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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2012, 06:56 PM
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Default being sick and it affecting gear

hi, of course been doing really well with the cycle and then this morning woke up by being violently sick and the shits!!
ok now just feel wiped out, im just wondering will being sick affect my cycle or shouldn't i worry??
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2012, 12:12 AM
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As I'm contemplating my first cycle this issue bothers me, how exacly would it effect the cycle, would you keep on injecting etc throughout the recovery period and how long rest up period would you realistically give yourself??
There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. Sir Ranulph Fiennes

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2012, 02:18 AM
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On Tuesday of this week, I was just released from the hospital after my appendix ruptured 8 days earlier. Something serious like that is a concern about your cycle. The stomach flu, or a bad meal you had that's giving you the runs and making you vomit, isn't.

Being sick, is just being sick. You carry on with what you are doing. If you stop, you are going to throw the blood plasma levels off, you have them steady now that you are into your cycle. You want to maintain the course you are on, so ur test levels don't begin to drop. Nor do you want to throw off whatever other compounds you are using.

The only real problem is that you cant eat(I'm guessing) and that you wont be training much. Now, there is a rainbow after this storm. That time away from the gym is going to give your body a very well deserved rest, because when we are on we punish it. When you get back in, a few days later, a week, how ever long you are ill you will notice better pumps, you will feel that muscle stretching again and breaking down so it can heal itself up and grow bigger. This is a period where the gear is maintaining what you have, and you know that you grow after you tear the body down, not during the course of training.

For now, just focus on getting better. Dont push yourself and extend the illness. The more effort you put in to getting through this, the faster you will be back in the gym. Thats exactly what I'm doing now. Thankfully I had taken a 750mg shot of test the day before, because there was only 3ml left in the bottle and I said fuck it, fill er
In all seriousness Im very lucky that I am in good health, and that I am physically strong and have a lot of muscle mass for the body to feed off of while laying in a hospital bed for that amount of time. Dinner was served through an IV line, along with enough pain meds and antibiotics, and a beautiful fever of nearly 105, I thought that someone dropped some acid in my drip

Rest easy man, and you will be back again refreshed and swinging harder than you have in a while.
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