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Old 03-28-2012, 01:06 AM
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Default "The 7 - Supplement Industry Sins" P.II

Sin #5: Pixie Dusting - This is when manufacturers throw in a very small, ineffective amount of an ingredient in a product just to claim it on the label.

Truth: This is downright irritating and very annoying. We know through the research that many ingredients have to be used at a certain dosage to have any effects. For example, the amino acid L-glutamine can be helpful in gram doses. However, some companies have the audacity to put 100 mg of L-glutamine in their product and write on the front of their bottle "now with L-glutamine". 100 mg of glutamine is nothing for exercising individuals and the companies who make claims with L-glutamine based on this amount are really pushing the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) envelope. Same goes for creatine and other amino acids that require gram doses for positive effects. Read labels carefully and make sure the main ingredients of a product contain efficacious amounts of that ingredient. Some companies will actually sprinkle in a few "hot" ingredients like CLA, carnitine, HCA, and PS (phosphatidylserine) in tiny amounts and then boast that their products contain these "powerful, fat fighting and muscle building" ingredients. That's like taking credit for someone else's work. What a sham! Just look at the ingredient listing on bars, powders, and liquids. If key ingredients show up at the end or bottom of the list, then pixie dusting may be taking place.

Sin # 6 : Kitchen Sink Formula - This is when companies put dozens of ingredients into a formula with no rhyme or reason.

Truth : We have all seen products that contain tons of ingredients but really do not make any sense. This is not as much a sin as it is illogical and unnecessary. Most credible companies will come out with logical, targeted formulas that make sense for a certain goal. Watch out for formulas that contain too many ingredients. Make sure the products you take contain quality, targeted ingredients to help you achieve a certain goal like relieve joint pain or help with fat loss.

Sin #7: Crazy Marketing Claims - So many companies these days are claiming the most outrageous effects from the use of their products.

Truth: Again, if it's too good to be true, it probably is. Ads that say "gain 30 lbs of muscle in a month" or "lose 30 lbs in thirty days" seem to be popping up these days. The fact is most people can gain about 1-2 lbs of lean muscle mass per week which is also the amount they can lose in body fat. So in one month, following a solid nutrition, training, and supplementation program of course, one can expect to gain around 8 lbs of lean muscle mass and lose about 8 lbs of body fat. In some of the best cases (doing it naturally), you will see gains of about 10 lbs of lean muscle mass and 10 lbs of fat loss. Anything above this equation, you have to question. The FTC cannot completely regulate the rapidly growing supplement industry so many companies are getting away with unbelievable claims. Many consumers get sucked into these claims but if you see any of them, just turn the page.

Many claims are "best case scenarios" in extreme cases. Not the results you will typically see. Many companies even stoop to stretching the research so far that they claim double or even triple the effects that were proven to occur. Watch out for words like "amazing", "never before seen", "revolutionary" and "incredible". There is something to truth in advertising and the consumer is definitely hurt by unproven marketing claims. After reading a hyped up ad, a consumer rushes out and buys the product hoping for the same exaggerated results shown. To their usual disappointment, they do not see anywhere near the gains promised and then become disheartened with the whole thing. Results are what keep people going and if a company can market real or true results, then the consumer benefits and will become a customer for life.

Keep in mind there are some really credible companies out there that have high standards for the way they make and market their products. It is advisable to carefully investigate products you are thinking about using before you spend your hard earned money on them. You are the one that will ultimately benefit or be at a loss. Knowledge is power!
What a RUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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