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Old 01-03-2023, 01:14 PM
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Default Safely Using Steroids For Bodybuilding

There's a high probability that steroid use has created a lasting negative impression in your mind. Judging by the news you hear every day about bodybuilders developing a heart attack due to steroid use and all of that. Steroids don't leave a positive impression on anyone.

Meanwhile, it's also true that using steroids in the prescribed amount and under medical supervision won't hurt you. However, using a large number of anabolic steroids over a long period can be injurious to your health.

What exactly do you need to know about steroids?

You may be surprised to know that steroids are chemical compounds that are found in humans and animals. They come in myriad types and they all play a significant role in our body's metabolism; they also help in the creation of vitamins and other vital elements.

Conversely, anabolic steroids are synthetic drugs manufactured in a lab and they have similar properties to that of male testosterone. Initially, it was meant to be used only by prescription, but over time, it became abused by athletes, bodybuilders and sports people.

They use it to enhance their performance and increase their size and build. There's no penalty for having steroids in your possession, however, steroids are an illegal Class C substance.

Are you thinking of using anabolic steroids to enhance athletic performance or increase muscle mass? Then it's important that you also note that these drugs can cause negative effects and even addiction.

The best way to avoid this is to steer clear of steroid use but if you must use steroids anyway, then you should know the steps you can take to reduce its negative impact on your health.

Continue reading to learn more about anabolic steroids, their side effects and if you can safely use the drug.
What Are Anabolic Steroids?​
Anabolic steroids are gotten from testosterone. Testosterone is mostly a mature male hormone, but it's also found in women in smaller amounts. In women, testosterone is used to keep their bones strong and help them perform better sexually.

In men, it is the male sex hormone that causes boys to develop manly properties during puberty such as muscle strength, deeper voice, body and facial hair.

Technically, anabolic steroids are a type of artificial testosterone. They can serve as a supplement to back up the natural level of testosterone in the body.

When ingested through anabolic steroids, it can cause the hormone to increase muscle mass, reduce fat, and work as a performance-enhancing drug. But it can also cause several side effects. And when the testosterone is higher than normal in the body, it can create proteins that support muscle growth, hair growth, sexual functions and bone density.

That's why steroids are commonly used by athletes like bodybuilders. They believe that the more anabolic steroids they consume, the bigger and stronger they become. That's why in the bodybuilding industry, you hear things like performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs).

Anabolic steroids are seen in different tablet forms while some are injected directly into the muscles. Some of these anabolic steroids include:
Are Anabolic Steroids Illegal?​
Anabolic steroids are considered Class C substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. This means that it is only legally acceptable to be sold by a pharmacist and that's with a prescription. It is not illegal to have anabolic steroids for personal consumption, but it's illegal to possess, buy, import, or export anabolic steroids to be a supplier. In major competitive sports, most organisations do not appreciate the use of steroids and they test their athletes for performance-enhancing drugs before any competition.
What are anabolic steroids used for?​
When used with the right prescription from a certified pharmacist, steroid use is not considered harmful. They're used for both health and athletic purposes, these include:

Gaining more body mass due to the increment of protein in the body (about 4.5 to 12 pounds).
Reducing your overall body fat percentage.
Gaining muscle strength and endurance.
Increasing how strong your bones are
Increased red blood cell production.
Enhance performance in athletic sports like weightlifting and bodybuilding.
Using steroids with other substances like insulin can cause an increase in muscle mass.
Anabolic steroids help to maintain muscle mass when you have a condition like liver disease or cancer that reduces your muscles.
What are the side effects of anabolic steroids?​
When used in smaller doses and within a specific period, and when it's prescribed and being monitored by a doctor, there is less chance of steroids having harmful side effects.
Also, your genetic make-up can affect how steroids affect you.

But when you use steroids in large quantities without supervision or prescription, then its use might lead to dangerous side effects, these include:

Increasing your risk of developing heart disease or heart attacks.
It makes you act more aggressively and impulsively.
It makes you feel bad about your body.
It damages your liver.
It causes fat tissue to grow in the breast(it is called gynecomastia in men) because the hormone in your body is no longer balanced, especially when you stop taking steroids.
It reduces the natural testosterone your body secretes because your body starts to get used to too much intake of anabolic steroids.
It causes lower sperm production and this ultimately reduces your chances of bearing children.
It causes baldness in males; even if some men are naturally going to get bald, using anabolic steroids causes it starts earlier.
Side effects for women​
Anabolic steroids do not only affect men, they also affect women too. Some of the negative effects of anabolic steroids on women are listed below: they include:
deeper voice
changes in face shape
facial hair growth
clitoris growing larger than normal
period becoming irregular
shrinking breasts
Can Steroids Be Taken Safely?​
The answer to this question depends solely on who you ask. Steroids have been used in medical spaces for medical purposes and at the same time, it has been used as performance-enhancing drugs for a long time too. There's a probability that many athletes or people that use these drugs will profess that anabolic steroids do not have any negative side effects on them.

However, you should note that not all steroids are manufactured the same way and for the same purpose. There are approximately 200 different kinds of steroids and each of these types have its properties and potential side effects. And the fact that it's quite difficult to have the drug, you may not know exactly which type you're holding in your hand and consequently, it may lead to different health complications.

There's a chance that when you purchase steroids at a gym, they may not be produced for use on humans, instead, they should be used on animals. It could be fake or may have not been labelled properly. Either way, when you take it, it becomes harmful to your health because it wasn't manufactured for human use.

Before you take anabolic steroids, try to ensure that you're taking the right one and also ensure that the drug doesn't contradict any other drugs you've been taking. The best to know all these is when you meet a certified pharmacist to help with a prescription. They are the best persons to ask for help on steroid use.
Always Seek Professional Help When Taking Steroids​
Although the best way to avoid experiencing the harmful effects of anabolic steroids is by avoiding them totally, there are still some ways to use them without being in harm's way. If you want to gain more muscle and weight with the use of anabolic steroids, you should seek professional advice first before you start. Experts know just the right amount of steroids you need to help you achieve your goal. They also know how to manage the prescription to prevent side effects.
Consider Post Cycle Therapy to Regulate Hormone Production​
In addition to seeking a medical professional's help with your steroid use, you should also consider post-cycle therapy(PCT).

When you take anabolic steroids, it means you're injecting synthetic testosterone into your body and this naturally stops the natural secretion of hormone production in your body. When you take steroids for some time, it affects your body's ability to secrete testosterone but PCT can help you fix that.

PCT is a protocol that's introduced after you've completed a cycle of using steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs. It is designed to bring back testosterone to its normal healthy level. However, PCT should only be attempted by trained and qualified medical personnel, you shouldn't try it on your own.
Are there safe alternatives to anabolic steroids?​
There are other ways to increase your muscle mass and enhance your performance other than using anabolic steroids. They include:

Eat a healthy, balanced diet that consists of protein, fibre and fat. You can also include eggs, fish, yoghurt and grains.
Train each muscle group separately. Focus on different muscles like biceps, triceps or quads during your workout.
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