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Old 04-20-2017, 11:40 PM
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Default How to verify Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate by blood testing

How to verify Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate by blood testing

Because of the nature of unregulated testosterone products there's always a risk that the product may not contain what is specified on the label. Many guys must rely on "feel" to verify the product, however with a simple blood test the average person can confirm if Testosterone is present in the product and we can get a ballpark idea of the mg/ml concentration. Keep in mind that this is a crude method and that one blood test result may not be enough to form an educated opinion about a product.

The following protocols must be followed exactly for at least 4 weeks. No other gear or ancillaries may be used during the first 4 weeks. If you have been on either dose for longer than 4 weeks you may get labs 7 days after your last injection.

All injections must be intramuscular (IM). The first week is a front-load.

Testing Protocol-(for labs that only range Up to 1,500ng/dl)

Day 1. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 3. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 7. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 14. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 21. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 28. Total Testosterone Blood Draw (must be exactly 7 days after last inject)

Passing results should be about 1,345 ng/dl ±139 ng/dl. Due to the crude nature of this protocol, passing results may vary greatly.

Testing Protocol #2-(for labs that range ABOVE 1,500ng/dL)

Day 1. 600mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 3. 300mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 7. 600mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 14. 600mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 21. 600mg Cypionate OR Enanthate
Day 28. Total Testosterone Blood Draw (must be exactly 7 days after last inject)

Passing results should be about 2,370 ng/dl ± 150ng/dl. Due to the crude nature of this protocol, passing results may vary greatly.

Failure to follow protocol exactly will result in useless results that cannot be interpreted properly.
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