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olddog 04-30-2012 07:06 PM

First Test Cycle help
Ok Im waiting for the arrival of my first test cycle.
This was the beginner test cycle from the board sponsor at the top of the page.
Huge Tom asked me to ask the questions here.

Im looking for instructions on exactly how to administer the cycle and post cycle with the compounds that come in the package.

What came with it is:

3 vials of Testoxyl Enanthate 250

2 packs of Nolvaxyl

2 packs of Clomixyl

5000iu of HUCOG INJ 5000iu HCG

Im also doing the muscletech stack of leukic/gakic/creakic and 4 nitro-tech protein shakes a day.

also should I be taking something for anti estrogen? I dont think it came in the kit or maybe I just dont realize it

Any advice is greatly welcomed

dfwtp 05-01-2012 02:15 AM

yes you are getting it nolva clomid hcg.
on another note your sups are very expensive and not really worth it. use the protein I guess, but drop that other over marketed over hyped trash
btw why so many shakes?
I could see 2 per day at most but not 4. you are not getting enough whole food protein this way
if you want get some leucine powder
glutamine is unnecessary
and honestly i dont really even know what the gakic is for
3 bottles=2500 mg x 3 = 7500
250-500 per week should do you well to start.
if you opt for the lower of the 2, you could have enough for a second go round

SkinnyGuy 05-02-2012 03:36 AM

Olddog- drop all those supps! 4 shakes a day!?!? Get on a better diet 4 shakes is compensating for a bad diet.

And I personally like an AI like arimidex while on cycle. Nolva and Clomid only block the EFFECTS of estrogen. Aromasin or arimidex will stop the production of it. This is not necessary just recommendation.

Also you are going to need bacteriostatic water the add to the HCG. And also the protocol for it

olddog 05-02-2012 07:04 AM


diet is sort of determined by what the trucks can get in without getting blown up.

i eat lots of tuna, fruit,

SkinnyGuy 05-03-2012 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by olddog (Post 21522)

diet is sort of determined by what the trucks can get in without getting blown up.

i eat lots of tuna, fruit,

Hahahahah understood

SkinnyGuy 05-03-2012 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by dfwtp (Post 21501)
yes you are getting it nolva clomid hcg.
on another note your sups are very expensive and not really worth it. use the protein I guess, but drop that other over marketed over hyped trash
btw why so many shakes?
I could see 2 per day at most but not 4. you are not getting enough whole food protein this way
if you want get some leucine powder
glutamine is unnecessary
and honestly i dont really even know what the gakic is for
3 bottles=2500 mg x 3 = 7500
250-500 per week should do you well to start.
if you opt for the lower of the 2, you could have enough for a second go round

^^ this

If you want glutamine and the asparagus truck makes it past the IED's it's a great source for that and protein.

500 a week is good stuff split in to two doses a week if you want you can go up to 750 later on you can. And I'll say it again an AI would not hurt.

Also your going to need pins. If you can get 18 gauge, 1 and a half inch to draw the oil and 25 g 1.5 to pin with and atleast a 3 ml barrel. If not 23 gauge 1-1 and a 1/2 will work for drawing oil and pinning.

olddog 05-03-2012 06:21 AM

pins i have no problems on that

the AI i did not order but probably should have, Ill do that

olddog 05-10-2012 06:32 PM

stuff arrived
OK first dose was tonight so im on my way.
250 test e

thanks for the advise ive got the pins i need hell i didnt even feel it at all

Diet is the biggest issue ill cut to 3 shakes and the gacik is out. Ill stay with the creatine and the luecik since i have it.

still waiting on the novadex but it should be here before i need it.

Little back story
6 ft about 180
55 yoa

3 time a week lift.
been lifting off and on all my life but now really back hard. Not much else to do here anyway.

3 years ago was at 312lbs Gastric Bypass went to 168
stable at 175--180 for two years. fairly low bodyfat but some loose skin that only surgery will fix but not bad. Enough muscle may tighten that up
cardio 3 times a week 30 mins

so how long is normal before I see/feel the test e kick in?

pretty jazzed about the possibilities

dfwtp 05-12-2012 12:42 AM

give it a month
congrats on the weight loss.

olddog 05-12-2012 02:32 PM

Yeah even at that weight I was still running 3 miles 3 times a week.
Good stamina no blood pressure issues Doctor told me I was a healthy fat guy

I just looked like shit. Im in better shape now than when i was active duty 16 years ago. Being a contractor over here I need /want to stay in good shape and build those "guns" and all I always wanted but never had.

thanks for the comments and advice Im sure Ill have loads of questions

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