Mighty Mitochondria
Mighty Mitochondria
Your key to more muscle, less fat and longevity
by Becky Holman
You’ve read in IRON MAN that using drop sets and supersets helps build and strengthen the mitochondria in muscles. Mitochondria are the cell’s power supply, and new research is showing that keeping the mitochondria strong and charged can do everything from increasing endurance to curbing the aging process to keeping your hair—and, yes, building muscle too.
There are enzyme-derived drugs in the works that can bolster the mitochondria. On the supplement front there’s resveratrol, a compound found in red wine that, when given to mice in large amounts, increased energy via mitochondrial strength and, in some cases, extended life span by up to 30 percent. Of course, the resveratrol amounts given to the mice were much higher than what you’d get from drinking several bottles of cabernet at one sitting—not recommended. You may want to check into resveratrol supplements for additional beneficial effects.
What a RUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!