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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2012, 06:37 PM
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Default Boldenone, sustanon dbol and post cycle advice for beginner

Hi I'm planning my fist cycle I'm 5,7 8% body fat 26 years old been training for 10 years and I'm looking to put go up from the 66 class to the 74 in powerlifting as I've achieved my potential in the 66 class but my genetics won't let me push passed the 68kg mark no matter what I've tried over the last 3 years. Diet is excellent around 4k cals a day 40/40/20 and train 4/5 times a week mainly compound movements. I plan on 250mg sustanon and 200mg boldenone on a monday and thursday and 30mg a day for weeks 1/4. What I want to know in black and white is about the post cycle because no matter how much I look into it everybody has there own spin on post cycle and use of hgc on cycle to help with the recovery some say nolva some say clomid.. It's not that I'm unprepared it's just where's the clarity who should I listen to and who are the idiots clogging up the forums???? Any how I'd really appreciate a bit of direction here if that would be possible. Cheers
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2012, 12:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Wee moth View Post
Hi I'm planning my fist cycle I'm 5,7 8% body fat 26 years old been training for 10 years and I'm looking to put go up from the 66 class to the 74 in powerlifting as I've achieved my potential in the 66 class but my genetics won't let me push passed the 68kg mark no matter what I've tried over the last 3 years. Diet is excellent around 4k cals a day 40/40/20 and train 4/5 times a week mainly compound movements. I plan on 250mg sustanon and 200mg boldenone on a monday and thursday and 30mg a day for weeks 1/4. What I want to know in black and white is about the post cycle because no matter how much I look into it everybody has there own spin on post cycle and use of hgc on cycle to help with the recovery some say nolva some say clomid.. It's not that I'm unprepared it's just where's the clarity who should I listen to and who are the idiots clogging up the forums???? Any how I'd really appreciate a bit of direction here if that would be possible. Cheers
First- your cycle is a bit much for a first run- But if you already have it planned out I won't change your mind.

Second- the reason there are so many ways to run pct is because basically its bro science. The drugs you will be taking are used for breast cancer in females. And the research is based on that. Aromasin, tomaxofin(Nolva) are both good for pct I would go with Aromasin it's a good suicide inhibitor and stops and reduces estrodial levels. Tomaxofin basically binds to the breast tissue receptors preventing Gino during pct but it doesn't do anything about the estrogen so theres a possibility of a rebound after you quit taking it. Arimidex is great for on cycle prevention of estrogen production but not typical for pct because of the rebound and cost it can be really expensive. Clomid is mostly used to get the htpa or the part of your brain that send the signal to produce LH which in turn gets you nuts producing testosterone. Clomid can have some straight shitty side effects like seeing streaks BAD. HCG-there is a lot of confusion and differing opinions and data so you can make your own decision on that. I've read studies that show that hcg supresses your natty test so using it during pct would not be good. And there is very little data that "I" have found that proves using it on cycle helps you recover. I have only heard what people say that it helped them ect ect.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2012, 05:30 PM
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Thanks for the reply this has made things alot clearer still got a couple small points to clear up before I get started and that's what would the post cycle length of aromasin be and the mg per day and how long after last jab before I would start? Thanks again for the reply
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2012, 06:06 PM
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This is a very common pct protocol recommended and I did not make this up this is copied and pasted. Also one part of pct that a lot of people forget is you still have to work out and stick to your good diet. If you don't feed and use the muscles you built you will lose them any way

100/100/100/50 Clomid (50mg taken twice per day weeks 1-3 after aas ester clears)

20mg/20mg/20mg/10mg Aromasin (20mg daily for 3 weeks, 10mg daily in week 4)

3g Vit C every day split in 3 doses

10g creatine daily
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. --buddah
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2012, 05:00 PM
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Cheers for the advice bro its been v helpful and I've taken on board what you said about the stack been to big and decided to scrap it and go with 1 shot of test en at 500mg per week for 10 weeks.. was wondering is there anything I can do to eliminate or even reduce acne? I hear what your saying about keeping the training and diet up aswel and there is just no way I could stop going to the gym and always give it everything so hopfully I can keep eating lots and keep hold of maximum gains
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2012, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Wee moth View Post
Cheers for the advice bro its been v helpful and I've taken on board what you said about the stack been to big and decided to scrap it and go with 1 shot of test en at 500mg per week for 10 weeks.. was wondering is there anything I can do to eliminate or even reduce acne? I hear what your saying about keeping the training and diet up aswel and there is just no way I could stop going to the gym and always give it everything so hopfully I can keep eating lots and keep hold of maximum gains
Honestly I'm struggling with acne myself if I still have it next winter I'm going to order some acutane. But that is a last resort the side effects are really bad. But right now I take 2-3 showers a day try not to touch it. Get lots of sun and swim in a chlorine pool. Altleast that's what I'm doing.

Also if you make it to ten weeks and want to push it a little further 12 weeks is a really common for a first run also.

One shot per week is fine I split mine up into two. I don't mind the needle at all and blood work would show more steady results. But plenty of guys only pin test e or c once a week and dont notice a difference. I just figure needles are cheap

Happy trails
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. --buddah
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boldenone, dbol, post cycle, recovery, sustanon

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