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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2020, 03:48 PM
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Default Making the most of social distancing

If you’re reading this article at the time that it was published, you’re probably sitting in your home in isolation practicing social distancing – or whatever ridiculous term they want to call it. Your current joy is telling everyone your cool activities for the day. Like going to the living room to read a book, later in the day venturing out to the back patio for some fresh air because you’re feeling rebellious. So, what do you do in times like these where the Coronavirus has caused many businesses to close and you’re supposed to figure out how to make the most of your time off? I have a few ideas that will help you come out of this self-quarantine (AKA, come close to me and I’ll be forced to throat-punch you) a better person.

Use At-Home Workouts from Online
With the inability to go to work, go shopping, and go to social events, what are you supposed to do with your time off? How about fit in an at-home workout? I mean, what excuse do you have to not work out now that you’re stuck in your home?

There are so many amazing ball-busting free at-home workouts that you can find online via YouTube or a simple Google search that you’ll have plenty of workouts to try during your time off. The great thing about at-home workouts is that you don’t necessarily need any fancy equipment – you can simply use your own bodyweight or items found around your home for added resistance.

There’s no better time than right now to work on changing your habits and lifestyle. Nothing is really holding you back right now because many of our obligations have been put on hold for the time being.

I’m not saying in the two weeks that you are at home you’re entire life is going to change, you’ll go back to work rocking a sick set of abs and jacked physique, but at least you’re putting one foot in front of the other to improve your health and life.

Learn Something New with a Book or Audiobook
What better way to use your time off than to learn something new? This can be something regarding your health, fitness, or nutrition. Or if you are looking to move up the corporate ladder or grow your business, learn a new skill or perfect your craft by reading a book or listening to an audiobook.

You could buy a book online, read a book you have laying around, download an e-book, or use resources like the Hoopla or Libby apps to read books free online from your local libraries. Want to kill two birds with one stone? Do an at-home workout like what was mentioned above and put on an audiobook (or even a podcast) to listen to in the background while exercising.

In addition, consider looking for courses or webinars that are of interest to you online and something you want to learn during your time off.

Catch Up on Work
Are you a chronic procrastinator? Maybe you have kids and things have fallen behind due to trying to keep up with their busy school schedule and extracurricular activities? Use this time off to catch up on all the things you have been putting off or haven’t found the time to get done. That can be anything from work around the house to work for your employer or business.

Wouldn’t it be great if when things return to normalcy that you are completely caught up on all the things you need to get done? You can take a sigh of relief and know that everything that was weighing on our shoulders has been lifted. Don’t just sit around the house watching Netflix all day, stay active and get stuff done.

Take Time to Relax and Recharge
On the flip side of everything I just mentioned, take some time for yourself. Relax, unwind, and recharge your batteries so that you can go back to work full of energy and ready to tackle projects again. There’s nothing worse than burning the candle at both ends and eventually completely burning yourself out. Sleep in and get some extra rest, take a mid-afternoon nap if you need one, put your feet up and chill a little more, and find ways to destress.

The current situation we are in is stressful enough, try not to think about it and use your time off to your advantage. Your time off is a complete waste if you go back to work just as stressed or even more so than before everyone was sent home. Breathe, relax, recharge. Your mind and body will thank you.

Call People You Haven’t Spoken to in a Long Time
How many of you have been so busy that you’ve lost touch with a friend, your mother, your grandfather, an aunt, your sister, an old roommate, etc.? I think we all have at least one person in our lives that we wished we talked to more often. Now is a great time to do that during your time off.

Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken with in a long time and tell them you’ve been thinking about them. Ask them how they’ve been. Do they need anything? How have they been affected by the Coronavirus and what does it mean for them in the long-term? Bottom line – show you care.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2020, 07:10 PM
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That is an useful article.

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