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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2014, 03:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Texas
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Exclamation Winstrol facts

On my second go round with oral winstrol. After reading numerous articals online I wanted to get some input from the pros who have a few cycles of it to clear up the bad information out there.
Dosage the medical doctors and manufactures recommend
3 times daily oral winni has a 8 to 9 hour half life.
And they are prescribing 2mg 3x a day to start. 3x a day to keep a constant amount in the patient system. So 10mg 3x a day should be a good base line to get good results. I have read 100mg is the max. This stuff is strong dehydrates the hell out of me and I sweat like crazy. Dries me out and that creates a problem when you are lifting like crazy. Injury is a real possibility don't over due it. I have found that I bench 145lbs for a work out 12 reps 3x when I get on the gear my strength increses but my bones & tendons are not ready and I could seriously fuck my self up. Last summer my elbows and forearms (bones) were taking a serious beating I learned there not to max out all crazy. I remember when I wrestled in high school the guys on gear would always get injured pull muscles, I seen a guy at state finals detach his bicep and it was no secret he was on juice.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2014, 03:06 AM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Texas
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Question Another thing

Some people go on and on about a winstrol only cycle! That can't be good it will shut you down. No test at all? That can't be good. What's your thoughts on this because my buddy wants to do this and I said no but he is persistent and I already got his order. Today I desided it's to risky for him but I'm not a pro maybe 2x 10mg for 3 weeks ?
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