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ICEMAN 04-04-2010 01:22 PM

The dilemma
Afternoon all,

I’m 28 yrs old and have been training since my early teens and I would say in the last five years have taken it all more seriously i.e. diet and nutrition etc. I’ve been a regular viewer on many boards just reading and gaining knowledge from others for the same amount of time.

I’ve not really had much steroid experience run a tbol cycle once and hdrol however; I have a massive collection to which my girlfriend finds hilarious:D. In my collection I have loads of Hdrol, Test eth, Deca and primo at least enough for 3 courses. Now my biggest draw back my concern for hair loss not that I’m experiencing any at the moment. I have managed to obtain propecia which I take regularly in the event I might decide to actually start doing a cycle. (girlfriend still laughing)

But now I believe the time is coming as I’m not getting any younger that’s for sure and my girlfriend might stop taking the p@!ss. So taking into account I’m not looking at trying to become the next Mr Olympia I was thinking of the following.

(The basics)

Week 1 – 6: 75 mg Hdrol
Week 4 – 14: 500 mg Test Eth

Pct (21days)

Day 1:
Clomid @ 200mg
Nolva@ 60mg

Following 10 days:
Clomid @ 50mg
Nolva @ 40mg

Final 10 days:
Clomid @ 50mg Nolva @ 20mg

Now I am pretty sure the above is in order I have slightly increased the dose of pct just for first times sake. Would like to incorporate some hcg into my pct but never the less I would really appreciate some words of wisdom in the hope of joining you boys into the dark side.

Thanks guys

Robbie 04-04-2010 05:37 PM

Hi bro and welcome to the forum !

First off that cycle seems pretty good except you need to start the test e on week 1 rather than on week 4.

The whole point of taking the hdrol is so you see results before the Test kicks in , start the test on week 1 and it will of kicked in by week 6 when your hdrol finishes.

PCT wise you arnt on a heavy cycle so 2 weeks after last Test e injection just do the same pct as you have written out and you will be fine , you dont need hcg for that cycle

ICEMAN 04-04-2010 09:22 PM

Thanks for the advice Robbie much appreciated:D. Thinking about starting a log so once evrything is in order I'll keep everyone posted.

Ftblk36 04-04-2010 09:30 PM

I'll look forward to your log. Haven't done a cycle yet and its always good to hear about others experiences. Welcome aboard:D

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