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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2015, 07:08 PM
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Lightbulb Different Types of Injectable Steroids and What They Do - Quick Guide

Okay, so it is my day off, and the car is in the shop getting some extra work done. I'm at home, and boredom struck. New to A.A.S. and when I first was looking at cycles the different type of steroids it was overwhelming not know what they did. So today I decided to post a quick guide on some of the different types of injectables and what they do. I was going to type up my own, but as I said, being new... probably not very credible. I have found a lot of different info and conflicting views, but I found one sight that has the majority of them and seem to share a lot in common so I thought I would just do a little "copy & paste." I will list the source as well, so feel free to check it out yourself, and they have their sources listed as well on their site. The videos they have are pretty cool... at least I think so.


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Old 07-22-2015, 07:09 PM
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Post Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate is a synthetic version of the naturally produced testosterone hormone. This hormone is responsible for many different physical and mental characteristics in males. It promotes sex drive, fat loss, helps with gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, increases bone density, and may even protect against heart disease. Whether it is naturally produced or through the use of Testosterone Cypionate, these traits do not change. All other steroids are actually the testosterone molecule that has been altered to change the properties of the hormone. Testosterone Cypionate carries a rating of 100 when measuring its anabolic/androgenic structure and this rating is used to measure all other steroids. This would make testosterone the "father" of all anabolic steroids used by athletes today. It should be noted; all testosterone compounds, including Testosterone Cypionate carry this anabolic/androgenic score of 100, as they are all merely testosterone.
Testosterone Cypionate is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone making it a great steroid to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength. Testosterone Cypionate promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle and the more nitrogen the muscles hold the more protein the muscles store. Testosterone Cypionate can also increase the levels of another anabolic hormone, IGF-1 in muscle tissue providing even more anabolic activity. Testosterone Cypionate also has the amazing ability to increase the activity of satellite cells. These cells play an active role in repairing damaged muscle. Testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor to promote androgen receptor dependent mechanisms for muscle gain and fat loss.
Testosterone Cypionate induces changes in shape, size and can also change the appearance and the number of muscle fibers. Androgens like testosterone can protect your hard earned muscle from the catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones, in-turn inhibiting the related adverse reactions. In addition, Testosterone Cypionate has the ability to increase red blood cell production and a higher red blood cell count will improve endurance through increased oxygenation in the blood. More red blood cells can also improve recovery from strenuous physical activity. Even so, Testosterones anabolic/androgenic effects are dose dependent; the higher the dose the higher the muscle building effect.
Many athletes display massive strength gains while using Testosterone Cypionate as the hormone improves muscle contraction by increasing the number of motor neutrons in muscle and improves neuromuscular transmission. It also promotes glycogen synthesis providing more fuel for intense workouts thereby increasing endurance and strength.
Testosterone Cypionate also has the ability to promote fat loss through an enhancement of metabolic activity. Testosterone binds to the androgen receptor fairly well resulting in fat breakdown, and further prevents new fat cell formation. Another indirect action of fat loss that testosterone produces is the nutrient portioning effect it has on muscle and fat. Since the body is building muscle at an accelerated rate more of the food you eat is shuttled to muscle tissue instead of being stored as fat; nutrient efficiency is enhanced.
Testosterone Cypionate will also play a crucial role revolving around creatine. Creatine is essential to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the source of energy for our muscles and when the muscles are stimulated ATP is broken down into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and this is what releases energy. Unfortunately, the process is often too slow during strenuous activity but through the use of Testosterone Cypionate, this demand is met as ATP is replenished at a much faster rate.
Effects of Testosterone Cypionate
With a well-planned Testosterone Cypionate cycle, nearly every anabolic steroid benefit can be obtained. For the off-season athlete, more lean muscle mass can be built with less body fat gain. In-order to grow, you must consume enough calories and fat gain will occur, but Testosterone Cypionate will ensure the brunt of your weight gain is the weight you want.
While off-season bulking use is the most common, the effects of Testosterone Cypionate can be tremendously beneficial during the cutting phase too. During this period of use, we are able to preserve far more lean muscle tissue that would otherwise be lost. In-order to lose body fat, we must burn more calories than we consume and this can and often does lead to muscle and strength loss. Further, the longer and harder you diet the more muscle and strength will be at risk, but due to the traits of Testosterone Cypionate muscle tissue and strength are protected.
Regardless of the purpose of use, Testosterone Cypionate defines performance enhancement by its ability to promote recovery and endurance. With a performance level dose of Testosterone Cypionate your body can recover faster and you wont tire out as quickly. This will allow you to workout longer and harder, and more progress can be made. This is performance enhancement at its best!
Testosterone Cypionate Administration
Testosterone Cypionate is only available in an injectable form and is regularly used to treat conditions such as low testosterone. More than twenty million men in the U.S. alone suffer from some form of low testosterone, and such a condition can severely diminish ones quality of life. Symptoms such as loss of muscle mass and strength, a decrease in libido and sexual performance, an increase in body fat, and low energy levels are all common characteristics of low testosterone. Further, when ignored low testosterone can be a gateway to Alzheimers, diabetes, osteoporosis and many other serious conditions. Most men will find one injection every seven to ten days at 100mg to 200mg per injection to completely eradicate such a problem.
For performance enhancement, one injection per week is often enough; however, in many cases two smaller yet equal sized injections will prove to be far more efficient. The reason for multiple injections is to keep blood levels peaked; further, it is often needed to control side effects that may occur with performance level dosing. Like most anabolic steroids, the more you take the greater the reward, but the more you take the greater the risk. By splitting the injections up into smaller more frequent injections, you are introducing smaller amounts of the hormone for your body to deal with all at once. As for the actual performance doses, this can range anywhere from 200mg per week all the way to 1,000mg per week depending on needs and desires.
