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Old 03-18-2012, 12:04 AM
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Default The Big Muscle Stack P.I

Want to boost your efforts in the gym? These 3 pre- and post-training supplement stacks are your ticket to making faster muscle gains.

by Dwayne N. Jackson, PhD

Making the most of your workouts involves integrating several fundamental components. No matter what your goals are, you must get adequate amounts of sleep, eat like a champion, and train intensely and regularly. In recent years, science has shown that precise timing and stacking of supplements elicits synergistic effects on muscular growth and strength. Some supplements work better with others, however, and some are much more effective when used by beginners versus advanced bodybuilders. Therefore, it behooves you to throw out a once-size-fits-all mentality to your supplements as you already do with your training.

In the world of bodybuilding, it’s well established that proper pre- and post-training supplementation are essential to maximizing gains. In fact, it’s during the pre- and post-workout periods that you can set up the perfect environment for intensity and repair. To provide further benefit, we’ve created progressive supplement-stacking regimens that are applicable based on your training experience, goals and budget.


These are the bare minimum of supplements you should be incorporating into your pre- and post-workout nutrition (regardless of your level of training) and provide the backbone to all the stacks presented here. Depending on what level of training you’re at and/or what you can afford, you can add to this stack based on recommendations presented later.
Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)

High-quality whey protein isolate should be the top-priority supplement for everyone at all levels of training. WPI is ideal for bodybuilders because it’s low in fat and carbohydrates and has a very high amino acid content. Supporting research has accumulated over the past 20 years showing that ingestion of whey protein isolate ensures a sustained steady stream of amino acids that enter the blood quickly. The resulting rush of branched-chain amino acids and glutamine make WPI a potent anabolic activator and powerful anti-catabolic agent. Research has unequivocally illustrated that ingesting whey protein isolate before training and immediately post-workout results in more rapid increases in strength and muscularity. After training, WPI has been shown to increase growth hormone release as well as augment insulin sensitivity and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) secretion, all of which create the perfect anabolic environment for growth and recovery.
Before Your Workout: Drink one shake containing 30–40 grams of WPI 30 minutes before training.

After Your Workout: Drink an additional shake containing 30–40 grams of WPI immediately after training.

Creatine Monohydrate (CM)

Next to whey protein, no supplement has received as much scientific support as creatine monohydrate. In fact, there’s over 15 years of unquestionable support from peer-reviewed research and athletes. Studies demonstrate that creatine increases strength, power, lean body mass and muscularity. Its mass-promoting effects are achieved by several mechanisms that upregulate when creatine monohydrate ingestion is combined with resistance training. Most current research shows creatine ingestion and exercise significantly blunt myostatin levels better than exercise alone. Myostatin is a recently discovered catabolic regulator of muscle mass and consequently acts on skeletal muscle as a growth inhibitor. In addition, recent studies indicate that creatine augments highly anabolic IGF-1 levels in skeletal muscle, providing a potent signal for sustained muscular growth. Finally, creatine ingestion results in increased muscle cell volume by driving water into cells. Not only does this action make your muscles look bigger, but it also provides another stimulus for anabolism.

Before Your Workout: Mix 5–10 grams of pharmaceutical-grade creatine monohydrate with your preworkout WPI shake.
After Your Workout: Mix 5–10 grams of pharmaceutical-grade creatine monohydrate with your post-workout WPI shake.


You’ve worked out regularly for 10–12 weeks, all the while maintaining a healthy diet, and included “The Foundation” supplementation regimen (whey protein isolate and creatine monohydrate). You’ve noticed substantial improvements in strength levels and your overall appearance but want to further maximize your gains. Here are two more key supplements you should consider adding to your arsenal. (Editor’s note: Anyone using supplements for the first time should stay at this level for 6–8 weeks before progressing to
Level 2.)

beta-Hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB)

HMB is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine that’s scientifically proven to decrease catabolism (muscle wasting); users therefore tend to see greater benefits from training in a shorter period of time versus non-users. It should be noted that the anti-catabolic effect of HMB has shown to be especially potent in weight-training beginners (i.e., within the first six months of regular training). In more advanced athletes, HMB tends to increase fat loss more than anything else.

Before Your Workout: Take 3–6 grams with your preworkout meal.
After Your Workout: Take 3–6 grams with your post-workout meal.


Arginine is an amino-acid precursor to the production of nitric oxide (NO), which is a potent vasodilator (i.e., increases blood flow) in skeletal muscle. Supplemental arginine boosts NO production during exercise, illustrating that arginine is a rate-limiting substrate. Classically, bodybuilders have taken advantage of arginine supplements to increase nutrient delivery and metabolite washout in working muscles, leading to greater strength, endurance, harder pumps and faster recovery time. Interestingly, recent studies have shown that arginine is more than just a blood-flow-promoting supplement. In fact, arginine ingestion boosts growth hormone levels, norepinephrine and epinephrine concentration, and insulin release. In a fairly new study, it was found that arginine activates molecular signaling (via mTOR) for muscle protein synthesis.

Before Your Workout: Take 3–5 grams with your preworkout protein shake.
After Your Workout: Arginine supplementation not required here.

What a RUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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