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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2011, 04:49 AM
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Default do stories like these put you off tanning, or do you feel the risks are over-hyped?

Bodybuilder who wanted a 'perma-tan' diagnosed with skin cancer at the age of 26 after using sunbeds three times a week for eight years
By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 11:08 AM on 1st October 2011

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Tanning obsession: Bodybuilder Mark Tykva with his son Danny
A tanned bodybuilder obsessed with sunbed treatments has been diagnosed with a fatal skin cancer - at the age of 26.

Mark Tykva began using sunbeds at 18 as he sought the deep skin tone which would best show off his muscles in competitions.
He bronzed himself three times a week and even began injecting himself with a tanning drug called Melanotan.
But after eight years of continuous sunbeds and five years of the tanning drug he was stunned to be told he had a potentially deadly form of skin cancer.
Yesterday the father-of-one said his experience should be a warning to others.
'I am living proof of the damage that tanning can do to you, 'he said. 'Tanning is the only reason I got skin cancer. There is no history of it in my family. I really want others to be careful and learn my lesson.
'If you do use sunbeds, you should be very careful - they are really powerful. Don't use them in the summer and only occasionally in the winter.'

Ukrainian-born Mark, a recruitment consultant living in Woolwich, south London, with his partner Tatyana and one-month-old son Danny, began competing in bodybuilding competitions at 16.
The sportsman, who previously had pale, spotty skin, began looking jealously at the other competitors - who all had perma-tans.
At 18 he decided to put his body through a gruelling routine of three tanning sessions per week, visiting slot sunbed machines in his local area.
It started to pay off - but the bodybuilder began to become addicted to his new bronzed glow.
Toned: Mark, who injected himself with a tanning drug, shows off his muscles to a couple of friends
By the age of 21 he began injecting himself twice-a-week with Melanotan - a powerful tanning drug which darkens the skin.
He bought the chemical from an online seller after reading about its impressive tanning results.
Mark explained: 'You basically inject it into your fat, like you would with insulin. When you first inject it you feel quite nauseous and really hot. Your skin feels like you have been sunburnt.
'You go dark very quickly and the results are very noticeable. I was hooked on it.' His skin took on a permanent tanned colour look - a million miles away from its natural complexion - and he felt confident with his new image.
Sunbed: Mark used them three times a week for eight years before being diagnosed with skin cancer
But in August this year he was sent for tests on a mole on his back. Doctors then told him he had skin cancer - on his birthday.
Mark said: 'My mum noticed a mole on my back. I went to the doctors and was then referred to a dermatologist.
'They booked me in for an appointment to have the mole cut out. When I got the results back they told me it was cancer.
'I was totally shocked and all my family were really worried.' Luckily, doctors caught the melanoma early and expect Mark to make a full recovery.
But he still has to go for regular check-ups and dreads the deadly disease coming back.
The super-fit headhunter - who still visits the gym up to five times a week - is now hoping others will heed his warning and cut down on their tanning visits.
Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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Old 10-04-2011, 07:31 AM
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he became obsessed and obsession in any form is not good.
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Old 10-04-2011, 03:40 PM
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I have that fear just cause Im always out side in the sun. i started swim team when i was four and started swimming year around at eight so and so on. Thats a lot of time in the sun not to mention training for triathalons when i was younger... Ill sue california for making the outdoor life so apealing and having so many lakes and rivers.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. --buddah
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