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olddog 05-13-2012 12:45 PM

Pissing my brains out
Dont know if the first test shot had anything to do with it or not BUT
I was feeling bloated as hell just before the first dose. Then after I started pissing and I mean every couple hours sometimes more. Not bloated anymore. Of course the supplements make it florescent yellow.

second dose will be tomorrow

Also had some soreness and a little redness with heat at injection site. This has just about gone away . Started at about 24 hours and will have lasted about 72 hours. Not bad but noticeable. Not the dark angry red of infection. Just swelling circle about the circumference of an orange. Took a little Motrin last night and that either helped or it got better on its own. Dose tomorrow will be on other side. I read a bunch about the swelling and it seems pretty common and specially the first time injecting at a site.

Im very careful of staying clean and sterilizing the site as well as the vial top. Sure dont what to have to go to the doc here and try to explain. That would be a bad thing.

olddog 05-14-2012 11:58 AM

ok now both ass cheeks hurt :p

kaynoh 05-15-2012 02:01 AM

I'm on week 5 or 6 of a test e cycle and i'm gaining nicely.Dont like all the water bloat but i guess that will go when i do the cut cycle in a few months.If you have kalpa test e i believe its great stuff i havent felt this great since i was a little kid! i TOO HAVE SOME LOOSE SKIN I'M HOPING TIGHTENS BACK UP BY ITSELF OR FROM FILLING IN WITH MUSCLE! I hate flabby shit flopping and flapping all over the place i feel like a bowl of freakin jello around my waist but rock hard underneath and not much for adipose tissue its mainly just loose skin and what i think is just water retention and my tits bother the fuck out of me i PRAY that shit tightens up cause if not i'm doin whatever it takes if i have to liposuck it out by mouth and metal tube sharpened on the end at an angle like a syringe POP! slurp slurp slurp SPITTTTT GAGGGGGGGGGGGG LOL

Originally Posted by olddog (Post 21784)
ok now both ass cheeks hurt :p

I know EXACTLY how you feel lol i thought i was infected too but it wasnt and for 3-4 days i was limping badly when i hit the upper leg/hip area and when i hit the gluteus i had a hard time sitting down for a few days but did a 500mg shot this morning and so far feels normal hope it stays fairly painless this time but i doubt it lol.

olddog 05-15-2012 05:02 AM

I think it was possible I was a little fast on injecting the first one. It still is a little sore and slightly red and warm but clearly getting better. The second one yesterday had no real reaction but I was a lot slower and i pushed it as deep as possible. I can tell I had a shot there but no where near as bad as the first one.

As for the loose skin and stuff, depending on how much tightens p im also very hard underneath) IF i have to go the surgical route to fix the loose skin I am looking at India. Real good reviews and very cheap compared to the US.

eazy 05-15-2012 05:17 AM

Fella give this a go ...Keep the vial worm by placing it under your armpit for 5 min. ,inject slowly and message the injectting site,try a heating pad several times through out the day

good luck and hope you feel better shortly

kaynoh 05-15-2012 05:19 AM

well mines not bad i've never been over like 230 lbs and i used to walk around at 220 with no fat and i'm at 211-213 right now its just the puffy nipples jutting out im HATING.Cant really tell from the from but the side and top view you can.I don't know if its some gyno going on too or just that ive burned a lot of fat off and the skin is now loose and i'm so full of waer its looking puffy.Whatever it is i gotta get rid of it quick i'm having a panic attack right now just thinking about it and looking at them as i sit here sweating my ass off with no shirt.I dont think its as hot as it might be there though :-) although theres just as much COLD over there as hot. And now 3000 watts of metal halide lighting just popped on and its about to get even hotter in here!
I'm dropping the N.O. XPLODE i didnt notice any effect on 1 scoop or 2 and might drop creatine if its causing more water retention.I read it was diuretic and you need to drink lots of water or get dehydrated but then i read it causes water retention!! so wtf which is it? lol i WILL have a dr chop these tits off though if need be but i think after cutting and some heavy duty incline and decline bench press and dumbell flys and tons more cardio they will go away.I wish i knew how to tell if its gyno from smoking too much herb and/or the creatine and testo e or just water and loss of fat?

eazy 05-15-2012 05:31 AM

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muscletech stack of leukic/gakic/creakic and 4 nitro-tech protein shakes a day.

i tried these some time ago and Guess what? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No difference!Most of you already know that Muscletech is a giant waste of money, but for those of you who might have actually been thinking of giving it a go, save your money and go get some more protein.

For pre workout try this recipe i was given it my a us member how told me it costs about 15 bucks a month (cost more then that in the uk!)and works way better than anything else I've tried, it's a two stage. I like it because I can make whatever flavor I like.

45 minutes before workout

1G L-Glycine
20G Maltodextrin
1 Tbsp MCT oil
5G Creatine Mono
a little of whatever flavor kool aid you like

12 oz water.

15 minutes before workout

1 1/2 caffeine pills

olddog 05-15-2012 05:53 AM

yeah on the supplements, i wont do this again but ill just finish off what i have. I do like the nitro tech protein though the taste, chocolate, is not bad at all

olddog 05-17-2012 08:19 PM

Third jab tonight. I opted for the quad this time. My ass still hurts The first dose area that has been sore has finally pretty much gone away Took a week . THis a little swollen and still I can feel a little hardness about 4 inches across but not as bad and the pain is pretty much gone. Now the other butt cheek is really still letting me know I jabbed it. SO I went for the quad and see if this is better. It will get mo exercise to work the stuff out from simply walking , with I do a lot, so we will see. This completed my first full week.

I guess it will take a few more weeks before I can leap tall buildings with a single bound.

SkinnyGuy 05-18-2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by olddog (Post 21870)
Third jab tonight. I opted for the quad this time. My ass still hurts The first dose area that has been sore has finally pretty much gone away Took a week . THis a little swollen and still I can feel a little hardness about 4 inches across but not as bad and the pain is pretty much gone. Now the other butt cheek is really still letting me know I jabbed it. SO I went for the quad and see if this is better. It will get mo exercise to work the stuff out from simply walking , with I do a lot, so we will see. This completed my first full week.

I guess it will take a few more weeks before I can leap tall buildings with a single bound.

for me every time i tried a different site for pinning i would get more pip than sticking with the same sites. my first pin in my quads i could barely walk for a wek. as long as your not pinning everyday or multiple time a day sticking to either quads or glutes would probably help that pain your getting. pecs arent bad either.

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