2010 Olympia Weekend After Party
From Jason Dhir –> At 11pm on Saturday night September 25th, history will be made… The doors to HAZE nightclub will open to hold the first ever Official Olympia Party. The Olympia weekend has set the standard for the industries trade shows/competitions bringing in Hollywood celebrities, over the top entertainment and hundreds of pro athletes and models from around the globe. Hence, in order to bring a MEGA-Party such as this to Vegas (similar to what I do annually every March in Columbus, Ohio), there is ultimately only one site on the Vegas strip that can contain this Massive Mastodon of Mega and that is at HAZE Night club located at Aria Hotel/Resort.
This will be a new standard in Olympia After-Parties and is held at one next level location. I am not talking about a wine and cheese affair at a hotel welcoming room nor a half assed hot or not after party. I am talking an upper echelon, pinch me I am dreaming, reality check party… so fasten your seatbelts
source: getbig.com
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