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Dbol8 05-13-2014 04:36 PM

Dbol and TRT Replacement
Hey everyone just looking for some opinions on this. I currently get one 250 mg shot of Test Cyp. From my doctor every 2 weeks for TRT replacement. I will say it works well for me and have noticed a change.

I currently have some D-Bol and was wondering what you guys think about running D-Bol with this. Really my question is if I run this will I lose all the D-Bol gains even if I stay on Test. all year round.

Also before you guys say take more Test. Which I would agree with on that statement I will say I can't ahead of time. The reason being if I get too jacked that could prompt a drug test at work and get my ass shit canned. My work has a zero drug policy.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Cornish_Celt 05-13-2014 06:32 PM

If you're worried about getting too jacked then it's probably a good idea to stay off the dbol.

backspace 05-13-2014 09:03 PM

You get a script so what if you get tested? I don't get it

toon22 05-13-2014 11:35 PM

^ valid question

Dbol8 05-14-2014 12:37 AM

That is a valid question. Even with a valid script my place of employment view on steroids is that it can alter ones mental status "roid rage". Although if they pushed the issue if it came out I think I would be able to fight it through the labor department and win. But honestly I'm not looking to push my luck just look a little bit better without tipping anyone off.

I do appreciate the comments. Thanks

toon22 05-14-2014 01:04 AM

very well
Better safe than sorry

13uie67 05-14-2014 03:49 AM

people have this idea tht gear just out of nowhere makes you this big noticeable guy.. and thts really not the case.. if it were true the guys tht have been using gear for years would be way way way bigger than what they are now.. yes gear increases size but in a long amount of time and hard eating and work !!!! unless ur super human and ur dope comes from mars ur really not goin to see the change like u think.. u need to realize tht whatever is in ur mind on how gear works i a false representation of what gear really is and what it does to you.. im sorry to say tht ur thinkin on the whole gear issue is tht of a typical stereo typw person tht just rrads tabloids and dosnt really understand or know anything about steroids... just my opimion through experience with gear.. my advice for u is to not do it if u really dnt know how ot works..

backspace 05-14-2014 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dbol8 (Post 36380)
That is a valid question. Even with a valid script my place of employment view on steroids is that it can alter ones mental status "roid rage". Although if they pushed the issue if it came out I think I would be able to fight it through the labor department and win. But honestly I'm not looking to push my luck just look a little bit better without tipping anyone off.

I do appreciate the comments. Thanks

fair enough

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