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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2015, 05:40 PM
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Default Opinion on clomid/beginners cycle

Does anyone think that clomid is the best ptc, or is there better options. Also, what was you first cycle?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2015, 06:19 PM
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I used clomid once and got such blurred eyes I never used it again. I've since read the eye damage can be permanent. I'm no expert on the stuff and don't know how true that is but I've recovered well enough on nolva and aromasin to not consider using clomid again.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2015, 06:41 PM
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I am new to using gear myself, but not new to the scene. And anyone, feel free to correct me if I am wrong, because there are plenty of people on this forum who have more experience actually taking them than me, but unless I am mistaken it really depends upon you, what you are taking, and how your body reacts to it. I also have done my research before I commit to putting anything in my body. My cousin is the one who actually pushed me towards gear and he pushed me towards test prop. That is all he took for a long while and he never ever did PCT (which I would NOT suggest). He tried not taking pct recently on a new stack though and now has some signs of gyno. He is super against ordering online though, so if he can't find it local... he just doesn't take it. I am just taking test prop right now (which is a quick ester) and going to start a new stack on my next cycle, but as for now clomid should be fine for me. If you are having sides from it like the remarks above, stop using it. Here is some of the helpful stuff I researched as far as PCT:

"Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is a powerfully effective anti-estrogen officially classified as a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM). In many ways, it is very similar to another popular SERM in Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate).....

Clomid also carries strong anti-estrogen properties that could be used therapeutically, but its anti-estrogen properties are most commonly associated with anabolic steroid use. Testosterone and many testosterone derived steroids have the ability to convert to estrogen through testosterone’s interaction with the aromatase enzyme. As estrogen levels rise, this can lead to gynecomastia and excess water retention. Heavy water retention can also promote high blood pressure. By supplementing with Clomid during anabolic steroid use, the SERM will bind to the estrogen receptors, therefore inhibiting the estrogen hormone from binding. This can be very useful in combating gynecomastia, as when Clomid binds to the receptor it prevents estrogen from stimulating the mammary tissue. It can also have a positive impact on water retention, but as it won’t actively reduce serum estrogen levels it’s sometimes not enough.

...For many men, especially hardcore anabolic steroid users, Clomid is not enough for estrogenic protection. In this case, an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Femara (Letrozole) will be needed. AI’s actively inhibit the aromatase process and will see serum estrogen levels reduced. By far they are the most effective at combating gynecomastia and will have more success in combating water retention."

So as I said, if I had to guess. It really matters on you, how you react, what your sides are, and what you are using.

Last edited by tj805; 07-08-2015 at 06:45 PM. Reason: ...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2015, 09:31 PM
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Are these side effects something likely to happen after first cycle. I'd like to do an 8 to 12 week test E cycle, with ptc clomid.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2015, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by new-Jedi View Post
Are these side effects something likely to happen after first cycle. I'd like to do an 8 to 12 week test E cycle, with ptc clomid.
Like I said, I am fairly new to actually running a cycle myself, but based on what I have read it really depends on you and how you react to it. Start out like I did with a short Test Prop cycle. Prop is the shortest ester, so sides are most likely minimal and you can get it out of your system quick if you do have said sides. Then gauge how it worked for you and go from there as far as if you wanna switch, stack, or stop. That is what I am doing/did. Honestly, I can barely tell the difference sometimes until I am in the gym, or realize the increase in libido. I guess injections sights are a little more sore with Test Prop than Test E, but I just do delt when injection days land on leg day, and glute when injection day lands on arm days.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2015, 10:24 PM
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That is a smart way of doing it. I did choose test E based on how often I'd have to poke. Is test p more expensive.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2015, 09:15 AM
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ive not used clomid due to bad reaction every one gets like stillgoing strong said so i have stayed away
for my first test e i used nolva throughout and at end and that was it and recovered ok

when started adding deca and tren i knew shutdown would be worse as well as side so still just took nolva throughout and then used HCG as PCT as well as letro

these things seem to work for me so will stick to them if i can

sides on your cycle no one call tell you how your body will react
i would say use nolva from start all way through as blocks recptors so if gyno prone will help and if feel need to clomid or letro can be added
i would have these things on hand all way though weather i need them or not dont want to be mid cycle find out you need something that cant get hold of for weeks
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2015, 09:39 AM
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Especially for me, who is scared witless of purchasing over the net. I'd want everything I need all at once. However; I'm no longer very confident in the process, because getting past paying for them has proven a challenge. I am just unwilling to be seen at W.U. Or money gram, and the bitcoins system is a freaken maze of weirdness. I truly don't have problem sending money through W.U., but when it's attached to this kind of activity, I can't be seen. And every process seems to involve either crazyness, or being seen in person.

its all good though, after reading the article below, I have to wonder if these hang ups were meant to warn me. i really know no one that has attempted this, odd for a guy at the gym all week. It's whatever. I want it, have money, but this system is too crazy.

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Originally Posted by andyebs View Post
ive not used clomid due to bad reaction every one gets like stillgoing strong said so i have stayed away
for my first test e i used nolva throughout and at end and that was it and recovered ok

when started adding deca and tren i knew shutdown would be worse as well as side so still just took nolva throughout and then used HCG as PCT as well as letro

these things seem to work for me so will stick to them if i can

sides on your cycle no one call tell you how your body will react
i would say use nolva from start all way through as blocks recptors so if gyno prone will help and if feel need to clomid or letro can be added
i would have these things on hand all way though weather i need them or not dont want to be mid cycle find out you need something that cant get hold of for weeks
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2015, 10:17 AM
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I don't mean to sound rude but maybe you should just stick to protein powder for now. If everything from buying, to pinning, to sides and everything else is too stressful you really won't get the most out of what you wanted to achieve.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2015, 05:30 PM
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It's not rude, and that was basically my point. That this process is far too complicated. The only part that is stressful is buying, receiving, knowing your not pushing junk into yourself. Umm, yea, basically the entire process is a giant risk.

However, in the U.S., people seem to be getting busted for online purchases, and they are always from the connection that can be made when paying. I attempted all the payment option, and not one of them can't be connected to me personally. You can read it yourself if you'd like.

Have you been arrested for steroids? |
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