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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 03:35 AM
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Default Planning For Cutting Cycle

I am beginning the second week of a 12 week cycle of Test E and D-Bol. Have a couple of questions regarding issues that arise during the use of the D-Bol and estrogen conversion. Currently I am using 30mg D-Bol. I have read on some posts that some prefer to take clomid while on the cycle to keep everything working and cut down on water retention and gynecomastia. I have what I need to do PCT 2 weeks after my last injection, and I also have extra on hand. Is it beneficial to use clomid during the cycle or wait?
Next question is regarding doing a cutting cycle. After the 12 week bulking cycle and PCT, how long do you need to wait before rolling in to a cutting cycle? Then the final thought I have that I would like advice do you maintain your gains once you have come off your cycle. I am 51 years old and was wondering if I would need to continue bumping Test every 7-10 days as I read in a post or what other options do I have? Thanks very much for the advice thus far, it has been extremely helpful.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by captkel View Post
I am beginning the second week of a 12 week cycle of Test E and D-Bol. Have a couple of questions regarding issues that arise during the use of the D-Bol and estrogen conversion. Currently I am using 30mg D-Bol. I have read on some posts that some prefer to take clomid while on the cycle to keep everything working and cut down on water retention and gynecomastia. I have what I need to do PCT 2 weeks after my last injection, and I also have extra on hand. Is it beneficial to use clomid during the cycle or wait?
Next question is regarding doing a cutting cycle. After the 12 week bulking cycle and PCT, how long do you need to wait before rolling in to a cutting cycle? Then the final thought I have that I would like advice do you maintain your gains once you have come off your cycle. I am 51 years old and was wondering if I would need to continue bumping Test every 7-10 days as I read in a post or what other options do I have? Thanks very much for the advice thus far, it has been extremely helpful.

do a search on anti-e's here at HM, it will provide you great info on how anti-e's work and how they should be ran, I'd run nolva instead of clomid for sure in a cycle for what you are wanting to use it for, keep the clomid for PCT and use nolva only if you need it, are you holding lots of water? are you getting any gyno symptoms? if not then you should be ok without it, but if you want to keep water down then sure you can add in nolva or even adex to your cycle, how long is your kick start with the dbols?? should only be about 4 weeks, but yes IMO nolva would be a better choice and I would dose it at 10-20mgs ED if your gonna use it, as for jumping into your next cycle, rule of thumb is time on time off. Maintaining your gains is quite easy keep in mind that you will loose some gains for sure but most is keepable, make sure your PCT is done correctly and keep on hitting the gym hard as you would when running a cycle, also adding in some supps like creatine and keeping your protein intake up is a good is KEY whether on or off a cycle. By continuing using test after your cycle is called cruising or bridging you can do that as well, yes it will help you keep your gains as your keeping your test levels up and not coming off, basically you going into HRT/TRT Hormone Replacement Therapy and doses are usually ran @ 250mg/week, so your not acually coming off at all, if you go this route then you dont really need PCT as you stay on year round, but keep in mind that doing this you will risk shutting down your natural test in your body and might have to continue HRT for me, I dont come off ever no more as I'm on HRT prescribed by the doctors now, this is the chance you take when cruising also another good idea is adding HCG @250iu's 2x/week to keep your nuts full when on HRT, you will run HRT for the same time length as your cycle giving your receptors a break then into the next cycle as you plan.


Last edited by Rex; 05-11-2010 at 04:02 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 04:05 AM
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here are the links to the anti-e's

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