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fpv123 10-12-2013 09:28 PM

im concern
im on my 9th week of test e injection 250 on Monday same on Thursday I feel itching on my chest gyno I have nova 20mg also clomid 50mg should I take either 1 while im on test e cycle? if so how much should I take of gonna cycle test e to 15th week? and if I take clomid or nova on cycle what will happen im still on cycle of test e?

any advice appreciated...

Eurovisionas 10-12-2013 10:02 PM

Start with 30mg of Nolva a day for a week and if itchiness doesn't subside a bit up it to 60mg a day for another week and if that doesn't do it stop your cycle and then pct. It will be 11 weeks on which is not bad at all, you are 'lucky' it didn't happen earlier.
You don't want it to go deeper,take this advice from a man that still has a sensitive right nipple a year and a half after his last cycle!
I got it from the arimidex rebound.
Nolva affects the lipids but it won't really affect your gains.
Also if you have the option to get aromasin that would be even better,25mg every other day would do the job.

Good luck bro

fpv123 10-12-2013 10:11 PM

so can I use clomid if so how much?

and if I take clomid will it affect my gains

olddog 10-13-2013 04:43 AM

take the novadex
I run 20 a day when on cycle just as a precaution.

fpv123 10-13-2013 10:24 AM

thanx old dog

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