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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2016, 10:20 AM
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Default Dan Duchaine Heavy Mass and Power Stack

just saw this suggested cycle for mass and power from dan duchaine

looks bloody interesting may give shot one time
whats people thoughts on it
whats peoples thoughts on Anadrol

this is opposite of lower test to tren ratio that is favoured a lot
hear is cycle article written for it

First we start with the base compound Testosterone. Because this is an advanced stack I'm going to include advanced doses but lesser doses may be used. Testosterone is a staple for sheer size and power. It's a compound that makes you feel like a bulldozer in the gym and at the same time increases mood and libido. Contrary to the recent fads of using low doses of Testosterone I recommend using as much as you can tolerate within the range of 800-1,600mg Testosterone weekly. This base will be built on with one of the strongest traditional oral steroids of all time.

Anadrol is the king of traditional oral steroids. You may find stronger designer steroids but for an old school oral nothing beats Anadrol. The strength and mass that can be added with Anadrol is staggering. Anadrol is a true mass and power compound. Because of the duration of the cycle I would recommend 50-100mg Anadrol daily to compliment the testosterone base. More than 100mg daily may not provide further benefit for adding mass and will likely just cause more liver stress according to one study in HIV patients. In the same study the subjects reached maximum weight in 8-12 weeks so durations should generally be less than 12 weeks with Anadrol. The third and last compound in this mass and power stack is one of the most potent injectable steroids in our arsenal.

Trenbolone is quite powerful especially when used in certain ways. In fact, Trenbolone is 3-5 times more anabolic and androgenic than Testosterone. Trenbolone binds to androgen receptors (ARs) with approximately three times the affinity of testosterone and has been shown to augment skeletal muscle mass and bone growth and reduce adiposity! Tren is one potent weapon in the bodybuilder's arsenal. Therefore, trying to figure out a way to maximize Trenbolones amazing potential while minimizing its side effects has been a pursuit of mine. Obviously, reducing the dosage is a way to reduce side effects since many times side effects are dose dependent. Some users report that small, every day injections reduce side effects and this can easily be done with an insulin syringe in a lean muscle group. Stacking with complimentary steroids such as Testosterone maximizes Trenbolones potential and also reduces side effects such as loss of libido. I'm convinced there's almost no other traditional injectable stack that's as potent and versatile as Testosterone and Trenbolone. It's a simple stack with enormous potential to harden muscle, promote fat loss and add raw strength. Adding Anadrol adds even more to this synergy of mass and power. Since Trenbolone is so anabolic it's a great muscle builder as well. I prefer dosing Testosterone at least two times higher than the Trenbolone dose however when entering a contest prep I prefer the opposite. I recommend either a replacement dose of Testosterone with Tren or no Testosterone at all in the final weeks of prep to illicit a dry shredded look. First time users of Trenbolone may start as low as 200mg Tren weekly to experience its powerful effects. More adventuresome users may double that dosage to 400mg Tren weekly.

Sample 8-10 Week Mass and Power Cycle

1,200mg Testosterone blend weekly
400mg Trenbolone Enanthate weekly
100mg Anadrol daily

Keep Nolvadex on hand in case gyno symptoms present and stay very well hydrated. Avoid alcohol and acetaminophen or anything else that stresses your liver. Cycle supporting supplements are recommended.

*This cycle is for experienced users.

The purpose of this stack is mass and power so nutrition needs to be in accordance with a bulking phase. Keep calories above maintenance and be sure to include plenty of protein. Training needs to be hard and heavy but keep in mind that injury may occur with the newly increased strength so stay strict with movements and resist the urge for one or two rep sets unless you are advanced in your training. I personally would employ high volume training with sets ranging from 6-10 reps. Recovery is also an important component that must not be overlooked. Plenty of rest and sleep will allow for a greater response to the cycle. "If you cannot grow on this cycle you cannot grow on anything."
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2016, 10:26 AM
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Definitely for advanced users.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2016, 01:12 PM
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no shit lol

think id reduce time of orals as 10 weeks does seem quite long
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2016, 06:45 PM
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I don't believe I'll ever do orals. Oils only for me man.

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," Yoda.

Jedi in Training
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