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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2012, 12:59 AM
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Default All in Vein (Part II)

Both androgen and estrogen receptors are found in veins. A recent study examined hormonal receptors and various hormones in the large saphenous vein in the legs of men who did and didn’t have varicose veins.1 Those who had varicose veins showed more estrogen relative to free, or active, testosterone in their bodies, and their androgen receptor activity was downgraded, likely due to a local negative feedback caused by the greater concentration of estrogen. That has implications for men whether or not they’re bodybuilders.

For nonbodybuilders, the major story is that having an imbalance of estrogen to testosterone may set the stage for the appearance of varicose veins. Whether that happens depends on other factors, such as genetic predisposition, diet, exercise and amount of time spent standing on your feet. For bodybuilders who use anabolic drugs, the point is that some steroids can convert into estrogen through the actions of the enzyme aromatase, which is found throughout the body, particularly in fat tissue. When men age, they tend to lose muscle and gain fat, which would predispose them to higher estrogen counts and, in due course, varicose veins. Most bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids that can convert into estrogen know the score and take aromatase blockers or estrogen antagonists, such as Nolvadex.

Still, you have to wonder how many top bodybuilders who have a lot of varicose veins got that way through an unfortunate combination of excess estrogen and heredity. Perhaps even certain styles of training are involved, although since the muscles assist the veins in returning blood to the heart, reducing pressure on veins, exercise would be an unlikely source of the problem. There’s not much a bodybuilder can do to prevent varicose veins, other than being aware of the effect of estrogen while doing everything you can to maintain normal testosterone. Some studies show that nutrients that strengthen the vein walls, such as vitamin C and bioflavonoids, offer some preventive effects, as do herbs that contain natural silicon, such as horsetail.

The other option: Just live with it, or resort to medical solutions for the removal of varicose veins.
What a RUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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