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Old 01-22-2013, 10:35 PM
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Exclamation Proper Injection procedures

this is no work of my own but feel a nebie can use this as a starting point ,im sorry if i have posted in the wrong section as i cant seem to find a newbie section anywere

Proper Injection procedures

This is what I do.
1st take a hot shower, make sure you use a wash cloth on the area your injecting (you'll be surprised and the surface dirt left behind using soap only).

Next clean the tops of your vials and the area that your injecting with an alcohol pad. EVERY TIME.

Next take a new needle out of it's wrapper and draw your oils (I use a 20g needle for drawing). after you've drawn the amount of AAS you want. CHANGE THE NEEDLE. I use a 25g 1" or 1.5" for injecting on everything. some use 22or23g thats your choice but IMO smaller is better for less scare tissue.
Needles are cheap so never reuse them.

after you have cleaned area to be injected insert needle slowly. Don't ram the thing in, By inserting slowly if I get close to a nerve I'll know BEFORE I hit it. If you feel your getting close to a nerve don't pull needle out, simply back off a little and change direction slightly. Once needle is in all the way ASPERATE. (this means pull back on plunger a little and look for blood inside syringe) if everything looks good then continue with your injection. Inject slowly. After your done pull needle out and hold a cotton ball or clean TP over injection site for a minute or so and gently massage area.
If you get a little bleeding from injection site don't freak out, some times this is normal with certain body parts. Hold pressure till bleeding stops and your done.
Don't get into bad habits with injecting, take the time to do it right every time, in 16yrs Ive never had an infection or an abscess.

i hope this helps keep people safe and doing it right

Last edited by roids26; 01-22-2013 at 10:40 PM.
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