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Old 05-11-2012, 09:25 AM
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Default So you think you want to take Steroids?

So you think you want to take Steroids?

I am sure this post has been done before but with all the new Dbol only cycle threads and various I started cycle but don't have PCT threads it is worth doing again.

So you have had a think and decided you want to do steroids? you probably fall into one of two categories, you are A: Someone that has trained hard for years and reached a natural peak of your development (unlikely) or B: You are looking for a quick fix? (be honest!).

No problem we know that most of you will be B, in truth, I was B five years ago. Now we need to ask a few more questions of ourselves and do some reading, in fact lots of reading, please dont move to the end, have patience, its worth it, go through the questions in order.

Q: Have you researched mass gaining diet? put it into practice and followed it religiously until it is second nature for you to prepare and eat around your activities of daily living/working? If so go to next question, if not you MUST get this right first, as no steroid will compensate for a bad diet in any permanent way. Please go here for a good diet example and then go here for a step by step procedure to formulating your own mass gaining diet, follow it until it is second nature and see if perhaps you couldn't grow naturally instead.

Q: Have you researched a good training program? If you are not training effectively, or if you are over training, this could be why you aren't getting enough natural progress. If you are happy with your program and have got it well practiced, good form and technique, then move on to the next question, other wise please study this thread and follow its program religiously until the exercises are second nature. You may just find you put on a growth spurt in response to the new stimulus and because you arent over training.

Q: Do you get enough Sleep? You grow and repair while you sleep, simple really, but do you sleep enough to grow? and its about quality not quantity, read about it here. If you aren't sleeping well, your results will suffer and eventually you will over train, steroids or not! Then your progress will stall and may go in reverse. Address this before moving on.

Q: Have you tried the over the counter mass building supplements first? These work well for most as part of the four big builders, in order: Food, training, rest, supplements. For info on supplements that wont waste your money go here, most other supplements are a rip off but you do need a realistic quantity of vitamins and minerals for advice on that go here

Q: Ok so you have a good mass gaining diet, you have a good, solid program of solid compound exercises, you rest enough and take the right supplements and growing or not still want to go ahead with steroids? Yes go to next question, No follow the advice above.

Q: Have you researched the side effects of Steroids? You really should go into this with your eyes wide open, most side effects are not severe, most can be easily reversed, but almost all can be prevented or at least prepared for if you are forewarned and forearmed. I did an extensive thread on this here. Its mentioned in the article but age is a factor, testosterone will encourage a premature growth spurt/puberty, and if estrogen builds up during or post cycle, it can fuse your bones, prematurely and permanently. It just isn't worth the risk, wait till you have finished growing at least if you can, if not then follow the advice in the linked thread about AI use.

Q: Have you researched the steroid you want to use and how to use it? You MUST do this, don't take someone down the gyms word for it, read, read and then read some more! You will come up with loads of sites offering info, google steroid cycles and you will get the same or do a search here then post your proposed cycle up along with, Diet, training routine/history, basic stats (height,weight,age).

Q:Have you researched and formulated a good PCT appropriate for the compounds you intend to use? Look up the compounds in wikipedia and understand why they are used. For example, the compounds used here are Aromatise Inhibitors (AI's) which prevent testosterone being converted to estrogen and Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS) which blocks estrogen that has converted from testosterone (aromatized) from binding to its receptor, such as is found in the nipples (hence Gyno) and finally Human Chorionic Gonadtrophin (HCG) which converts to Lutenising Hormone and tells the testes to get back to work in cases of severe shutdown. Formulate your PCT and post it up with your Cycle.

Q: Have you had some pre-cycle bloodwork done?
At the very least you need a full hormonal profile done, preferably with liver and thyroid function tests plus a full blood count and Urea and Electrolytes as a minimum. This will provide a baseline for which you will strive to get back to once you complete your PCT.

Q: Ok so good to go? here's a check list:

I have a good mass building diet that I have rehe****d and can stick to religiously for the duration of the cycle and beyond (6-16weeks)
I have a good mass building program, based around compound exercises that I have rehe****d and can perform with strict form and safely.
I get enough sleep, quality and quantity to facilitate growth.
I take only the required supplements to support the extra growth and protect my body from damaging side effects.
I have researched my intended steroids and have put together a cycle which was scrutinized by other members and deemed 'safe'.
I have researched PCT and the compounds I will need to use with my cycle, I have posted these up for scrutiny alongside my cycle and they have been deemed 'adequate' for reversing negative feedback from cycle.
I have had pre-cycle bloodwork done, preferably by my GP or Endocrinologist.

If you can answer yes to every one of the six step check list, then you are good to go. Now you need to buy or obtain your needles, syringes and source your compounds.

Lastly, in addition to the above, it would be very useful for future reference if you keep an accurate cycle log detailing all compounds used, when and for how long, including PCT meds and ancillaries. This info will be useful to plan future cycles and if the worst happens, will be useful to your Endocrinologist.

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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