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Hey Guys,
Just ordered my first cycle will start in 2 weeks. I will be doing a 10 week cycle of Sus250@ 500 per week. I am 6'2 215 lbs. Have been lifting for 6 years. bench is around 270 squat 400 clean 270 I would like to put on about 15-20lbs of mass, hopefully lean, and am wondering how I should realistic this goal is? also how should i be eating and training? I take a lot of supplements now; protein, pre, creatine, aminos, ect. try to eat 300 gram protein a day and 4-500 gram carbs around 3500 calories. Also I am wondering if on the gear I can hit muscle groups more often such as bench 2 or 3 times a week? or is it better to still give my body that long resting period? Any other advise will be trully appreciated Thanks, Ole |
Hey Odin,
first off truly appreciate the help ok I will try not to miss everything. I am a college student with an all you can eat cafeteria so augmenting my diet should be easy. Here is what I do 7:00 am - Multivitamin/omega oils 8:00 am breakfast: Omelete (probably about 5 eggs, I get a mix of eggs and egg whites) with mixed veggies and 3oz ham 2 cup otmeal w/ mixed fruit (bananas or blueberries) with 2 tbls Peanutbutter 11:00 am: fruit (apple/banana) 3 tbls PB and Honey sandwich on wheat, protien shake (30g) 1:30 pm Lunch: Usually 4 8oz chicken breasts, carb (pasta, rice, beans, veggies) then either cottage cheese and fruit or green yogurt w/ cereal and honey 4:30pm: post workout fruit, PB honey, Shake 6:00pm Dinner: Very similar to lunch get 2 plates one half full of a protien and a carb, then another with veggies and either more meat or another carb 8:30pm: fruit PB& honey 11:00pm before bed casein protien shake, and Z-core pm sleep pill. My work outs: 2 hours in gym, 15 min warm up/stretch, hour 30 lift, 15 min stretch Monday: Chest and back Superset Wide-grip Pullups: 5 sets to failure Barbell Bench Press: 5 sets of 12,10,8,8,Fail Incline Dumbbell Press 5 sets of 10 reps Seated Cable Rows 5 sets of 10 reps Wide-grip Pullups: 5 sets to failure Dumbbell Flyes: 5 sets of 5 reps, hold 5 sec on top and bottom Back extensions 3 sets of 20 reps (10 per leg) Bent-Arm Dumbbell Pullover 6 sets of 10 reps Ab circuit Tuesday: Rest (due to busy school schedule) Wednesday: Arms Larry Scot Giant set Dumbbell preacher curl X10, barbell preacher curl X10, straight bar reverse curl X10, Bicep machine X10 close grip bench 5 sets of 5 reps tricep rope push down 4 sets of 20 reps Skull crushers 3 sets of 10 reps Dips & bench Dips 3 sets of 10 reps Thursday: 1 hour HIIT, do different cone drills to work on agility, ect. Friday: Shoulders & Legs (currently doing rehab for back injury so cant life heavy on legs. Military press 5 sets of 12,10,8,8, Fail Arnold Dumbbell Press 5 sets of 12,10,8,8, fail super set Lateral raises and front raises 4 sets of 10 reps Shoulder shrugs 5 sets of 10 reps hold 3 sec barbell lung 3 sets 15 reps 1 leg DBDL 3 sets 15 reps 1 leg squat 3 sets 15 reps calf circuit Sat & Sun: Rest and Recover I am a student and have a pretty heavy workload so stress will likely be a factor. For supplements I take BCAA, Beta-alanin, Jack3Dmicro, IronCreatine3 pre workout. Take protein and glutamine post vitamins and omega 3 when I wake up and protein/sleeping pill before bed. hopefully this is what you looking for if any other questions please let me know I will answer the best I can Ole |
ok you eat clean that is a great start! now i am going to help but i wont do this for you, you seem like you are very motivated so i dont see you not wanting to put in work. here are the first things you need to do in order to build the perfect diet.
1. figure out your maitnance calories. ( there are several places online that offer a calculator that will allow you to enter your stats and will then give you your matenance calories for your weight and activaty level ) 2. add 500 calories to this matenance calorie number. ( the rule of thumb is to add 500 cals for a bulk and subtract 500 cals for a cut. that is the basic idea once you get it down you can take it to the next level and mess with your cals more. understand that you need to know your body so adjustments to cals are needed on a regular basis. ) 3. look up a macronutrient chart and learn how to break down you cals into macros so protein/carbs/fats. 4. bye a ton of tupperware because consistancy is key for a good diet. if you are suppossed to eat a meal at 5pm and you are on the run have that meal in tupperware with you and ready to go. 5. drink 1 to 1.5 gallons of water a day. ( this means actualy fill bottles or jugs every day so that you know exactly what you have drank, you would not believe the number of people who think they drink enough water daily and when they try this realize that a gallon of water is a lot of water. ) finish up this little bit of homework and post that you got it down actualy send me a pm when this is done and post you matenance cals here and i will put together a great meal plan off of that. i have a couple amazing meals that are not that bad tasting actualy they taste great but they also are low sodium and very high in cals. i have a shake in mind that is great for gaining weight as well. also remember its not just about what you eat but when you eat what you eat.... if you follow through with all of this and then with the diet as well you should be able to reach your goal. sincerely odin Quote:
valhallaking odin |
so did a calculation for my height and weight and got a BMR of 3,500 calories so I will shoot to eat 4,000 cals a day and I have a 1000ml shaker bottle that I drink 4 a day of which puts me at about a gallon, plus what I drink at meals (usually 3-4 cups water).
