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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2011, 06:01 PM
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Default accutane/isotretinoin

how many of you guys have tried accutane? ive tried my best to avoid it but im strongly considering it. i had alittle back acne growing up and it didnt really get worse when i started cycling. but last summer i did a prop/tren ace cycle and towards the end of it i started breaking out real bad, then it continued getting worse thru pct and my off time. now for the last 6 months or so ive been trying everything to clear it up. its slowly getting better but i dont want to be using crazy soaps and ointments everyday for rest of my life; or be asking people to put medicine on my back every day or 2. so ive been thinking about trying 20-30 mg a day of accutane for 6 months or so. anybody have any experience with this or any possible suggestions?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 02:35 PM
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I've never used it and I don't know anyone who has unfortunately, But I'm having a look round to see if there is anything else that could do the job.
This may sound crazy but a couple of friends of mine get the specialized acne soaps and start using them a week before going on cycle then continue to use them throughout the cycle and they never have any problems!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 09:50 PM
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what kind of soap are they using, do you know? i read about a soap marketed as bodybuilders soap. from my understanding it was developed for military who get dirty, sweaty, and are exposed to foreign types of bacteria. but ive had my best results from panoxyl benzoyl peroxide soap and tretinoin cream.but ive i tried it all, salicylic acid soaps and creams, ketocanozole shampoo,and even had alittle success with mitchum unscented roll on deodorant.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2011, 04:13 PM
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i see that quite a few people viewed this thread so figured id update it. i ended up buying some isotretinoin liquid from a research company based out of the states. i feel that the price was great, much cheaper than pill form, but cant lie, the liquid taste like everclear, its horrible. but ive been taking it for just over a week now at 30mg a day. my back and shoulders are already clearing up nicely. but my face is irritated, its really dry and chapped looking. also the way isotret works is it brings out the deep spots that you didnt know were there. so i have a few red spots where they are coming up. most people experience this and is considered the "initial breakout". so ill just keep up with with the chapstick and lotion and hope for the best. but its def worth it just for the results my back has gotten already, i plan on having clear skin this summer. its no fun to kill yourself in the gym, then be too ashamed to take your shirt off by the pool bc of bacne
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 04:09 PM
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screw accutane man.
its way too harsh a drug.
you know i should make a thread about acne and homeopathy.
in 07 i went for homeopathy for acne, i thought might as well give it a try and my experience was quite extream and permanent as homeopathy works by triggering your immune system.

so first
i saw a crazy decrease in oil and acne and i looked great, then it came back for a while, then after that while it disapeared throughout that summer and the acne came back that november, but then went away again in march. and from then on my skin has been soo fucking dry its not even funny. even on test and dbol my skin still gets slightly under normal before. so even with test and dbol my skin is still dry. nowadays if i get any acne its from dead skin cells from the dry skin, but its not much. i dont get any from oil anymore, no way.

you guys should try it man.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 05:46 PM
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never heard of that, but you should make a thread about it and explain it alittle, id def be interested in reading it. i googled it and didnt find much useful info, it really just looked like some witch doctor non sense from the 17th century.

ive heard like 3-4 out of prob 50 people say that accutane didnt work or it was too harsh for them. and all of them were prescribed the drug from doctors under the .5 mg of isotretinion per kg of bodyweight concept, which is insanely high! ive even heard of some people going over that. me personally, i weight 125 kg, and im taking 30 mg a day. after a month or so im going to drop down to 20 mg. the only sides i have seen is chapped lips, but the results have FAR outweighed that side effect so far. but ill keep this thread updated on my progress/side effects
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2011, 07:38 AM
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been on accutane for a good 12-15 years off and on, I consider myself as a accutane guru..LOL

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2011, 03:29 PM
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rex, share some insight. what kind of dosage do you take and for long do you tend to run it at a time?

well last week i had my "initial breakout". my nose looked like it got puched by tyson for 2 days, then as soon as that went away i got a few spots on my cheeks. but now, its all gone and im pretty clear. i do have some chapped lips and the spots where i broke out last week are alittle flakey.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2011, 04:02 PM
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update: i stayed on accutane for 2 months at 30mg a day, which is pretty low dose considering im 270 lbs. i came off so i could include an oral in my next cycle without stressing my liver too much. i cleared up 99% but im still getting a lil spot here and there, maybe 1 spot a week. but before i got on accutane my back looked like i slept in an ant pile, prob 100 lil red spots. after this cycle i will hop back on accutane at 20mg a day for 3 months, then i dont expect to ever have the issue again in my lifetime. i regret waiting so long to start accutane bc the acne kept getting worse and resulted in some scars. those gd commercials on tv about accutane have everyone scared, but those cases are from 20-30 yrs ago before the drug was fully understood. drs used to prescribe the dosage based on your weight, my friend who was 170 lbs was taking 60mg a day. he had nose bleeds and all sorts of weird sides. but that is unnecessary, just start at 20mg a day and watch your skin clear up. it truely is a miracle drug...
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