08-05-2015, 09:48 AM
Active Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: London, UK
Posts: 126
Originally Posted by new-Jedi
I left the needle in for 30 seconds,but after pulling out, I still had a little bit of test. Not a lot, but over 24 injections, it will be significant. I suspect there is nothing I can do to safe that test, so I put the cap back on the pin and put it in safety container. However, any tips on how to keep that from happening.
I'm positive I push the plunger all the way. Left it in for awhile. Not sure what more to do.
If a I had to guess at how much was left in, um maybe 3mg or something. Nothing I'd be willing to try to save, I don't want an infection.
Originally Posted by new-Jedi
It was still in plunger. I guess it makes sense it could have drawn back in. It did take some pressure to plung.
23x1 is size of pin.
Originally Posted by new-Jedi
Since there is some extra I'll try putting more plunger to get full 250mg.
wow, was that something you did not study?
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