple…. Cancer is some other fear. DNP is a phenol, which means it releases many free radicals into the body. The effects of these complimentary radicals, the chemical compounds that cause cancer, are unidentified because there have not been many reports made on people utilizing DNP, because its usage is commonly secretive. The insignificant side effects of DNP are known also. Muscle-builders complain of sweating, discomfort, irritation, and insomnia. A curious side effect is yellow body fluids. None knows why this takes place, or just how severe it is. We only know that people release yellow fluids when using DNP. Remember that it was once used to fire up TNT. Numerous bodybuilders (almost 12%) have allergic reactions making the drug useless. Other muscle builders find themselves eating a lot. DNP is an underground drug. For dieting intentions, ECA and Clenbuterol are better for the risk-benefit analysis. DNP is a shortcut for fast losses of body fat, something that the healthy bodybuilder keeps off. DNP is a dangerous drug that should be avoided by most of the bodybuilders.
www.steroidscycles.net www.hypermuscles.com Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
after that last post it doesnt really sound too safe !!
ill be sticking with the clen lol
Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only. |
thats why i stuck the last post in, so people could see both sides,
alot of people use it but it aint for me either
www.steroidscycles.net www.hypermuscles.com Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
Back in the 80s I took DNP and lost about 100 pounds in 9 months. It was prescribed by a doctor in Houston Tx that had Medical Weight loss Centers. Dr. Bachinski. He went to jail on an unrelated problem with hiding the money he made on this. It was in the millions.
Yes the heat is uncomfortable for anyone close to you. When I was taking it my instructions were to do nothing. Just watch TV as my body was doing all it could. I needed thyroid strong, effedrine, and some vitamins to counteract my body trying to internally slow things down . The DNP raised the metabolism and the thyroid and other things tried to slow it down so the reason for the thyroid and other meds. I was monitored very closly by the Doc. He was very good at what he did just not at his taxes I guess, I also had a problem with gout. This was brought on by the amount of waste in the system from burning that much fat. Urine was brown. It worked but you had to be very very careful and monitor everythng. |
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