The typical dose for those who are using Cypionate to counteract the lowering of testosterone due to the use of other steroids is normally 200mg. If it is being used for direct performance purposes, most will find 400mg to 600mg per week will be effective, but it is important to note that higher doses will greatly increase the risk.
Regardless of the total dose, most steroid users will find this to be an extremely well-tolerated anabolic steroid and one that can be used for long periods of time. 12 weeks of total use is quite commonplace, as is 16 weeks. There's nothing magical about these numbers, but they are solid guidelines in-order for the individual to plan out his desired goals.
Regardless of the total dosing or the cycles length, you will need to design a post cycle therapy (PCT) plan once your Testosterone Cypionate use comes to an end. For most men, if you are discontinuing the use of anabolic steroids for more than ten weeks, you will need PCT but if your off period is less then it can be skipped. For full post cycle information and planning, please see the Post Cycle Therapy page on
It should be noted; when it comes to performance enhancement, Testosterone Cypionate for women is not recommended. This is a steroid that carries far too much androgenic activity; after all, it is the primary male androgen. Women can suffer from low testosterone and there can be therapeutic benefits from the use of Testosterone Cypionate; however such treatment plans will be tremendously low dosed and should be watched closely for virilization symptoms.
Source: Types of Steroids -
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2015, 07:10 PM
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Post Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate is probably the most commonly used form of testosterone by both athletes and bodybuilders alike. Further, in the United States, it is one of the most commonly prescribed testosterone compounds for the treatment of low testosterone or andropause conditions; however, Testosterone Cypionate is the most commonly prescribed when an injectable form is offered. Extremely effective for building muscle and enhancing strength, Testosterone Enanthate can also help with losing fat and it comes with some great news; its very cheap and widely available.
In-order to understand exactly how Testosterone Enanthate (commonly referred to as "test-e") builds muscle and burns fat, first well take a look at androgens and what they do in the body. You see, hormones are substances secreted by one cell that has an effect on the functions of another cell. Testosterone is manufactured in the Leydigs cells of the testes (in men) and the adult male produces between 2.5 and 11mgs of Test per day.
Testosterone induces changes in shape, size and also can change the appearance and the number of muscle fibers(7). Androgens like testosterone, which is exactly what Testosterone Enanthate is can protect your hard earned muscle from the catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones(8), thus inhibiting their ability to send a message to muscle cells to release stored protein. Remember, testosterone sends a message to muscle cells to store more contractile protein (called actin and myosin); glucocorticoid hormones send the opposite message. In addition, Testosterone Enanthate has the ability to increase erythropoiesis (red blood cell production) in your kidneys(9), and a higher Red Blood Cell (RBC) count will improve endurance via better oxygenated blood. More RBCs can also improve recovery from strenuous physical activity. Of course, aggression levels can rise dramatically with the use of exogenous testosterone (15); however, its important to remember aggression in of itself is not a bad thing; what we do with it is what makes it right or wrong. At any rate, Testosterone Enanthate holds no mind altering traits or nature whatsoever.
All of these great benefits are to be had with the use of Testosterone Enanthate alone, but realistically, it will in most cases be part of a cycle containing one or more other steroids. People who are bulking will probably choose Deca Durabolin or Trenbolone compounds, and of course the possibility of powerful oral steroids like Anadrol or Dianabol. Then we have those who are cutting, and they will probably steer towards Equipoise and once again Trenbolone, along side compounds such as Anavar, Masteron, Winstrol and perhaps Primobolan; all are solid options. Very often users will administer Testosterone Enanthate once or twice a week, but blood levels are still above baseline with this steroid at around day eight (16).Common wisdom holds that the testosterone portion of any such cycle should be equal to or greater than any other injectable steroids portion (on a mg basis); however, this isnt always needed, but its a good rule of thumb to ensure no low testosterone condition exists.
As you may have suspected, Testosterone Enanthates anabolic/androgenic effects are dose dependent; the higher the dose the higher the muscle building effect(10).
A large percentage of those side effects occur from the body's ability to turn Testosterone Enanthate, which is again simply a testosterone hormone into estrogen via a metabolic pathway mediated by the aromatase enzyme. This process, known as aromatization causes a portion of testosterone to be converted to estrogen. Aromatase Inhibitors, Anastrozole (Arimidex) and Letrozole (Femara) can combat this very effectively, and are usually necessary with doses over a gram per week, and often recommended with lower performance doses.
Source: Types of Steroids -
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2015, 07:13 PM
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Post Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone was the first steroid to be synthesized, and now it remains the gold standard of all steroids. First, we will discuss Testosterone in general, and in depth, then well examine exactly how and what the propionate ester is (together, Testosterone Propionate is often referred to as just "prop" test-p or "test prop").
Testosterones anabolic/androgenic ratio is 1:1 meaning it is exactly as anabolic as it is androgenic. Actually, testosterone is the steroid that all anabolic/androgenic ratios are based on. If a steroid is 2:1, then it is, compared with testosterones ratio, doubly as anabolic as it is androgenic. Hence, we see from testosterones ratio, it is both quite anabolic as well as androgenic. It should be noted; as Testosterone Propionate is merely testosterone, this anabolic/androgenic rating holds the same.
So how exactly does Testosterone Propionate build muscle? Testosterone Propionate promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle (6), and the more nitrogen the muscles hold the more protein the muscles store, and the bigger the muscles get. Testosterone Propionate can also increase the levels of another anabolic hormone, IGF-1, in muscle tissue (7). IGF-1 is alone highly anabolic and can promote muscle growth. It is responsible for much of the anabolic activity of Growth Hormone (GH). IGF-1 is also one of the few hormones positively correlated with both muscle cell hyperplasia and hyperphasia (this means it both creates more muscle fibers as well as bigger fibers). All of this might lead one to speculate that for pure mass, IGF-1, HGH, and Testosterone Propionate would be a very effective combination. Testosterone Propionate also has the amazing ability to increase the activity of satellite cells(8). These cells play a very active role in repairing damaged muscle. Testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor (A.R.) to promote all of the A.R dependent mechanisms for muscle gain and fat loss (9), but clearly, as we've seen, this isnt the only mechanism by which it promotes growth.
