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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2013, 08:19 PM
Demanda_Doll's Avatar
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Angry Jackass's n the gym

OK so I go to a great gym there are plenty of us on gear and its as very friendly place to lift. The last few days there has been an asshat in there. I lift almost daily with my hubbie but he's been working a lot so he missed a session so I lifted alone anyway during my workout I noticed this asshat being rude to some of the other ladies lifting and he refuses to rack his weights (pet pev), I watched take plates from others during there sets and then I needed to use the squat rack which he'd just been on and left it loaded so I ask him if he was done his reply does it look like it... I just walk off give him a few minutes in which he stares at himself in their mirror he's still not doing squats so I rack his weights and start my set he comes over and asks wtf I'm doing on HIS machine I just turn up my music and contuine my set!!!
After that I've had nothing but problems with him dropping weights at my feet moving my weights just being a jasckass!!!
Sorry guys I just needed to vent my hubbie and the other lifers will run him outta the gym...I just don't understand the need to act like first grader in the gym!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2013, 05:39 AM
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He's new to our gym but by no means a new lifter he's jacked so I'm gonna go on a limb and guess he got run off from his last gym!
The shits is we welcome everybody if he'd just act like a human instead of an ass-scratching monkey he'd have a lifting home no worries...being a duche in life doesn't get cha far it gets ya alone!
Smdh :-/
Every PRO was once an AMATEUR. Every EXPERT was once a BEGINNER. So DREAM BIG and START NOW!
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