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admin 09-23-2015 09:15 AM

What do you train today? Post here daily what you train today
Guys let's make this most popular thread which will raise our responsibility to workouts.

Come here daily and write what you will train on that day.

I will start.

Today I train Chest with Front Delts and will end workout with abs training in 2 exercises.

What do you train today?

andyebs 09-23-2015 09:23 AM

back and bi today
one of my fave days

stillgoingstron 09-23-2015 10:45 AM

I'm on a 5 x 5 routine.
Yesterday was squats, bench press and barbell rows.
Tomorrow will be squats, overhead press and deadlifts.

admin 09-23-2015 12:12 PM

Will you do squats with same intensity both days?


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 41958)

I'm on a 5 x 5 routine.
Yesterday was squats, bench press and barbell rows.
Tomorrow will be squats, overhead press and deadlifts.

stillgoingstron 09-23-2015 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by admin (Post 41959)
Will you do squats with same intensity both days?

At the moment, yes. When progress slows I'll ease back a bit on one workout.

Armstrong 09-23-2015 09:38 PM

gonna hit Bi's and forearms today, I usually train bi's with back but im too beat up to do them after a heavy back day

andyebs 09-24-2015 09:50 AM

delts / triceps and traps too lokking at my workout ive forgot to work them for few weeks

andy 09-24-2015 11:30 AM

Today was Chest and Delts using a new routine based on mountaindog methods.

35 rep sets for rear delts really hurt!

Armstrong 09-24-2015 03:27 PM

today?? a DAY OFF :D:D, so my job today will be to eat as many meals as possible:cool:

stillgoingstron 09-24-2015 04:16 PM

3 warm up sets, then 5 sets of 5 reps of
Squats and Overhead Press, then
3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 5 reps of Deadlifts.
Followed by a few sets of chin ups for biceps.

Still progressing nicely.

andyebs 09-25-2015 07:59 AM

legs today mainly focus on hams

Armstrong 09-28-2015 01:55 AM

leg day today :cool:, hit quads and calves, I do hams on a different day;), my leg seems to grow faster now, I think its cause im in a wheelchair and that it dont take much to stimulate them, if I was walking all day it would need more to work them, the only time im out of my chair is when I go to the gym, so about 2hrs a day

stillgoingstron 09-28-2015 10:14 AM

Squats, overhead presses and deadlifts today.
That's 11 working sets with plenty of warm up sets.

I've also added an extra rest day

Armstrong 10-04-2015 03:14 PM

yesterday I took a day off, it shoulda been shoulders and tri's but my body was yelling at me for rest and boy did I need it, so today I will be hitting shoulders/tri's.
Listen to your body everyone, if you need a day off take it:cool:, this is the time you should be pounding food into your body and get as much sleep as possible so you can start growing ;)

stillgoingstron 10-04-2015 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Armstrong (Post 42109)
yesterday I took a day off, it shoulda been shoulders and tri's but my body was yelling at me for rest and boy did I need it, so today I will be hitting shoulders/tri's.
Listen to your body everyone, if you need a day off take it:cool:, this is the time you should be pounding food into your body and get as much sleep as possible so you can start growing ;)

Couldn't agree more with the above.

Squats, bench press and barbell rows for me today. Some extra triceps stuff thrown in at the end, but not much.

Anyway, just to change up the 5 x 5 routine a bit, I stayed with the same weight as last time and did 5 x 6. Aiming to do 5 x 7 next time and then up the weight and back to 5 x 5. Never done this before, so interested to see what happens :D

Armstrong 10-05-2015 10:42 PM

today Im hitting bi's, traps and forearms, its kind of a "catch"up day" I guess you can call it, during this past week I wasnt able to train my bi's and traps due to being just exhausted after hammering my lats, as for is my second day for the week as I hit them twice a week with my calves:cool:

stillgoingstron 10-06-2015 07:27 AM

Squats, overhead presses and deadlifts today.

Still continuing the 5 x 6 routine. So, same weight as last time. Just an extra rep. Doesn't sound much but feels good.