Testosterone Propionate has a profound ability to protect your hard earned muscle from the catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones (11), and increase red blood cell production (12), and as you may know, a higher RBC count will improve endurance via better oxygenated blood. The former trait increases nitrogen retention and muscle building while the latter can improve recovery from strenuous physical activity, as well as increase endurance and tolerance to strenuous exercise.
Testosterone occurs naturally in both the male and female body, as insofar as drug testing for it, typical tests dont work (i.e. testing for metabolites). Testosterone can be tested for on a testosterone/epitestosterone ratio, a failing result usually being anything over 6 to 1, but there are other more effective tests currently in use as well as being developed by the usual party-poopers in the IOC and FDA. Noteworthy is that if you are using low doses of Testosterone Propionate and stop taking it 36-48 hours before a testosterone/epitestosterone analysis, you can still pass!
Testosterone, once in the body can be converted to both estrogen (via a process known as aromatization) as well as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Estrogen is the main culprit for many side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, and as a result high blood pressure while DHT is often blamed for hair loss and prostate enlargement. Naturally there are ways to combat this, such as using an anti-estrogenic compound along with your Testosterone Propionate, or even an estrogen blocker. DHT can be combated (on the scalp, to prevent hair loss) with compounds such as Ketoconazole shampoo (sold under the trade name Nizoral) as well as Finasteride (sold as Proscar in the 5mg version and as Propecia as 1mg tablets). Interestingly, this shampoo can also be used topically to combat acne on the face (or even the back if youre really flexible). Both of these methods for preventing hair loss and acne are reasonably effective; however, if you are not predisposed to male pattern baldness they will be wholly unnecessary. Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) is carried by the X chromosome, so if your mothers family boasts men with full heads of hair, then you are probably safe (unless those full heads of hair are all mullets). Naturally, as with most other steroids, your lipid profile is going to suffer a bit while supplementing with Testosterone Propionate. This, of course is nothing that cant be controlled by watching your diet and doing your cardio, at least for the duration of the typical cycle (which for arguments sake, Ill assume is +/- 12-16weeks). Lets be totally honest, here, even a modest amount of exercise will improve your blood pressure and lipid profile (10).
In-order to combat the aromatization of testosterone, you can simply take an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex. This and other anti-estrogenic compounds are generally considered a must with testosterone doses over a gram per week (1,000mgs), and often recommended with even less. Also among side effects (as if acne and going bald arent enough) is increased aggression. This is a hotly debated issue in steroid-culture. Generally the consensus is that if you are prone to being a jerk, you'll be a bigger jerk, and if you aren't, then your temper will not get much worse (this is supported by research as well.) Interestingly enough, high levels of testosterone are generally only associated with improper aggression and anti-social behavior in males with lower intelligence (1)(2).
Testosterone Propionate is also a relatively safe steroid to use, with some studies showing no adverse effects from 20weeks at 600mgs/week! (3)
Testosterone is usually attached to an ester (i.e. when you buy Testosterone Propionate, the subject of this profile, you are buying testosterone with a Propionate ester attached). The ester determines how long it takes your body to dispose of the steroid in question, and Propionate is the shortest ester available with a testosterone base (of course, Testosterone Suspension has no ester). There are enzymes, called esterases, in your body that have the function of removing the ester from steroids, and leaving you with just the steroid molecule with the ester cleaved off. Depending on how heavy the ester chain is, that determines how long it takes the esterase to remove it, and that amount of time determines how long the steroid stays active in your body. Great, right? No, not t really; the ester takes up space in the injection.
Check out this chart:
• Chemical = Formula = Molecular Weight = Mg of Testosterone
• Testosterone (no ester) = C19 H28 O2 = 288.4mg = 100mg
• Propionate = C3 H4 O = 56.1mg = 83.72mg
• Cypionate = C8 H4 O = 124.2mg = 69.90mg
Here, were comparing Testosterone with no ester (suspension) with Testosterone Propionate and Testosterone Cypionate (basically the longest vs. shortest esters available with testosterone).
So you see, the longer the ester on the testosterone hormone is, the longer the steroid is active in your body, and the less actual testosterone you get. This is because, for every 100mgs of Testosterone Cypionate you inject, only 69.90mgs of it is actually testosterone, the rest is the Cypionate ester, which must be removed. On the other hand, with the Propionate ester youll get 83.72mgs of testosterone! The advantage to longer esters is that they need to be injected less frequently (Testosterone Propionate needs to be injected every other day while you can shoot Testosterone Cypionate once per week). The disadvantage to long estered steroids is that they contain less actual steroid. Anecdotally, however, most people from discussion boards who have tried differing esters on their various cycles agree: Testosterone Propionate causes the least side effects and the least bloating. For this reason, its often the testosterone of choice in cutting cycles.
Testosterone levels when youre using injectable Testosterone Propionate begin to decline sharply after the second day of use(5). Obviously this is not the steroid of choice for those who are squeamish about injections, youll be shooting this stuff every other day at least.
Also, as with most steroids, injected testosterone will inhibit your natural testosterone levels and HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis). A mere 100 mgs of Testosterone Propionate per week takes about 5-6 weeks to shut down the HPTA, and 250-500mgs shuts you down by week 2 (4).
Realistically, every cycle should contain testosterone. Go back and read that sentence again. A beginners dose of testosterone (i.e. someone on their first or second cycle of AAS) would be in the 250-500mgs ranges. Though, realistically, we wouldnt recommend much less than 400mgs of testosterone per cycle for anybody, beginner or not who is supplementing for the purpose of performance, and guess what? The more you use the more results you get, and frequently, the more side effects too (3).
Testosterone Propionate Stack
What stacks well with Testosterone Propionate? Everything! Many peoples favorites are Equipoise (Boldenone Undeclyenate) or Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate), but really, anything will stack well with Testosterone Propionate. Trenbolone (Trenbolone Acetate), Masteron (Drostanolone), and Winstrol (Stanozolol) are also favorites for many on a cutting cycle. Its important to remember that since Testosterone Propionate has such a short ester, most people stack it with other short estered drugs, the rational being that they need to endure frequent injections for the Testosterone Propionate to be effective, so they may as well be using other drugs requiring the same dosing protocol.
Source: Types of Steroids -
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Last edited by tj805; 07-22-2015 at 07:42 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2015, 07:15 PM
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Exclamation Testosterone Propionate (CONT.)

