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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2013, 04:38 AM
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Default INJ guide for ladies

This is for ladies that have tried at least one mild oral steroid and now wish to add more mass to their bodies.

The chances of contracting side effect, and potential virilization, are higher with injectables than with anavar. anavar is the mildest steroid for ladies without a doubt...too bad it is not in an injectable form.
Most common sides seen with the ladies are as follows and in no particular order. Some negatives can also be positives as you will note below

NEGATIVE SIDES......Ance, oily skin, clitoral enlargement beyond minimal, aggression, hair loss..male style, hair growth especially on upper lip and chin, hair loss, darkened hair growth, quickened hair growth on legs and arms, lowering of voice tone, distruption of normal menstral cycle, aggression.

Oily skin, some hair growth, a little acne, some alteration in normal menstral cycle, minimal voice tone lowering, darkening body hair

If you get a squeaky voice, hoarse throat or voice, scratchy thoat, raspy throat or voice, a cough, or any ache in the throat then stop the steroid immediately as these are common warning signs of voice alterations

Voice lowering may improve immediately after a cycle A LITTLE but will NEVER return to normal. Some girls are affected minimally and still sound like a women and others end up sounding like a man if they continue with the steroid. Clit growth remains...androgenic swelling goes away but the GROWTH remains.

Feelings of well being, increased energy, decreased recovery time, aggression, heightened sex drive with small amount of clit enlargement, Muscle gain, strength gain, some reports of decreases in estrogenic fat ie"upper legs, butt, upper arms, abdomen.

Mass and strength will largely remain IF you train and eat properly post cycle. Better sex, due to clit growth, but sex DRIVE returns to normal except for the possible increase in sex drive as a result of heightened enjoyment.

Ladies normally do not see an alteration in total serum cholesterol and hdl levels due to the fact that minimal doses are used. This is a big deal as this is the worst side in men IMO.
Hair loss, if any, is very minimal due to small doses.
Your voice will surely lower, in time, and sooner than later, if you go above 50mg of ANY injectable per week. It may even lower on 50mg/week or less in 4-6weeks but it is not that common.

Pure anabolics vs androgenic anabolics.

IMO there are only two injectables that are nearly pure anabolics and they are nandrolone and primobolin. They are somewhat androgenic but one could classify them as anabolics.
The more androgenic the hormone the greater are your chances for sides including virilization, but the greater your chances are for great muscle growth. The most androgenic hormones are Test and tren and then perhaps winny, although some would disagree with me on the winny.

Used by many ladies as it, along with nandrolone, is probably the least androgenic roid. CAREFUL....primo is in the long acting ester enenthate and it clears slowly. Many ladies have experienced very bad sides from this roid due to the fact that they take too much per week (above 50-75mg). INJECTABLE primo is not our drug of choice because it is long acting and if sides come on that you don't like then you have to ride them out until the roid clears your system and by the time it does permamnent sides may have set in.
If you start low you shouldn't have too much trouble, if any, IMO as it is quite mild androgenically. Just remember though that it will not give quick muscle gains at all. The gains seen are usually quality muscle built at a slow steady rate. If more and quicker gains are needed then I would recommend nandrolone.

WARNING. Primobolin is faked all the time so you better know your source VERY well or you may get test cyp or another cheaper compound!

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

#1 choice for the serious lifteng female!
Durabolin is an excellent choice. nandrolone Decanate is not recommended as a first time choice as it is a very long acting ester.
It is superior to primo due to its short acting nature and its better muscle building properties.
nandrolone is the easiest at the scalp and causes the least hair loss of all steroids so if female thinning runs in your family then perhaps this roid is best for you. Availability is picking up however!

Boldenone undecylenate (eq)
About as potent as nandrolone but is not recommended for a first time cycle as it is in a long acting ester. Ttokkyo labs produce a good cheap product.
May be slightly more androgenic than nandrolone but will give no better gains than nandrolone.

As wilth men the ladies either love winny or hate it. I can't explain this but it is true.
We do not like winny although many ladies do. winny is less androgenic than test but more than primo and probably nandrolone too.
I have heard too many negative reports on the harshness of winny especially as it relates to lowering the voice. This could be dose related as winny is not as androgenic as test....yet females may respond differently. Use the winny with small particle size so you can inject with a 27guage pin. Do no more than 70mg per week and less is best.

Not a foreign compound to the female body. Small amounts are produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands.
. Not overly androgenic IN SMALL DOSES, although it is more androgenic than any roid listed(tren may be just as bad or worse) Test gives the best muscle and strength gains. Gives sence of well being and energy more so than the others, increases sex drive more so than the others.
Many many ladies love to use low dose test.
testosterone Propionate is recommended for two reasons. Firstly it has a short half life so it will clear your system quickly after you stop should sides come on that do not agree with you. Secondly it is not as highly faked as test Cypionate or enanthate.

Trenbolone Acetate.
Some ladies do use this very powerful roid but we DO NOT recommend it. tren is more powerful per mg than any other steroid and as such accurate tiny does are hard to measure. It is at least as androgenic as test and maybe more so IMO.
If you do use it then use VERY little and never more than 25mg per week.

An ester is a compound made up of hydrogen and carbon atoms. They are added to pure steroids or testosterone in order to slow the release of the active agent. Some esters have a short chain of hydrogen and carbon and others have longer chains. The longer the chain the longer the time release of the steroid.
prop is a short ester and Decanate is a long chain ester.
NOTE: 50mg of nandrolne in a phenylprop ester has more actual steroid than 50mg of nandrolone in the decanate ester as some of the 50mg weight is taken up by the longer ester. THE DIFFERENCE IS MINIMAL! Never let anyone tell you that one type of steroid is more powerful than another type of the same steroid. These are myths . There is a myth that test Cyp is more powerful than test enanthate and this is a myth. In actuality the enanthate ester has one less carbon atom and 50 mg of the test will have a tiny amount more test than 50mg of cyp.

Testosterone 25-50mg
Primo 50-75mg
Winny 50-70 mg 7-10mg per day INJECT DAILY for best results
Nandrolone 25-60mg
These doses will give you great gains with little chance of serious sides. If you are top level competitor then obviously these doses are quite moderate. I would not recommend any women go much above these doses unless they are darn serious about being competitive!

You must use an insulin syringe in order to get an accurate dose.
You can use a 27 gauge hypo to inject since you will be injecting very little and the insulin syringe, being tiny, gives great injection power. With a 27 pin you won't feel a thing. Remember to rotate injection sites...upper outer glute/hip and outer thigh.


We do not recommend that you use more than one hormone at a time unless your are a top competitor. If you do stack your voice will almost certainly lower and other sides will be worse.
If you MUST stack than we would recommend using a small dose of anavar with the injectable at perhaps 10mg per day, 5mg in the am and 5 mg in the pm.

While trying to increase mass while on injectables you must increase your protein intake to about 2 grams per pound of body weight. If you do not do this then your gains will be likely be less . I recommend a good low fat whey protein shake betwee three regular meals. Some people seem to get great gains with less but it is safer to go higher. Caloric intake also needs to go and the increased protein intake will help.
You can get good strength gains ,and some muscle gain, while on anavar, and not eat that much in the way of protein or calories, but this is not the case when trying to build some serious muscle.


If you are a naturally muscular mesomorphic female that needs to shave her legs frequently then you may wish to stick to the mild orals such as primo and anavar as you will be more prone to sides. Sometimes the slightly built that are hairless to nearly hairless can get away with more steroid use without much in the way of sides if doses are kept reasonable.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2013, 04:39 AM
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That's an excellent write up.
I'm going to sticky this

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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