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Old 02-25-2012, 07:57 PM
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Default Maximum Muscle, Minimum Fat

Maximum Muscle, Minimum Fat

Be prepared for a controversial ride.

by Becky Holman

“We live in an age of fraudulent fitness.” With that first line you know there will be some eye-opening controversy in the pages that follow. Hofmekler’s previous book, The Warrior Diet, discussed undereating and fasting as a way to stimulate the anabolic processes. That sounds counterintuitive, but he goes into more detail in this book and makes a case for periodic fasting, as well as overeating, to spur anabolic drive.

Hofmekler also explains how undereating and/or fasting can help you detoxify your liver, which is a primary organ in building muscle and losing fat, and also how cleansing can rev your metabolism so you can eat more without adding bodyfat.

As for his exercise protocol, he subscribes to the short-rest-between-sets model: “Any exercise method that forces development of muscle with high mitochondrial density will naturally increase the body’s capacity to absorb and spend energy. Again, improvements in fat and cholesterol utilization by virtue of improved energy utilization will most likely help sustain peak steroidal activity.” Think drop sets and supersets to boost your anabolic-hormone profile.

The book is packed with insightful information on cholesterol, cortisol, good fats and bad fats—both are anabolic—food for sex and muscles, growth hormone and IGF-1. While some of the discussion is scientific, Hofmekler makes most of it fairly easy to understand.

Toward the end of the first part of this book he comes to the section “SuperMuscle: How to Develop Muscle with Superior Biological Capabilities.” It’s basically about building maximum strength and endurance at the same time, and Hofmekler makes specific training recommendations for achieving that goal—or at least getting very close to it. He calls it super-muscle training, and it encompasses interesting concepts and theories. You’ll think long and hard about your current workouts after reading his suggestions.
In the fat-loss section he covers biological principles, carb restriction, subcutaneous and visceral fat, insulin resistance, toxicity and how to cope with each to get lean. He provides step-by-step actions as well as ways to target stubborn fat.
What a RUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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