Finally, its worth noting that sometimes a strategy known as "frontloading" is employed with Testosterone Propionate, this is where double or triple the intended dose for the cycle is injected for the first two weeks, then the user switches to a longer ester. The reasoning behind this is presumably to get the blood levels of the hormone up quickly in the hopes of seeing results more rapidly.

Source: Types of Steroids -
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Old 07-22-2015, 07:18 PM
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Post Masteron (drostanolone propionate)

(Drostanolone Propionate)
Drostanolone Propionate is an anabolic androgenic steroid that first hit the market around 1970 under the trade name Masteron manufactured by Syntex. However, the compound was actually developed by Syntex in 1959 along with Oxymetholone (Anadrol) but would not be released until well after Anadrol. Syntex would also provide the compound under numerous other brand names such as Masteril and Metormon among others, as well as Drolban under the license given by Syntext to Lilly. However, Masteron has remained the most recognizable brand.
As a therapeutic agent, Masteron enjoyed two decades of success in combating advanced inoperable breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It would also become a popular cutting steroid among bodybuilders, which is where Masteron is currently most commonly found. However, the original Masteron brand is no longer available; in fact, nearly every pharmaceutical brand on earth has been discontinued. This compound is still approved by the U.S. FDA, but it is rarely used in breast cancer treatment any longer in favor of other options. The steroid is, however, still tremendously popular in competitive bodybuilding cycles and often considered essential to contest preparation.
Masteron Functions & Traits:
Drostanolone Propionate is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid. Specifically, Masteron is the DHT hormone that has been structurally altered by the addition of a methyl group at the carbon 2 position, This protects the hormone from the metabolic breakdown by the 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme, which is found in the skeletal muscle. It also greatly increases the hormone’s anabolic nature. This simple structural change is all it takes to create Drostanolone, and from here the small/short Propionate ester is attached in order to control the hormone’s release time. Drostanolone Enanthate can also be found through some underground labs, which does not have to be injected as frequently, but it is somewhat rare compared to the Propionate version. The majority of all Masteron on the market will be Drostanolone Propionate.
On a functional basis, Masteron is well-known for being one of the only anabolic steroids with strong anti-estrogenic properties. Not only does this steroid carry no estrogenic activity, but it can actually act as an anti-estrogen in the body. This is why it has been effective in the treatment of breast cancer. In fact, the combination of Masteron and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) has been shown to be far more effective than chemotherapy in the treatment of inoperable breast cancer in postmenopausal women. This also makes it a popular steroid among bodybuilders as it could actually prohibit the need for an anti-estrogen when used in the right cycle. This will also prove advantageous during the cutting phase due to the hardening effects it can provide.
Masteron carries relatively low anabolic and androgenic ratings; however, these ratings are somewhat misleading. It’s important to remember DHT, the basis of Masteron, is five times more androgenic than testosterone with a much stronger binding affinity to the androgen receptor. This again promotes a harder look and can also enhance fat loss. Most all anabolic steroids are well-noted for enhancing the metabolic rate, but strong androgens have a tendency to directly promote lipolysis.
As an anabolic, Masteron isn’t well-known for promoting gains in lean muscle mass. It has never been used for muscle wasting in a therapeutic sense and will almost always be found in cutting plans among performance athletes. It can, however, promote significant boosts in strength, which could prove beneficial to an athlete who may not necessarily be looking for raw mass.

Source: Types of Steroids -
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Old 07-22-2015, 07:18 PM
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Post Masteron (drostanolone propionate) [CONT...]

Effects of Masteron:
Without question, the effects of Masteron will be displayed in the most efficient way during a cutting cycle. However, for the effects to be truly appreciated the individual will need to be extremely lean. This is why the hormone will most commonly be found at the end of bodybuilding contest prep cycles as the individual should already be fairly lean at this stage. The added Masteron will help him lose that last bit of fat that often hangs on for dear life at the end of a cycle. It will also ensure his physique appears as hard as can be. Of course, the anti-estrogenic effect will simply enhance this overall look. For those that are not competitive bodybuilder lean, it is possible that the effects of Masteron may not be all that noticeable. The individual who is under 10% body fat should be able to notice some results and produce a harder, dryer look, but much over 10% and the effects may not be all that pronounced.
As a potent androgen, Masteron can benefit the athlete looking for a boost in strength. This can be a very beneficial steroid for an athlete who is following a calorie restricted diet in an effort to maintain a specific bodyweight necessary for his pursuit. The individual could easily enjoy moderate increases in strength and a slight improvement in recovery and muscular endurance without unwanted body weight gain.
As a bulking agent, the effects of Masteron will prove to be rather week. It is possible the hormone could provide gains in mass similar to Primobolan Depot, which won’t be that strong either, if the total dose was high enough. However, the relative gain in size will be very moderate with many anabolic steroids being far more suited for this period of steroidal supplementation. There are those who may wish to include Masteron in a bulking plan for its anti-estrogenic and fat loss effects. The latter would ensure they kept their body fat gain minimized during off-season bulking phases, but this isn’t reason enough to use it in this phase. Body fat should be controllable without it. As for the anti-estrogenic effects, off-season cycles are normally comprised of large amounts of aromatase activity due to high doses of testosterone. Progesterone activity is also commonly high with the addition of Nandrolone compounds and possible Trenbolone. Consider additional Anadrol or Dianabol and this estrogenic activity can become very pronounced. Unfortunately, while possessing anti-estrogenic effects, Masteron will not be strong enough to combat this level of estrogenic activity.
Side Effects of Masteron:
In many ways, Masteron is a fairly side effect friendly anabolic steroid. Side effects of Masteron use most certainly exist, but most men will find this steroid highly tolerable. As for females, virilization symptoms can be strong with this steroid, but we will also find they can be managed with the right plan. In order to understand the side effects of Masteron, we have broken them down into their separate categories along with all you need to know.
• Estrogenic: Masteron does not aromatize and it does not carry any progestin nature making estrogenic side effects impossible with this steroid. This means gynecomastia and water retention will not be concerns. It also means high blood pressure that is sometimes caused by excess water retention will not be a concern. An anti-estrogen is not needed due to this steroid’s use; as discussed it can have anti-estrogenic effects itself. However, depending on the specific cycle/stack that’s implemented, an anti-estrogen may be needed.