Looked up the macro nutrient chart and let me know how this looks: Protein 300gram (1,500 calories) Carb 400gram (2,000 calories) fat 100gram (500 calories) -------------------------------- total 4,000 calories I broke down my 3 PBH sanwhiches and I get about 70g protien, 150g carb, and 100g fat just from them which make me think I might but down to just 2 a day. Breakfast w/ eggs and oatmeal get me about 45g Prot, 60gram carb, 30gram fat. Then I eat about 8 4oz chicken breasts a day. which comes out to be 210gram protein and 12gram fat. with a mixed carb (suggestions for best here?) usually pasta or rice ----------------------------------------------------- my totals after adding everything are Protien 325gram (1625 calories) carb 275gram (1250 cal) fat 150gram (1500 cal) ------------------------- total (4500 cal) This makes since as I have been gaining about a pound a week over the last few. Look like I need to cut back and the peanut butter and pick up some more clean carbs to drop about 500 cals. Would you suggest lowering my protein or keep it the same? I am curious also as to how coffee will affect me. I try to stay away but usually have 2-3 cups a day. Can I continue this or should I try to cut back? Also being in college there are a plethora of opportunities to drink alcohol, how will this affect me other then shooting up my calories? Thanks again Valhalla King, Ole |
ok you are a little off on the macros. here are the macro breakdowns.
1gram carb = 4 cals 1gram protein = 4 cals 1gram fat = 9 cals this breakdown never changes always follow this when counting cals because what is printed on the package is usually rounded. so 3500 cals + 500 cals is 4000 cals total we are gonna start off real basic on your macro split and do a 40/30/30 which is 40%protein/30%carbs/30%fat. this is how it should look protein 1600 cals = 400grams protein carbs 1200 cals = 300gram carbs fats 1200 cals = 133grams fat this is a pretty basic split well on a lean bulk cycle. im going to write up a meal plan for you over the next couple days. just have a couple more questions. 1. what exactly are your pre and post workout shakes made up of? 2. what foods do you enjoy the most and what foods do you not like? and on the coffee do you drink it black? if your drink it black then just add it to your diet make sure to count the cals and macros. if you use suger then you should cut it out all together. cream is not to bad if u go light and keep a macro count. im exstreamly strict when on cycle and diet. again the more you put in the bigger the results! Quote:
valhallaking odin Last edited by valhallaking; 03-10-2014 at 01:56 AM. |
my protein shakes are 25g protien, 3g carb, 1g fat
and I drink my coffee black so I will just add it I really enjoy chicken, eat a lot of veggies, my school has pretty much everything so I like to switch it up as much as possible to keep things interesting. Ole |
meal 1 ( right when you wake up before you even piss )
two scoops protien, 100grams oats (use a coffee grinder to grind the oats up fine ) 100grams almond butter two cups whole milk plus a medium bannana. cals 1591 protein 90grams=360cals carbs 130grams=520cals fat 79grams=711cals ( this is counting the two scoops of protein as 50g protein/ 2gfat/ 6gram carb ) meal two ( about 2-3 hours later ) 3.5 oz boneless skinless chicken, 1 cup cooked brown rice, 1 cup green beans cals 405 pro 35gram carb 55gram fat 5gram meal 3 ( 2-3 hours later ) 1 medium sweet patato about 100grams, 3.5 oz bonless skinless chicken cals 248 pro 30gram carb 23gram fat 4gram meal 4 7oz beef tenderloin trimmed of fat, 1 cup cooked brown rice, 1 cup brocoli cals 580 pro 65gram carb 53gram fat 12gram meal 5 ( im assuming that you have already worked out by now and that you workout in the early evening ) half cup of quinoa messured before cooking it, medium sweet potato, 1 cup green beans, 3.5oz boneless skinless chicken cals 617 pro 43grams carb 91grams fat 9grams meal 6 ( drink right before bed ) two scoops of casin protien ( should equal same as whey for macros 50pro/2fat/6carb try and keep this close ) 50 gram almond butter with water cals 545 pro 56gram carbs 15gram fat 29gram the total breakdown for this diet is cals 3986 pro 319grams carbs 367grams fat 138grams this is not counting your pre and post workout protein shakes just add those in on workout days it wont affect your gains because your body will process the protein from them fast well on cycle and hitting the gym hard. only take the pre and post shakes on days you workout. also this diet is based on thinking that you workout in the early evening that is why you have a high carb meal for meal 5. dont worrie about all of the hype around dont eat before bed or avoid carbs because it is a lot more complicated then all that. your body needs carbs at all times if you want to gain. its more about how and when you divide them up which largly depends on when you workout and are more active. i hope you can work with this because i actually just made this up for you i did not copy it so it took some time. also it is meant to run well on cycle. good luck bro please post your results in my sponser thread for the diet so other people can put it to use sincerely odin
valhallaking odin |
lol by the way if you were woundering why your protein is lower then your carbs its because your pre and post workout drinks are not added to the diet so with those your protein should be over the 400gram goal or close to it.
valhallaking odin |
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