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Old 05-16-2018, 04:43 PM
musclesprod's Avatar
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Post Clearing Receptors in order to enhance steroids effect

Many of you just wonder why even on steroids muscles are not growing.

You raised dosage, added a few weeks more to the cycle, added new steroids (new compounds) and results are still not so good. Plus I am sure you got more side-effects.

You feel like you are not moving even weights you are lifting are not moving up.

This is what I call unwise steroids dependence.

I will explain why and what to do do get maximum effect while using anabolic steroids.

The explanation will be simple and short to save your time.

Our body has some receptors which responds for how efficient steroids will be. Let’s compare this to a biceps curl. You are doing 4 sets of 12 reps and then you decide to do 20 sets of same exercise in the same day, do you think results will be better? No! You are just loosing time and muscles.

Same is with receptors, don’t overuse them if you want steroids to work.

As we need to give muscle time to rest in order to grow same principle is applied to receptors. Give them time to recover to clean themselves from steroids you’ve putting there.

A wise approach would be cycles not longer than 12-16 weeks after which you need to take a rest at least for 2-3 months before you can move to next steroid cycle.

Be sure to finish your steroid cycle with some clomid and/or nolva in order to restore natural testosterone production thus save muscles you got while on steroids.

This way you will always move up and will have a good working HPTA(Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis) system.

Take care

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