• Androgenic: The side effects of Masteron can include those of an androgenic nature. Androgenic side effects can include acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth. Thankfully this hormone carries a moderate level of total androgenic activity despite being a direct derivative of the potent androgen DHT. However, individual sensitivity will play a strong role, this steroid is well-known for greatly enhancing male pattern baldness in sensitive men far more than many anabolic steroids.

An important note; the Drostanolone hormone is not metabolized by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. This is the enzyme responsible for reducing testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. In the case of Masteron, it’s already DHT; there is no reduction. As there is no reduction, there is no metabolism and nothing to inhibit. This means the androgenic nature of Masteron will not be strongly affected by a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor such as Finasteride.

Due to its androgenic nature, Masteron can produce virilization symptoms in women. Virilization symptoms can include body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords and clitoral enlargement. Virilization symptoms have been well-noted in breast cancer treatment plans, but this is normally due to the necessary high doses used to treat such a condition. In a performance capacity, it should be possible to use this steroid without related symptoms with a low dose. However, while individual response will dictate quite a bit, this will not be a primary recommended steroid for female athletes. If it is used and related symptoms begin to show, discontinue use immediately and they will fade away. If the symptoms are ignored, it is very possible they may set in and become irreversible.

• Cardiovascular: Masteron can have a significant effect on cholesterol. This can result in an increase in LDL cholesterol, as well as a decrease in HDL cholesterol with the strongest emphasis on the latter. The total affect on cholesterol will not be as strong as often found in many oral steroids, specifically C17-alpha alkylated steroids. However, the total affect on cholesterol management will be stronger than compared to Nandrolone compounds or the testosterone hormone. It is also possible that Masteron could have a slight negative impact on blood pressure, but this will be a non-issue for most.

Due to the cholesterol effects of Drostanolone, cholesterol management becomes very important with this steroid. Far more important than with basic testosterone cycles or stacks including a basic 19-nor. If you already suffer from high cholesterol you should not use this anabolic steroid. If you are healthy enough for use, maintaining a cholesterol friendly lifestyle is very important. Not only does this mean a healthy diet, but it should be one that includes plenty of omega fatty acids, is limited in saturated fats as well as simple sugars. Plenty of cardiovascular activity is also advised.

• Testosterone: Masteron will significantly suppress natural testosterone production making exogenous testosterone therapy important when using this steroid. Failure to include exogenous testosterone will lead most men to a low testosterone condition, which not only comes with numerous possible symptoms but is also extremely unhealthy.

As most will use Masteron in a cutting cycle, it’s very common not to want to use a lot of testosterone due to the high levels of estrogenic activity it can provide. If this is the case, you will find a low dose of 100-200mg per week of testosterone to be enough to combat suppression and give you the needed testosterone.

Once Masteron is discontinued and all exogenous steroidal hormones have cleared your system, natural testosterone production will begin again. Prior levels will not return to normal over night, this will take several months. Due to the slow recovery, Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plans are often recommended. This will speed up the recovery greatly; however, it won’t bring your levels back to their peak, this will still take time. A PCT plan will ensure you have enough testosterone for proper bodily function while your levels continue to naturally rise and significantly cut down on the total recovery time. This natural recovery does assume no prior low testosterone condition existed. It also assumes no damage was done to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) through improper supplementation practices.

• Hepatotoxicity: Masteron is not a hepatotoxic anabolic androgenic steroid and will present no stress or damage to the liver.
Masteron Administration:
The standard Masteron dose for adult men will normally fall in the 300-400mg per week range. Normally, this will mean an injection of 100mg every other day for a total of 6-8 weeks. This does not mean 6-8 weeks represents the total cycle, but this is a common time frame for the Masteron portion of a stack. Some may alternatively choose to split their dose up into a daily injection schedule, but every other day should suffice. If a Drostanolone Enanthate version is found, 1-2 injections per week will work, but such a version is somewhat rare.
For female breast cancer treatment, standard dosing calls for 100mg three times per weeks for 8-12 weeks. This will commonly lead to virilization symptoms that could be hard to reverse. However, no one can deny it’s still better than cancer. For the female athlete, 50mg per week should be more than enough for a total of 4-6 weeks. Some women may find doses closer to 100mg per week to be justified if they tolerate the hormone well. Doses of this range should be controllable for most women, but individual sensitivity must be kept in mind. Doses that go above the 100mg per week mark or beyond 4-6 weeks of use will more than likely produce virilization symptoms at some level.
Source: Types of Steroids -
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Post Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate)

Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate)

