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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2010, 12:18 PM
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Default Just Dbol cycle?

My friend wants to start a cycle consisting of just Dbol. I told him that it is not good and he will loose everything he will gain but he dont listen to me. What are other arguments I can say him to add at least 10 weeks of test for 500mg per week.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 12:01 AM
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It's true that d-bol alone is not the best way to go...You can tell him that most of the gains is just water weight and d-bol is very liver toxic and can cause libido problems if taken alone...and if he is really serious about using AAS then he should do it right and do as you mentioned by adding some test.



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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 05:22 AM
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All I know and what Ive heard of is that.... A "only" dbol cycle.... is a no go. yes you will get gains.... but idk if he's ever heard of "deccadick"... but I heard the same story from a A-bomb cycle and a D-Bol only cycle??? Tell me if I'm wrong... jus from What Ive heard... Used D-bol to "kickstart" but NEVER a "only" cycle... jus my 2 cents
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 10:08 AM
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Use dbol for first 4 weeks together with test which shall be continued until 12 week.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 02:18 PM
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Test is base and best decision for first cycle.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2010, 08:56 PM
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Default DBol only

Hi,I done a dbol only for my first cycle (30mg p/d)as did not want to inj,and got good gains from it with no side,but like they say everyones different.I should of taken Enanthate for 12wks n got even better gains like aim now hope this helps.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2010, 08:58 PM
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Default Dbol only

I only done it for five wks
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 02:29 PM
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Run Turanabol or Turanadex alone if anything. The side effects are very low, and the gains you make on tbol last, i cycled for 6 weeks and kept everything its a very nice tictac haha.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2010, 04:01 PM
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Default Nice find imfusio

I have to agree with that, Dbol is excellent!
I have tried many different steroids over the years, and I always go back to Dbol. Why, because it works plain and simple!
Yes there is water retention, but I generally keep about 85% of my gains and I'm perfectly happy with that.
what's the best mass cycle ever? Sustanon 250, Deca and DBOL!
You can ask me to try any of the newer gear thats floating around but you can't beat good old Dbol!
Don't get me wrong obviously there is other great gear out there like Primo, Sus, Tren etc, but when it comes down to it, you can always rely on Dbol!

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2011, 04:29 PM
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That was really a good read. Thx for sharing that bro.
Originally Posted by imfusio View Post
Topic is a little old, but still something many people question. DBol is fast gains, very potent, and oral administration is easier than injection.

If you look around the web, many will say to not ever do a DBol only cycle. Most of the gains will be water weight, and what lean mass you do gain will be difficult to keep even with proper PCT. DBol only is just not a very efficient way to go. A Test only cycle would ultimately be more effective.

I've heard of a lot of people who keep a majority of their gains. A good friend of mine said he gained about 25lbs, and kept 18lbs, which is pretty amazing. It was his first cycle however, and he said he thinks that made him a "hyper-responder". Not to mention, diet, genetics, training, and many other factors play a huge role.

Here's an informative post I found on another forum:
""fact", the more anabolic a drug is, the more it will help you to build actual muscle tissue, not water retention, but actual growth.

"fact", dbol is one of the most anabolic drugs out there, mg per mg, it may just be the most anabolic, definitely going by my own experience.

so combine those 2 "facts", and dbol is superior in many ways, to many other anabolic steroids. So why does the old wive's tale about dbol only cycles still persist, that you cant gain and maintain real mass with it....Off hand I can see a few reasons....One, due to another wives tale about how hard it is on the liver, dbol cycles tend to be short, in the order of around 4 weeks, while test and other injectables cycles tend to be in the 8-12 week range. So no brainer, you will gain and keep more off one of the other cycles. Not to mention, add the the mg per week in a test cycle, and compare it to the mgs per week in a dbol cycle, the dbol user is using much less.

Also add in the fact that many that run dbol only cycles due so because they dont want to inject, which tends to have the users who are much less serious about bodybuilding taking this route...those more serious about getting huge, will get over their fear of poking. So this often being the case, the user knows less about training and nutrition, so they dont gain as much pure mass from the cycle as the experienced or serious user. Most of what they gain tends to be water, which of course is pissed out when they stop they cycle, regardless of the pct you follow. Also, this less experienced user, often has difficulty telling the difference between the water gained, and the muscle mass, this is easy to do as much of that water is held within the muscle, its not bloat....I fell for this many times during my early cycles

But I can honestly attribute much of my overall mass to dbol, arnold called it the breakfast of champions for a reason, and I think he knew more about bodybuilding than your average person who has these opinions of dbol. Mg per mg, dbol is by far the best steroid I have ever used...I have been cycling pretty extensively over the years, and as my avatar shows, I've done pretty well. And I am willing to bet I wouldnt be half this advanced without the drug

Dbol only cycles can be done successfully with lots of mass retained, you just need to keep a few things in mind "
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