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mbf66 08-28-2010 04:21 AM

Liver 52 info
I don't know if this interests anyone, but I ordered some Liv-52 today & got a great price.

I was checking around different on-line stores & the average price was around $25.00 for a bottle of 100.
My Mother-n-law (of all people) who I normally pay little attention to (which is no easy task) mentioned I should look on E-bay.

I did just that & found a company with a 99.9% feedback score & over 1800 completed sales.
(for non e-bayers a feedback score lets you know the percentage of customers who got their order on time & were satisfied with their purchase, so 99.9% is outstanding)

This company which is located in India, where Liv-52 is made, had a deal for 10 bottles of 100 tabs for $14.95 + another $15.00 shipping. So for $30.00 you get 10 bottles of 100.

I ordered mine today & the only drawback is expected shipping time is between 2-3 weeks, but the wait is worth it for that price.

For the record: I am not in anyway affiliated with this company or Liv-52 ~ I'm just a guy who takes pride in a healthy liver & due to some of my supplementation, it is recommended that I take some type of liver support.

I don't know if I am allowed to post the link to the company, but if anyone is interested, let me know & how I should go about getting you the name.

If anyone reads this & has something negative to say about Liv-52, please let me know. I have read good things about it but have never actually used it. I've just been using milk thistle & thought I should add some additional liver support.

Thanks everyone!!!

zeprockin 10-11-2010 03:41 PM

I use an alternative hep c treatment supplement called heprx for my liver detox. It's a bit more expensive but you get 120 capsules and 8 herbs like milk thistle, sculletaria,white peony, bupleurum, etc...

Hep|RX – New Herbal Alternative Treatment for Hep C and Liver Disorders

angelo212 10-12-2010 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by zeprockin (Post 7011)
I use an alternative hep c treatment supplement called heprx for my liver detox. It's a bit more expensive but you get 120 capsules and 8 herbs like milk thistle, sculletaria,white peony, bupleurum, etc...

Hep|RX – New Herbal Alternative Treatment for Hep C and Liver Disorders

You got robbed my friend. Notice how you can not find anywhere on that site the dosages of each ingrediant. It even says they suggest you get there milk thistle at 180mg to take along with this supplement. This guy is a known quack and hustler. He is getting rich off of scared hep C people and anybody with liver disease. Remember, these herbs need to be taken for a few months to get a "POSSIBLE" effect. Most of these herbs are not very absorbable by the body but you never read about that. Milk Thistle is very known not to be absorbable. A few manufactorers bind it with Phosydelcholine (SP) andf it makes it about 8x more absorbable. Simple research will show you that. Never buy milk thistle with it being bind with PC. I could go on and on but check out there return policy and see about getting your money back. They guarentee a 30 day return. Never buy from anybody on the internet unless it is a trusted company. His ingrediants are good liver herbs but how can you trust his dosages that we don't even know the dosages.
Liv-52, NAC, Milk Thistle bound with PC, ALA and SAM-e are the best supplements to take for a cycle. You can even get UDCA at some research sites now.

angelo212 10-12-2010 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by mbf66 (Post 6166)
I don't know if this interests anyone, but I ordered some Liv-52 today & got a great price.

I was checking around different on-line stores & the average price was around $25.00 for a bottle of 100.
My Mother-n-law (of all people) who I normally pay little attention to (which is no easy task) mentioned I should look on E-bay.

I did just that & found a company with a 99.9% feedback score & over 1800 completed sales.
(for non e-bayers a feedback score lets you know the percentage of customers who got their order on time & were satisfied with their purchase, so 99.9% is outstanding)

This company which is located in India, where Liv-52 is made, had a deal for 10 bottles of 100 tabs for $14.95 + another $15.00 shipping. So for $30.00 you get 10 bottles of 100.

I ordered mine today & the only drawback is expected shipping time is between 2-3 weeks, but the wait is worth it for that price.

For the record: I am not in anyway affiliated with this company or Liv-52 ~ I'm just a guy who takes pride in a healthy liver & due to some of my supplementation, it is recommended that I take some type of liver support.

I don't know if I am allowed to post the link to the company, but if anyone is interested, let me know & how I should go about getting you the name.

If anyone reads this & has something negative to say about Liv-52, please let me know. I have read good things about it but have never actually used it. I've just been using milk thistle & thought I should add some additional liver support.

Thanks everyone!!!

I bought LIV-52 from amazon at a great deal. They had double the dose of each supplement in there. I'm going to find your guy. Can't beat that price. I'll PM you for a link. Not sure if you can put it here.

admin 10-13-2010 03:46 PM

good posts bros, if you know a site or sites with great offers, then post them here: so other members can benefit by great prices.

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