Primobolan is one of those anabolic steroids which has a cult following not unlike the old original version of Masteron. Actually, as you can easily see from its anabolic:androgenic ratio below in the profile, its a pretty weak steroid but actually stronger(!) than Masteron in both regards. I dont know anyone who has run both compounds at the same dose. We are probably justified in speculating that youd probably get similar results from either of them, when you consider the fact that you are getting quite a bit less actual drug and more ester when you choose injectable Primobolan (which has the very long Enanthate ester attached to it) over Masteron (which has the very short propionate ester attached to it). In truth, I think part of the reason many Primobolan users have been disappointed is that they failed to use enough of it, for long enough. From its chemical structure and anabolic:androgenic rating, we can assume it is at least as effective as Masteron, on an equal Mg for mg basis. However, due to its ester (in the injectable version), it needs to be run for at least 12 weeks to see the full benefits from it. When you consider a measly dose of 400mgs of this stuff for 12 weeks will probably cost you around $500.
Its easy to see why many people have tried to use less...and have been disappointed with their results. On the other hand, many competitive bodybuilders consider Primobolan indespensible to their pre-contest drud routine, and wouldnt consider dieting without it. Anyway...I think the comparison to Masteron (another great precontest drug) is the best one we can make, with reference to expected gains and results.
I happen to be one of the few people who have used Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron with the Enanthate ester attached) as well as Methenolone Enanthate (injectable Primobolan). I can tell you that the results from these two compounds, when ester and mg potency are the same, are in fact very similar.
Effects of Primobolan
Lets flesh out some of the various general effects of Primobolan, before we get into the differences between the oral and injectable versions... One study performed on sheep involved administering 100mgs of Methenolone, and electronically stimulating their lats (electronic stimulation was used because they kept falling off the chin-up bars). Anyway, when compared with the lat muscles of sheep who didnt receive Methenolone, the receiving group gained significantly more muscle mass as well as strength (1)(2). Its also has a relatively high affinity for binding to the AR, actually binding better than testosterone (3). This ability to strongly bind to the AR may be why Primobolan is such a good "fat burner." Strong AR binding has been positively correlated with lypolysis (fat-burning) (8).
In addition, as this steroid can actually aid in reducing breast tumors, no ancillary products need be considered for use with Primobolan, and in fact, it may actually be a useful ancillary agent in its own right, similar to Masteron. Also, just like Masteron, Primobolan has no propensity to aromatize (convert to estrogen). Since it doesnt aromatize, alot of the side effects commonly associated with estrogen will not be of concern. This means water retention, acne, and gyno will be non-existent more or less. this lack of water retention combined with the slow and steady gains provided by Primo may help to explain why it has earned a reputation for creating quality muscle gains. This also helps to explain why it is so expensive. Although estrogenic sides are not a concern, hair loss still, remains a very real concern with Primobolan, as with many DHT-Derived steroids. Many primobolan fans always include Finasteride and Ketoconazole (shampoo) in cycles containing Primobolan.
Although nobody would ever suggest to use Primobolan as a bulking agent, its been studied as an agent to halt wasting and possibly reverse many of the adverse effects of anemia. It is a shocking failure in both areas, according to some of the case studies Ive read, (5)(6) and this should come to no surprise to anyone. Anadrol reigns supreme in this area, and nobody in the athletic community would ever compare those two drugs. However, Michael Mooney and many other respected doctors who work with AIDS patients have found sufficient evidence to claim that Primobolan is an immune enhancer and as such is very useful for AIDS patients (not that the FDA cares...Primobolan is still not approved for sale in the United States). AIDS patients arent really in need of Bulking Drugs, so an immune enhancer like Primo which will add small, quality gains in muscle is perfect for them. And since we arent even going to vaguely consider the use of Primobolan as a bulking agent, clearly this leaves us with considering it primarily for use in gaining and maintaining lean tissue. Its a great choice for this purpose, and many competitors have used it very successfully to retain muscle while on a calorie reduced diet. The reason Primo is so useful for this purpose is that one of its primary functions is to help your body retain nitrogen (7) at a greatly enhanced rate. The greater your nitrogen retention is, the more muscle you will build. In the case of using primo as a pre-contest drug, this nitrogen retention will help you retain muscle and ensure that your dieting preferentially favors fat loss over muscle loss.
Primobolan is a very unique steroid, as it is one of the few that comes in both an oral as well as an injectable version. I suppose Winstrol does also, but Primobolan actually has a different ester on the oral (acetate ) and injectable (Enanthate) versions. The oral version is one of the more interesting oral compounds Ive looked into. For starters, its one of the few compounds available to athletes and bodybuilders which is both oral as well as non-17-alpha-alkylation. This alteration is (as Im sure you remember from other stuff Ive written) what generally makes oral steroids survive their first pass through your liver, but also makes them Hepatoxic (Liver toxic). Well... oral Primo doesnt have this feature, so it is very mild on your liver (actually it basically isnt liver toxic at all), but also is largely destroyed by it, since 17 beta estrification and 1 alkylation is the method used to make this stuff orally available. Youll need to take a lot of this stuff for it to be effective... 100mgs/day of the oral version is a safe estimate for reasonable gains& for women, you could get away with less; perhaps 25mgs/day. Even though the acetate ester has a 2-3 day active life, your liver will do some damage to oral primo, so every day dosing will still be necessary.
When men were given a 30-45mg dose of the oral version of Primo, they experienced a 15-65% decrease in gonadotropin levels (9). Remember, I said 100mgs is a good dose for gains... well, youll also reduce your gonadotropin levels considerably. I have personally never understood why people recommend either oral or injectable Primobolan as a possible bridging compound for this reason... maybe at a too-low-to-do-anything dose of 10mgs it could be used as a bridge. And forget about using injectable Primo to bridge&
Source: Types of Steroids -
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Post Winstrol (stanozolol)

Winstrol (stanozolol)

