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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2016, 11:38 AM
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Default Raised LDL cholesterol is not a bad thing?

Let's start the morning off by being controversial!

Anyone who reads my posts has probably realised by now that I don't blindly follow the conventional bullshit we are drip fed regarding diet and health etc.

LDL cholesterol is not bad cholesterol and HDL is not good cholesterol. They are just different types that do different jobs.

The job of LDL cholesterol is to repair tissue damage. For example, when you tear your artery as a result of inflammation caused by eating shit foods the body repairs the damage with an LDL band aid/plaster. This results in a slight blockage/narrowing in the pipe (artery) and hence LDL cholesterol gets the blame.

Let's say you break your arm and it is set in plaster of Paris. Do you blame the plaster for causing the damage or do you blame whatever you did that caused the break?

Bodybuilders are constantly breaking down muscle tissue. That's what we do. So what does the body use to help repair this damage? LDL cholesterol. And the more damage you do the more LDL cholesterol the body produces.

The 'so called experts' are finally beginning to appreciate that high levels of cholesterol are not necessarily bad. It's the reason for these raised levels that 'might' be bad. Primarily inflammation. Not steroid use per se.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2016, 10:25 AM
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Just want to add that overuse of orals and any subsequent damage to liver and kidneys is another reason why LDL levels might be raised. The long term issue here would be long term damage caused by the orals, not the cholesterol. Fortunately the liver is very effective at self repair, within reason.

Something else to bear in mind is homeostasis. The bodies ability to return back to its preferred state. That suggests to me that any change in cholesterol levels or raise in blood pressure due to steroid or oral use unless completely abused over a long period of time will have a limited detrimental effect.

Bottom line is keep it short and get back normal before doing it again.

Last edited by stillgoingstron; 03-07-2016 at 07:31 PM.
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