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Old 12-20-2010, 02:16 PM
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Default Arnold Schwarzenegger Admitted Steroid Usage

Statements from Arnold Schwarzenegger himself about steroid usage during a period of time.
# 1974 Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroid usage: “I take steroids because they help me an extra 5 percent. Women take the (contraception) pill. They are somewhat similar. I do it under a doctor’s supervision.”
# 1977 Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroid usage: “Yes I have used steroids, but no, they didn’t make me what I am. Anabolic steroids were helpful to me in maintaining muscle size while on a strict diet in preparation for a contest.”
# 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroid usage: “I don’t worry about it, because I never took an overdosage.”

Schwarzenegger steroid usage
# 1992 Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroid usage: “In those days you didn’t have to deal with the black market when you needed steroids. You could go to your physician and just say, ‘Listen, I want to gain some weight, and I want to take something.’ Then the physician would say, ‘Do it six weeks before competition, then it will be safe.’ And that’s what you would do. The steroid dosage that was taken then versus taken now by bodybuilders is not even 10 percent. It’s probably 5 percent.”
# 1996 Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroid usage: “I used steroids. It was a risky thing to do, but I have no regrets. It was what I had to do to compete. The danger with steroids is overusage. I only did it before a difficult competition – for two months, but not for a period of time that could harm me. And then afterward, it was over. I would stop. I have no health problems, no kidney damage or anything like that from using steroids.”
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 07:11 PM
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We all knew that. Arnold under stands juicing is not cheating you actually have to work twice as hard at times to even benefit from usage. I think that the anti doping laws are out of line and I am disenchanted with the way the government handles controlled substances. People can sit in a bar drink their life away ruin their body and it is O.k. your choice. Doctors are fast to hand out Norcos and Oxy's which do far more damage then someone juicing. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. When you are TRT'n or HRT'n and you do it in a way that is not abusive and is for longevity, we should have the right to put what we want in our system. Testosterone comes from a plant, marijuana comes from a plant, tobacco comes from a plant, heroin comes from a plant. Testosterone is compounded by man and at time is synthetic. No different than other synthetic plant like products. Just typing out my thoughts... I am not always right I make these statements humbly. My life my choices my circle of friends.
Disclaimer: I do not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we/I share is for entertainment purposes only.

I do not sell, or condone the use of anabolic steroid.
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