Winstrol - Stanozolol is a very commonly used anabolic steroid for cutting cycles. While many people will attempt to use Dianabol or even Anadrol for cutting cycles, Ive really never heard of anyone using Stanozolol for anything except a cutting cycle. Its a bit of a one-trick-pony in this respect. Let me repeat that: Stanozolol is a cutting drug. Not many people will argue for its use in a bulking cycle. Its certainly not a very effective compound for treating anemia (1) and thus, one could rightly assume that its role in bulking cycles is very limited. One novel use for Winstrol in any cycle (perhaps even bulking) would be to use it at a very limited dose, in order to lower SHBG. (2) One of the properties of Winstrol is its profound ability to lower SHBG much more than other steroids. A dose of .2mg/kg lowered SHBG significantly, which would in turn, raise the amount of free testosterone circulating in the body. As with 99% of steroids, however, its important to note that suppression of your natural hormonal levels will occur (though perhaps not to the extent that it will with many other steroids).(10) As with running virtually any compound, testosterone supplementation (i.e. running test in a cycle containing Winstrol) is warranted to avoid possible sexual dysfunction.
Winstrol & Stanozolol Side Effects
Adding it to a heavy bulking cycle could be problematic, as Stanozolol is a 17aa compound, meaning that its been altered to endure the first pass through your liver without being destroyed. This makes it an orally active compound; so many people choose to take the pills which are available from both legitimate pharmaceutical companies as well as Underground Labs. Unfortunately, since it is 17aa, it is also liver toxic& in fact; Stanozolol has one of the worst hepatoxicity (mg for mg) of any steroid.
This is the reason its addition to a bulking cycle could be problematic; generally a bulking cycle will be very heavy, dosage wise as well as toxicity-wise. It also has undesirable results on Cholesterol, and a mere 6mgs/day of Stanozolol can lower HDL by 33% and raise LDL by 29% (3). Cardiac Hypertrophy, even at lower doses could be a concern with Winstrol as well (4) Thus, many people limit their intake of Stanozolol to precontest or Summer-cutting types of cycles. Its generally accepted that due to the toxicity issues of Stanozolol, its use should be limited to 6 weeks& as with anything though, many people have run it for up to 12 weeks with no problems.
Winstrol & Stanozolol Use Effects
I ran Winstrol for about 3 months (12 weeks) at a dose of 100mgs Every Other Day (along with Test prop at 125mgs, every other day) and I suffered no ill-effects. My joints felt fine, and I can say that the only thing which was undesirable about that cycle was the injection pain. Generally, people report a "dry" and less lubricated feeling in their joints when on this drug (fluid retention is nil with Stanozolol), and also a "dry" overall look as regards contest prep. This could be due to a sort of "reverse-osmotic" effect...of course this is speculation, but people do look "dryer" on Winnie, and some even look dryer in the site they inject (more on this later). There are many conflicting reports on tendon strength and Stanozolol, even in medical journals. Some reports state that it weakens tendons, others that it strengthens them (and some speculation on the internet among many "gurus" is that it strengthens them unevenly, leading to possible injury). For this reason, it may be best for athletes in explosive or high-impact sports to stay away from this drug. It has certainly been shown to be beneficial in some bone ailments induced by glucocorticoid induced stress (5) as well as having collagen producing properties (11), but with all of the anecdotal problems athletes have suffered with their joints while on Stanozolol, I simply can not recommend it with confidence to strength/speed athletes. I can say that personally, it was an effective compound for me and did not cause joint duress, but I can do without the discomfort of the shots, and have found other DHT based compounds to be far more effective (Masteron springs to mind).
As previously stated, this compound is unique, as it is available in both an oral form as well as an injectable form. Both forms contain the exact same compound, but injecting this compound (and yes, you can drink the injectable version, and no you shouldn't) is superior to ingesting it orally in terms of nitrogen retention (6), and thus one would also imagine, for overall anabolism. Injecting it also has the advantage of avoiding the "first pass" through your liver, and thus places your liver under less stress.
Stanozolol (Winstrol) and Women
Stanozolol is also one of the few compounds that women can take safely, as its anabolic:androgenic ratio is quite skewed towards anabolism. Its generally accepted that women can tolerate around 5-10mgs a day of this compound. Men, on the other hand can dose themselves in the .5-1.5mg/kg range. I find 100mgs injected every other Day to be sufficient, but of course, even with the injectable form, every day dosing is optimal. I tend to favor DHT based compounds, and have enjoyed great success with a Winstrol/Masteron/Testosterone cycle, but I suspect that replacing the Masteron in that cycle with Trenbolone would prove more beneficial for most bodybuilders seeking to get ripped.
Although the anabolic ratio of this product is very high as compared to its androgenic actions, not many people report huge weight gains off of Stanozolol. Also, interestingly, it has a relatively weak AR binding ability (7), which is quite unusual for a "cutting" steroid. Many of the effects of this drug, as relates to building muscle, are probably from its very high protein synthesizing ability (6) (8). In addition, since this compound is derived from DHT, it tends to promote a very nice, "quality" look to the users muscles, with little or no water retention. Winstrol does not aromatize at any rate and has even been speculated to have anti-progestenic properties (in at least some cases, where it may "block" that receptor) (9). If one were to run ancillary compounds with Stanozolol, perhaps Tamoxifen would be appropriate for its beneficial effects on blood lipids, but an anti-estrogen (in its classic sense) would be unwarranted; proper post cycle therapy is still needed, though.
Most underground labs produce Winstrol at very reasonable prices, in both an oral as well as injectable form. Unfortunately, production value differs vastly due to the varying size of the Stanozolol powder used to make the injectable version; the finer the powder, the smaller gauge needle it will fit through, and the easier the injection will be. Of course the opposite is also true& In any case, you should be paying under $100 for a 10ml bottle of 100mg/ml concentration, and roughly the same for 100 or so 10mg tablets.

Source: Types of Steroids -
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Post Trenbolone (trenbolone acetate)

Trenbolone (trenbolone acetate)