It's an experimental system, so early days on effectiveness yet. But I like trying new routines.

andyebs 10-06-2015 07:56 AM

chest yesterday

back today

Armstrong 10-07-2015 11:20 PM

sapose to hit legs today but the dam tren injects put a big knot i my quads so today Ill be hitting back and tomorrow will be legs:cool:

stillgoingstron 10-08-2015 04:45 PM

Chest this afternoon. Squats and rows tonight. Had a good one this afternoon and really looking forward to tonight. Feeling good and strong.

andyebs 10-09-2015 08:07 AM

legs today
just once week for bit now

Armstrong 10-09-2015 03:46 PM

Chest day today:cool:

stillgoingstron 10-12-2015 07:01 PM

Progress has stalled slightly so I'm squatting just twice a week now.

So just bench press for 5 sets x 7 reps and barbell rows for 5 x 6 today.

Forgot to post that I did seated rows and dumbbell rows yesterday. I'm giving my back four days off now

andyebs 10-13-2015 08:41 AM

back day for me today

not feeling it at moment hope picck up once in gym

stillgoingstron 10-15-2015 10:22 AM

Yesterday was 5 x 7 squats, loads of drop set side lats in place of military presses and should have been 1 x 7 stiff legged deadlifts to follow.

But . . . dickhead here thought it would be clever to use an exercise wheel that someone else had brought in to knock out loads of reps before we started training. It was a challenge between three of us! Result was that for the first time in quite a few years, while on my 2nd of 7 reps of the working deadlift set I felt a massive twinge in my lower back. I managed to drop the weight and hopefully prevented too much damage, but I'm not exactly running around today!

Will I ever learn to stop acting like a youngster? Nah.

ps just read back through this thread and maybe the seated rows and dumbbell rows didn't help. So much for four days off :(

Armstrong 10-18-2015 06:06 PM

chest day today:cool:

Armstrong 10-20-2015 12:46 AM

tonight is calves, hams and forearms, ohhhh yea its gonna burn!! what Colman says..... its time to bleed!! yeeeea buuuddy

Armstrong 10-23-2015 04:16 PM

Bi's and forearms today, might throw in traps as well, but we'll see

andyebs 10-24-2015 01:07 PM

to be honest bad cold has done my training managed legs monday and weds push day then didnt have any more in me cold has got worse

Armstrong 10-29-2015 10:04 PM

gonna take a day off today, tomorrow it will be calves and quads :cool:

stillgoingstron 10-31-2015 05:37 PM

After a slightly longer lay off than I was expecting I resumed with a day of squats. Loads of warm up sets, then a 6 x 6 workout. Less weight than last time.

Finished with 3 sets 10 reps side lats and same for rear lats.

Armstrong 11-05-2015 07:17 PM

shoulders and tri's today!!:cool:

stillgoingstron 11-05-2015 08:47 PM

Side lats, rear lats, seated dumbbell presses and standing overhead presses. Nice and slow. In that order and 3 sets of 10 reps. Except the overhead presses where 10 reps on the last two sets was just a dream. Ouch!

Forgot to post that after 12 weeks I've finished with the 5 x 5 and a few days ago I did 4 sets of 10 reps squats. Nice and slow and my legs still ache like f&%k!

andyebs 11-06-2015 07:45 AM

ive just been doing full body workouts soon as back in gym other day after cold so doing full body today and back to normall monday

Armstrong 12-06-2015 05:36 PM

did legs yesterday and today its gonna be shoulders and tri's

stillgoingstron 12-06-2015 06:05 PM

Still recovering from injury and absolutely itching to get going again :mad:

teebusa 12-06-2015 09:46 PM

today is fodda day triple whoppa no fries after work ,tomorrow is db press .military press,dumbell rows. pullovers .squats , biceps curls with ez bar 10x8x6x6 incl 1x 20 warmup on each set and then its cyp day yippy same again wed and fri ,then cyp day Thursday cant wait lol

andyebs 12-07-2015 02:19 PM

chest today done landmine press at end wasnt to bad

stillgoingstron 12-07-2015 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 43391)
chest today done landmine press at end wasnt to bad

I won't be training for another 2 weeks but I'm def interested in these. Hope I don't forget when I start agsin.

andyebs 12-07-2015 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 43392)
I won't be training for another 2 weeks but I'm def interested in these. Hope I don't forget when I start agsin.

cant hurt but to try it

and still not training how long been off training now
two weeks is minor really sure not losing all the gains

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