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GoPower 06-24-2010 04:03 AM

I vote yes, depending on the type of training, and if you are in the right condition relative to the type of training. And for the record, I am soon to be 51.

chicagodj 06-24-2010 06:19 AM

I workout 4 days a week. Based on DC Training.
Mon. Chest, Shoulders, Tri's, Back Width and Back Thickness.
Tues. Bi's, Forearms, Calves, Hams and quads.
Wed. off
Thurs. Chest, Shoulders, Tri's, Back Width and Back Thickness.
Friday Bi's, Forearms, Calves, Hams and quads.
Sat. off
Sun. off

Now to get into specifics regarding training. Stay with me here. You are only doing one exercise per muscle group per day. You are doing your first favorite exercise for chest on day one, you're doing your second favorite exercise for chest the next time chest training rolls around and then your third favorite exercise for chest the time after that when chest training rolls around. Then you repeat the entire sequence again. You're doing the same exercises you would be doing anyway in a 7-14 days time and training chest 3 times in that same period with minimal sets so you can recover. You cannot do a 3-5 exercise, 10-20 set chest workout and recover to train chest again 3-4 days later. It's absolutely impossible!! But you can come in and do 2-5 warmup sets up to your heaviest set and then do ONE working set (either straight set or rest paused) all out on that exercise then recover and grow and be ready again 3-4 days later. This kind of training will have you growing as fast as humanly possible. Again the simple equation is "the most times per year you can train a body part incredibly heavy, with major strength gains, and recover will equal out to the fastest accumulation of muscle mass possible".

MEATHEAD 06-24-2010 11:30 AM

I voted no.The reason being when i first started lifting i was doing a 3 day split with a day off then repeating.I built some muscle and got stronger but when i went to every other day is when i blew up.Another good approach i like is a adaptation of heavy duty and blood n guts that i respond to very well but can t do for more than a month and a half before i start over training.

mr.bean 06-28-2010 10:16 PM

I think that actually has more to do with how long did you train before. If you trained many years before that should not be a problem for you IMHO.

admin 07-31-2010 01:10 PM

I remember that I've read an interview with Arnie (at that time he was about 50 years) and he said he is training 5 days per week 1 hour.

CigarMan 09-30-2010 05:42 PM

I know this is an older post, but there is not much going on here in the 40 over forum.

I did vote a while back and I said "no", mainly based on my own experience. When I was in my mid 20s training 5-6 days a week and then playing sports on top of that was no problem. Now being closer to 50, it depends on how hard I train. If I train real heavy, I just lift 2 days a week. If I train more at 70% of 1RM, then I can train 3 or 4 times a week.

While on cycle, I can train heavy 4 times a week.

statemachine 10-03-2010 02:33 AM

No way.Unless you could snooze for 40 mins within an hour or so.

stpete 06-25-2011 01:17 PM

I voted yes because it's a rather vague question. Totally depends on the person and the workout they're thinking about doing. If it's simply sit ups, push ups and cardio, why not? Anyone can, and should imo, do those. If it's a 55 year old wanting to try 5x5's on the bench w/ weight he not comfortable with, then no.
Just my .02

joboco 06-25-2011 08:39 PM

If your doing it right, lifting hard/heavy, good routine then 3 time a week is definitely enough.
Unless your on something and if you are and can train 5 times a week and get results ill buy some.

manowarrior 06-25-2011 11:21 PM

I dont see why anyone would even need to workout more than 3 times a week :confused:

i think its more ego that gets people to train that often.
lack of knowledge and ego. the more is better mentality that rightfully has its place in society....but not bodybuilding.

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