The drug Trenbolone is, without a doubt, the most powerful injectable anabolic steroid used to gain muscle. However the full properties of the drug are not always fully understood. This profile will separate fact from fiction and help members decide if Trenbolone is right for them.
Trenbolone is similar to the highly popular steroid Nandrolone, in that they are both 19-nor steroids, meaning that a testosterone molecule has been altered at the 19th position to give us a new compound. Unlike Nandrolone however Trenbolone is an excellent mass and hardening drug with the majority of gains being muscle fiber, with minimal water retention (1) It has an unbelievable anabolic (muscle building) score of 500. When you compare that to Testosterone, which itself is a powerful mass builder, and has an anabolic score of 100 you can begin to fathom the muscle building potential of Trenbolone. What makes Trenbolone so anabolic? Numerous factors come into play. Trenbolone greatly increases the level of the extremely anabolic hormone IGF-1 within muscle tissue (2). And, its worth noting that not only does it increase the levels of IGF-1 in muscle over two fold, it also causes muscle satellite cells (cells that repair damaged muscle) to be more sensitive to IGF-1 and other growth factors(3). The amount of DNA per muscle cell may also be significantly increased (3).
Trenbolone also has a very strong binding affinity to the androgen receptor (A.R), binding much more strongly than testosterone (4). This is important, because the stronger a steroid binds to the androgen receptor the better that steroid works at activating A.R dependent mechanisms of muscle growth. There is also strong supporting evidence that compounds which bind very tightly to the androgen receptor also aid in fat loss. Think as the receptors as locks and androgen's as different keys, with some keys (androgen's) opening (binding) the locks (receptors) much better than others. This is not to say that AR-binding is the final word on a steroids effectiveness. Anadrol doesnt have any measurable binding to the AR& and we all know how potent Anadrol is for mass-building.
Trenbolone increases nitrogen retention in muscle tissue (5). This is of note because nitrogen retention is a strong indicator of how anabolic a substance is. However, it's incredible mass building effects do not end there. Trenbolone has the ability to bind with the receptors of the anti-anabolic (muscle destroying) glucocorticoid hormones (6). This may also has the effect of inhibiting the catabolic (muscle destroying) hormone cortisol (7).
Yet another amazing trait that must be noted is its ability to improve feed efficiency and mineral absorption in animals given the drug (8). To help you understand what this means for you, feed efficiency is a measurement of how much of an animals diet is converted into meat, and the more food it takes to produce this meat, the lower the efficiency. Conversely, the less food it takes to produce meat the, higher the efficiency& well you get the idea. Animals given Trenbolone gained high quality weight without having their diet adjusted, thus improving feed efficiency. Finding new compounds which can improve feed efficiency is a billion dollar industry, and has spawned many nutritional advances in the bodybuilding world over the last few decades (CLA, Whey Protein, and HMB are compounds which spring to mind as having first been introduced by the livestock industry). What does this translate to for the hard training athlete? The food you eat will be better utilized for building lean muscle, and vitamins and minerals are also better absorbed which may keep you healthier during cycle.
Trenbolone is also a highly androgenic hormone, when compared with Testosterone, which has an androgenic ratio of 100; Trenbolone's androgenic ratio is an astonishing 500. Highly androgenic steroids are appreciated for the effects they have on strength as well as changing the estrogen/androgen ratio, thus reducing water and under the skin. As if the report on Trenbolone was not good enough, it gets better; Trenbolone is extraordinarily good as a fat loss agent. One reason for this is its powerful effect on nutrient partitioning (9). It is a little known fact is that androgen receptors are found in fat cells as well as muscle cells(10), androgens act directly on the A.R in fat cells to affect fat burning.(11) the stronger the androgen binds to the A.R, the higher the lipolytic (fat burning) effect on adipose tissue (fat)(11). Since some steroids even increase the numbers of A.R in muscle and fat (11, 12) this fat loss effect would be amplified with the concurrent use of other compounds, such as Testosterone.
Trenbolone promotes red blood cell production and increases the rate of glycogen replenishment, significantly improving recovery (13). Like almost all steroids, it's effects are dose dependant with higher dosages having the greatest effects on body composition and strength. Mental changes are a notorious side effect of Trenbolone use (15), androgens increase chemicals in the brain that promote aggressive behavior(16), which can be beneficial for some athletes wanting to improve speed and power.
Trenbolone's chemical structure makes it resistant to the aromatize enzyme (conversion to estrogen) thus absolutely no percentage of Trenbolone will convert to estrogen. Trenbolone administration would not promote estrogenic side effects such as breast tissue growth in men (gynecomastia, bitch tits) accelerated fat gain, decline in fat break down and water retention. Trenbolone is also resistant to the 5- alpha-reductase enzyme, this enzyme reduces some steroid hormones into a more androgenic form, in this case however this does not matter. Trenbolone boasts an androgenic ratio of 500. It can easily cause adverse androgenic side effects in people who are prone to hair loss, prostate enlargement, oily skin and acne. Unfortunately Trenbolone's potential negative side effects do not end there. Trenbolone is also a noted progestin: it binds to the receptor of the female sex hormone progesterone (with about 60% of the actual strength progesterone) (17). In sensitive people this can lead to bloat and breast growth worse still, Trenbolone's active metabolite 17beta-trenbolone has a binding affinity to the progesterone receptor (PgR) that is actually greater than progesterone itself (18). No need to panic though, the anti-estrogens letrzole or fulvestrant can lower progesterone levels, and combat any progestenic sides. The use of a 19-nor compound like trenbolone also increases prolactin & . bromocriptine or cabergoline are often recommended to lower prolatin levels (20). Testicular atrophy (shrunken balls) may also occur; HCG used intermittently throughout a cycle can prevent this. (21) It is also wise for Tren users to closely monitor their cholesterol levels, as well as kidney function and liver enzymes, as Tren has the potential to negatively affect all of those functions. Finaplix, being a powerful progestin, will also shut down natural testosterone production which even a relatively small dose and keep the testosterone level suppressed for an extended period of time, this can lower libido and cause erectile dysfunction (fina dick). It is essential that you always stack Finaplix with testosterone.
The acetate ester is a very short-chain ester attached to the Finaplix molecule. It has an active life of 2-3 days but to keep blood levels of trenbolone elevated and steady, daily injections are often recommended. The acetate ester provides a rapid and high concentration of the hormone which is beneficial to those seeking quick gains, coupled with a rapid clearing time the acetate ester can be discontinued on the onset of adverse side effects.
Now that the properties of Trenbolone Acetate have been explained we can better understand how to use it in order to maximize its advantages. Evidence suggests that Finaplix when stacked with estrogen promotes more weight gain that Trenbolone alone(22), now Im not telling you to go pop some birth control with your Tren but the addition of aromatizing orals such as Dianabol and a long estered testosterone such as Cypionate or Enanthate would produce great gains in a bulking cycle. For a cutting cycle Finaplix is the best choice you have; Trenbolone's powerful effect on nutrient shuttling allows a user to restrict calories and remain in a state of positive nitrogen balance (remember what that means?). The cortisol reducing effect and binding to the glucocorticoid receptor will greatly reduce the catabolic effects of harsh dieting and excessive amounts of cardio and not to mention that Finaplix itself may burn fat (due to its strong AR-binding). A good choice to stack with Tren in a cutting cycle is Winstrol. Winstrol has a low binding affinity to the AR and thus will act in your body in vastly different ways than the Tren (i.e. in non-receptor mediated action). In addition, Winstrol is a DHT-based drug and Tren is a 19-nor& throw in some Testosterone (prop), and you'll have a cutting cycle which takes advantage of all 3 major families of Anabolic Steroids (Testosterone, 19-nor, and DHT), as well as vastly different AR-binding affinities and mechanisms of action.
Ironically, even though Trenbolone ( Tren ) is an excellent contest prep drug, it lowers your thyroid level(23), and this raises prolactin. I recommend taking T3 (25mcgs/day) along with your Tren to avoid elevating your prolactin too high via this route.
Also, this drug is a poor choice for athletes who rely on cardiovascular fitness to play a sport. Trenbolone ( Tren ), anecdotally at least, reduces many athletes ability to sustain high levels of endurance. Unfortunately, this makes Tren a poor choice for many.

Source: Types of Steroids -
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