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Old 12-05-2022, 06:07 PM
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Default Lactation (Galactorrhea)

Lactation (Galactorrhea)
When you're wanting to preventatively take action against prolactin, a Dopamine Agonist may not be the best choice to start with as they come with many unwanted sides and can be harsh drugs. You should always have a Dopamine Agonist on hand if you wish to take a 19-Nor, but if you wish to run something preventatively, you should start with some supplements.

Supplements To Help Control Prolactin:

PLEASE READ: Prolactin-Inhibiting Supplements Wiki Page

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride & P-5-P) - To lower prolactin levels it's recommend you take 50-200mg of P-5-P a day, in divided doses. If you want to take regular B6, which can sometimes cause minor side effects, take 300-1000 mg per day in divided doses.

Read the label before you buy B6 (if you choose not to get P-5-P), because the Pyridoxine Hydrochloride type of B6 (in most supplements) has been shown to be a prolactin inhibitor, but Pyridoxal Hydrochloride has been shown to be ineffective at lowering prolactin – make sure you buy the right type!

Vitamin B6 - Examine Page
Vitamin E - When using Vitamin E as a prolactin inhibitor, it's recommended that you take 300-400 IU per day of natural Vitamin E – this can be raised up to dosages such as 1000 IU for greater prolactin control, but be aware of the possible side effects outline here

Natural Vitamin E is labelled D-Alpha Tocopherol whereas synthetic is labeled DL-Alpha Tocopherol – the natural form works best. D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols or D-Alpha Tocopherol with mixed natural tocotrienols are the absolute best forms to take.

Vitamin E - Examine Page
SAM-e - Take 400-1200 mg a day of SAM-e along with Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. An added bonus is SAM-E's ability to detoxify the liver.

SAM-e - Examine Page
Other Effective Prolactin-Inhibiting Supplements

Remember, only use your Dopamine Agonist if blood work shows elevated levels or if your nipple(s) leak ON THEIR OWN. Do NOT squeeze your nips and force liquid out, even natural guys can do this, by doing this you will stimulate and cause an increase in prolactin.

Stopping Lactation
See Estrogen Handbook
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