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tapperformance 03-24-2010 04:21 PM

Steroid stack Question much help needed please!!!
I started test e 300 at 600mg a week ""last year""" and i did not stack it with nothing and i got pretty nice results just that the gyno puffy nipples came into play and i didnt like it at all.. also showed some water retention after waking up in a pool of sweat a couple times..... what would you guys recommend for a good stack to get ready for the summer which is like 2-3months ahead. I want a clean cut build nothing real bulky im 6ft1 and weigh 193lbs I would like to peak at 215-220lbs.....I got this from and it looked like it would suit me but I really am not too keen on this since im new to the gear world! That's why Im coming to you guys.... When would I do a cutting stack and what would that consist of and then what PCT would be good??? please help im in need. Thanks for taking your time!

Weeks 1-4 GP Methan10 (dianabol) 40 mg per day
Weeks 1-10 500mg GP Test Cyp per week
Weeks 1-10 GP Anastrozole (Arimidex) .5 mg per day (continue to run this for 10 days after cycle)

Cornish_Celt 03-25-2010 02:57 AM

welcome to the club mate,
can you tell me why your not keen on that cycle, Test and Dbol is a fairly standard beginners cycle.
There are many beginners cycles, Is it because of the gyno or do you just think it's too much for a first cycle?
Let us know your concerns and we can work it out for you.

Robbie 03-25-2010 07:30 PM

if your after lean gain and not bulky gains try swapping the dbol for tbol .

weeks 1 - 4 - GP Turan 40mg per day
weeks 1 - 10 - 500mg GP Test Enanth per week
10mg nolva ED (cheaper than arimidex and will do the same with this cycle)


weeks 12 - 15 nolva @ 20mg per day
Clomid week 12 100mg per day
clomid week 13 - 15 50mg per day

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